Should We Really Make Fun Of Liberals Since They Most Likely Suffer Mental Handicaps

I feel like I should act like I'm a liberal to not suffer social consequences but it goes against my values. What should I do?

What you should do is ask an actionable question. The one on offer is impossibly vague, and posits some sort of social pressure by liberals to make you violate your conscience and values, which I question quite a lot. Are you really being required to “go against your values”?What value, specifically, do you mean?What consequences, specifically, are on offer if you don’t do what you think they want?What, specifically, do you think they want you to pretend to be? If you’re unwilling to be specific, the answers you are likely to get here are unlikely to be helpful or relevant.It’s probably useful to note that this sort of claim (that liberals are oppressive/intolerant, and persecute conservatives for having …values) is often advanced in conservative media, rarely supported with specifics or details. You’ll understand my… skepticism at hearing this sort of claim presented in the abstract, void of context or details. It sounds an awful lot like a piece of push-polling, asking respondents to reason on top of the claim that conservatives are persecuted by liberals for their values.Look, I’m a conservative. I live among liberals, and I don’t believe they want me to suppress my conscience or violate my own principles. I deal regularly with misunderstandings that fall out of our differences, but mostly, we’re all good people who want basically the same stuff and maybe we disagree on how to have it.Of course, I do realize that some conservatives really believe their “values” oblige them to do antisocial things, like shaming gays or even assaulting them, but are those really your values?- More often than that, those are the dictates of a tribe you’ve found yourself identified with.If you feel like you’re caught between some sense of obligation to do antisocial things and the desire to fit in among liberals, you have options:act on those obligations and take the consequences, ordon’t live among liberals, orask yourself really why you feel like there’s a conflict between what you’re supposed to be like, and what your environment will put up with.Let me recommend you take up the last one first. Why, where you live, do you have this sense that your ‘values’ are in conflict with your environment?

What does God do with mentally handicapped people who don't even comprehend what "god" is, none the less ...?

I would say God views them as little children,with all the innocents that goes with being a child.Jesus said let the children come to me .

When you say mentally handicapped.....that can mean a 12 year old with the mentality of a 5 year old. Look at the personality of a five year old ......very innocent and trusting.....God would never let a child perish.That mentally handicapped person wont be handicapped in heaven.God will make him new!!!

I’ve heard on more than one occasion that liberalism is a mental disorder. Is there any hard proof that this true?

( Funny anti Liberal quotes)There is no hard proof liberalism is a mental disorder.I’m proud to be a member of a group who has given the following to society.Social SecurityCivil rightsMedicareMedicaidA woman's right to chooseHealth insurance for millions of AmericansVoting rightsPeace CorpsAmericorpsPell GrantsThe decision to send thousands to Vietnam rests with democrats.When will our country not label people for what we believe but for how we’ve helped others?When can I see questions asking how we as a society can make America a better place for ALL of us?It’s not a mental illness to care for our neighbors.

Do conservatives think that mental illness/disorders are not real, but simply weakness? For example: PTSD or clinical depression.

Robert Sapolsky (Stanford professor of neurology) recently published a book about the neurobiology of behavior. In it he describes the biological correlates to poltitical behaviors.For American conservatives (ON AVERAGE) , it seems that they make their political decisions based on emotion rather than reasoning. This means that when you ask someone with conservative political beliefs about something relevant like “how would you describe people who are diagnosed with PTSD?” areas of their brain that regulate emotion driven behavior will activate (e.g. the ventromedial prefrontal cortex). In contrast, someone who identifies as a liberal is more likely to have their dorsomedial prefrontal cortex activated (the area of the brain that regulates logic-based decision making).What that means is that people who identify as conservative are more likely to support a political ideology because the alternative makes them feel icky or mad. For instance, the idea of someone being traumatized from an event and having functional difficulties as a result may make them feel disgusted (insular cortex for this feeling), like “that coward disgusts me.” For someone who identifies as a liberal, the decision making process will be based on some attempt at logical reasoning (e.g. research shows that blah blah blah). That being said, someone who identifies as a liberal will still feel emotions about their political beliefs, but they will have brain areas that regulate reasoning skills to investigate those feelings.OK, so when we really boil it down, people that are conservative hold on to traditions and taboos more strongly. If the culture is that people with mental illness are weak and disgusting, then a conservative is more likely to feel that emotion and stop there. In contrast, a liberal is more likely to feel that emotion and then ask, “why do I feel that way?”To answer your question more pointedly: no, not necessarily. Someone who is conservative is just more likely to have an emotional reason for their assessment of what mental illness is.Conservatives are also more sensitive to threatening stimuli, as they have greater amygdala activity compared to liberals in response the threatening stimuli.The research here is very squishy. A quick literature search will show that.If you are more interested in this subject, I highly recommend Behave by Robert Sapolsky.Cheers!

What makes the abortion of a fetus any different then the removal of a tapeworm?

Ahhhh yes classic conservative come back. You cannot refute what I stated so you resort to insulting my grammar which honestly could be much worse. Though I met let you know that I am not liberal. I hate liberals almost as much as conservatives. I am a political middlegrounder that enjoys sitting and laughing at your pointless bickering.

What are characteristics of mental retardation and autism?

Are these two separate questions, or do you want to know what are the common characteristics, or what?

"All people with autism have difficulty with social interactions and relationships. Parents often describe their child with autism as preferring to play alone and making little eye contact with other people. Other symptoms of autism include:

Difficulties with verbal and nonverbal communication. Language development in children with autism is almost always delayed.
Limited, repetitive, and overused (stereotyped) patterns of behavior, interests, and play. Many typical behaviors—such as repetitive body rocking, unusual attachments to objects, and holding fast to routines and rituals—are driven by the need for sameness and resistance to change.
There is no “typical” person with autism. Although autism is defined by the above characteristics, people with autism can have many different combinations of behaviors in mild to severe forms."

Mental Retardation:

"There are many signs of mental retardation. For example, children with mental retardation may:

sit up, crawl, or walk later than other children;
learn to talk later, or have trouble speaking,
find it hard to remember things,
not understand how to pay for things,
have trouble understanding social rules,
have trouble seeing the consequences of their actions,
have trouble solving problems, and/or
have trouble thinking logically.

About 87% of people with mental retardation will only be a little slower than average in learning new information and skills. When they are children, their limitations may not be obvious. They may not even be diagnosed as having mental retardation until they get to school. As they become adults, many people with mild retardation can live independently. Other people may not even consider them as having mental retardation.

The remaining 13% of people with mental retardation score below 50 on IQ tests. These people will have more difficulty in school, at home, and in the community. A person with more severe retardation will need more intensive support his or her entire life. Every child with mental retardation is able to learn, develop, and grow. With help, all children with mental retardation can live a satisfying life."