Should You Have A Reason To Be Optimistic Or Hopeful

What is the best way to describe an optimistic person?

A person who sees the best in most situations ? Or perhaps a person who assumes positive outcomes in most scenarios.As a lawyer I often see “optimistic” clients who come in for a consultation for a new and exciting business idea or partnership. Having experienced this for twenty six years, I know that most business ideas and partnerships fail. I assume the worst because I am trained professionally and paid to warn of and protect from bad outcomes. Clients often refer to me as a “dream killer.” I am not an “optimistic” person.I sometimes joke that the prospective business owner/partner should give me $25,000.00 in cash, allow me to kick them in the testicles and remark they will thank me in a year. I know more than a few clients who sincerely wish they had followed my advice. That said, success cannot come without risk.I sometimes think, “It must be nice to be so optimistic.” To see the world through a simpler, more positive lens must make life more pleasant. I am not sure though how “optimists” deal with crushing negative experiences. Whether they question their own judgment ? Or whether they place blame on the business partner or other actors in the circumstance. I would like to know more about how optimists process bad outcomes in circumstances they wholeheartedly believed would be positive.

Is there any reason to be hopeful for the future?

There are many reasons to be hopeful, and to expect the future world to be a better place to live.The major reason for me is the new knowledge from Neuroscience and Genetics, two relatively new areas that look at humans through a new and helpful lens.Cognitive Neuroscience is opening the window on cognitive biases, which cause a lot of the problems we have today, and present a path to eliminate the things that were often considered to be permanent features of humanity, e.g. Poverty, War, and many modern disease such as diabetes, obesity and COPD.Genetics is provided a path to correct some flaws in our evolution, diseases that are part of our central driver of life, cell division. As we learn more we may be able to "influence" the genetic mutations that cause so many terrible illnesses.So just with those two areas we can see that an amazing new future is within our grasp, and that our ability to accept the news that we aren't perfectly designed and remember that our increasing knowledge continues to be the bridge from ignorance and superstitions to a more rational understanding of how to live and especially, how to find empathy outside your core tribe.

Are you a(n) optimistic or pessimistic person? Why?

I believe in optimism because it makes us hopeful and gives us an incentive to work more.
Being a pessimistic is bad because it only makes us depressed and one may not have any good things to forward.

What is the difference between pessimistic and optimistic?

Pessimistic people always look at the bad things in life. How can things go wrong.

Optimistic people always look at the good things in life. The bright side.

Much like the old saying seeing the glass half empty or half full. Pessimistic people see it half empty and optimistic people see it half full.

A word that means the same as pessimistic & optimistic?


What is a Pessimist and an Optimist?

Like what is a pessimist and what is an optimist? i see them together alot, and I don't know what either means. Please just a quick, short, summed up answer. thanks!