Should You Expect The Worse In People

Why does expecting the worst in people attract the worst in people?

Because when we are looking for something, we have a better chance of finding it.  First off, we notice more "bad" qualities because we subconsciously look for confirmation that we're correct.  If I think someone's a jerk, I'm more likely to make note of the jerky qualities, confirming that I'm right.  If I think someone is great, then it's easier to overlook the bad and focus on their nice qualities.  Another reason is that we are affecting others' behaviour as we interact.  If I think someone's a jerk, I'm more likely to give off subconscious hints implying that, even if I don't mean to.  For example, I may not maintain as good of eye contact, or I may seem impatient while listening to the other person.  I'd essentially be less engaged in the interaction.  It really is true that what goes around comes around, and if you send out negativity, it will come back to you.  I don't mean that in the sense that someone or something is keeping track of all the bad things you do and making bad things happen to you in payback, but just that our attitudes are reflected back to us in the people with whom we interact.

Why do people expect the worst?

I can't answer this for other people. But I will give you my reasons to expect the worst.I have had a pretty heavy life. Have been through more than some go through in a lifetime. Had a lot of bad things happen in my life. Most out of my control. This made me fear life and what it will bring from a very young age. Afraid that bad things will happen and that when good things happen I will lose them. You can see it as a fear for what the future will bring. A fear for what has to come and for getting broken more and more. To make that I don't get my hopes up and get disappointed I just assume the worst will happen. That way it is always better than I expected and can I make my hard days a little less hard because it could have been worst. Hope is something beautiful and dangerous at the same time. I don't want to hope things will go well and then get hurt. So I don't hope for it. I just expect the worst.

Would it be I was expecting worst or worse?

expecting the worst ( the worst possible )
expecting worse ( it was not as bad as you thought it would be )

Should we always expect the worse?

My view is generally if you expect the worst, you can be happily surprised. But there's a difference between expect and think. Negative attribution (i.e. this happened because of a fault in me) is not expecting the worst, it's thinking the worst (which is bad). And expecting the worst and giving up straight away - also bad.

So: you have to prepare for the worst (or be caught off-guard) but try your best anyway, a bit of a dichotomy, but there you go. Or expect the worst when waiting for results, expect the best when trying/doing the work - to boost confidences (it's only meant to be a general rule of thumb, not a hard and fast life rule).

The law of attraction idea (you get what you expect) is utterly ridiculous pop psychology. There is no way your expectations influence reality except through your behaviour. So you could get the same effect through *faking* expecting the best, if you're a good actor. It is important to be clear on causality.

Is there a word for someone who expects the worst?

Sorry, but by your description, that's still a pessimist (since they're thinking about getting let down.)

However, they say, "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."


If there's a word you like, but it's not the word you're looking for, then take it to the thesaurus.

Is it bad to expect the worst in others?

What is right or wrong? Is it wrong to judge ones actions to be either positive or negative? To expect the worst in someones actions, is to assume the future.

Can we really tell the future? If we could would it be wrong to do so? If you were to assume the worst in others how would they feel to know you don't trust their actions? This could be negative as now you seam ignorant. Is that so wrong?

One things for certain their are two sides to every ethical question. If assuming the worst was right or "ok" could it be positive? and by being positive make it right?

To assume the worst, is to assume the negative in all others first. By doing this you are purposefully making yourself feel in control of the uncontrollable by erasing the benefit of the doubt and expecting the outcome. So Is this mindset change morally right?

Their is nothing wrong with having your own opinions, neither perceiving your own point of view. Right or Wrong; To expect the worst in others biased on the truly unknown future is an ignorant state of mind. Especial if you do so for ones mindset not to be disappointed. That would be selfish.

But never the less this is one way of looking at this, to truly find an answer you must decide for yourself.

Some words by - Paul Giovanatto

Why do I always see the worst in people?

When you do that you should correct yourself. Just tell yourself, it's no big deal. So what if the person has whatever flaw, I have flaws too. Everyone has flaws. It's unfair to be feeling this way about a friend, or anyone.

You just have to keep yourself in check. Monitor unwanted thoughts and correct them. Tell yourself, that's the old you, the new you isn't like that. Find a positive. Do they make you smile? Keep you company? Are there for you when you need them? These are positives. If you feel yourself about to or have already been negative then correct it, replace it with a positive. Say the negative doesn't matter, but here's a positive that matters.

I'm not saying you have to ignore every flaw in every person, but if it's just insignificant tiny things, that you're searching for, and disliking friends for, then you can correct this kind of thinking and be better for it.

Is it better to expect the worse than it is to expect the best?

It's best to be rational and try to make a clear assessment of the possible outcomes.  But given the options you posit, I would say expect the best.  When we predict an outcome, we create a mental preset in our minds.  This results in what some religious people call "manifesting".  They say that if you believe hard enough, what you want will come to pass.  That's not exactly how it works.  In reality, when you envision an outcome, your brain, desperate to constantly find patterns and complete things that are incomplete, will become alert to anything that might be connected to that outcome.  If you were thinking, for example, about starting a business and were wondering if there's a need for it, you might suddenly notice more and more opportunities where you business would be necessary.  Your brain engages filters to make connections.  Your business model filter would throw much of the unrelated information into a SPAM folder and leave you with only what you're looking for.It's easy to see, then, that if you are focused on failure, what your brain will be seeking will be support for the premise that you are going to fail, and it will overlook information that is contradictory.  If you focus on the positive outcome you desire, you will find the steps to success will be primary in your experience as the dross is filtered out.  So you answer the question.  Do you want to see mostly the things that will help you fail or the things that will help you succeed?

What does it say about you when you expect the worst of most interactions with people?

A pessimist personality, usually taught from life experience.Many times this can be more realistic than being a starry eyed optimist. An optomist can more easily let down their guard which can be detrimental to their well being.