Should You Play Someone Else

Can you think in someone else's voice ?

Our thoughts are usually 'spoken' or 'played ' inside our mind by our own voice.Have you ever tried thinking in someone else's voice e.g. a popular actor,your friend,relative e.t.c. even a person of the opposite sex ?

How can one get better than someone else if they have been playing basketball for 4 years with 3 hours of quality practice every day?

By playing against the worst guy, do you mean playing a game of 1 on 1? Keep in mind that basketball is a team game. If you really want to make the team, you should focus more on your defense and finishing skills. The ability to drive and create a shot on your own comes later. A coach will always appreciate a player who hustles on defense.It doesn’t matter that the worst guy on the 8th grade team played for 4 years. Focus on yourself and practice the fundamentals(dribbling, layups, shooting..) everyday when you get the chance. Even if you don’t make the team, don’t be discouraged. Keep practicing the fundamentals and practice them with heart. Learn to love what you do and you WILL improve. This also applies to everything else in life.Btw, you are only in eighth grade. I doubt that the skill levels between players are gigantic unless some are athletically gifted, so don’t worry about catching up. Never count yourself out. Maybe with 1 year of solid practice, you will be the best player on your team.

How do you play "Someone Like You" on piano?

The general question is how do you play ANY song on piano? And assuming at any time and any where (when you don’t have access to your sheet music for example). Which then translates to the general question ‘how do you play a song by ear?’ Here are my tips using a visual approach that I think can help you get started quickly.

How can I check the time someone else played on WoW?

There is no way to check somebody elses time played.

Just in case you didnt know, to check your own you can type /played on the chat line.

When watching someone play with someone else's hair, do you ever feel this tingle?

I understand what you mean. I don't feel it when watching someone play in someone's else hair but I do feel it when someone plays in mine. It's because they're stimulating your hair follicles or something like that. It's like a head massage basically, Lol.

How do I play with someone else Survival mode on Minecraft cracked?

There are two possibilities here:LAN Play. This is the easiest to set up, however it does require both you and the other player to be connected to the same WIFI hotspot/Internet Router. If you have such a connection, then simply start up your Survival world (Or make a new one), then pause the game and click “Open in LAN”. Select Survival, allow/disallow cheats (commands, such as /give), and you’re set. Load up the second Minecraft game, and a LAN world should appear in the Multiplayer tab. Do note, however, that both players have to have different usernames - connecting with the same Username may cause confusion with the game code…Cracked Servers. This comes in two flavours: connecting to the same server, or setting up your own. the former is easy - just google some cracked servers, and load up both games into one. this will be fully multiplayer however, so if you want a private game then this won’t do. As such, you’ll want to set up your own - I can’t help much with this though, so you’ll want to look up how to set up an online server. The important bit for cracked servers is simple: create a standard server, then enter the config and set “Online Mode” (or something similar) to “False”. This will disable the Minecraft authentication code, and allow cracked launchers to connect.Hope this helped - good luck!

What does playing with someone’s emotions mean?

Playing with someone’s emotions is a very abstract idea. You will only what this question means if you have been played with.Personally, I am a very ‘easy’ person and this is an advantage but it’s mainly used as a weakness in our world nowadays. I have been played way too many times now to understand what this question means. But different people play with emotions differently. Through my experiences, I would say that playing with someone’s emotions is when you are not honest with the person.For example, you may be attracted to one person and it seems like the other person is also attracted to you too so then you decide to get to know each other better. The other person confesses their feelings for you, and you do too. It goes well for a bit, but then suddenly the other person says to you that they were just lying to you and joking. Now see, you are very attracted to this person and liked everything about them. Once you hear the ‘truth’, you just fall. And I don’t mean literally falling, but figuratively speaking. Just imagine how you would feel in this situation. This is one way to play with other’s emotions, by not being honest.Now another type can be through friendships. Friendships are very hard to maintain sometimes especially if you and the other person don’t agree. And that basically means that it isn’t a true friendship. Some people may lie to you about simple situations, and this can also be a way to play with someone. Even if the situation may not seem simple, it maybe for the other person.To end this, the main point is that if a person isn’t honest with you, it can hurt a lot as the other person is emotionally playing with you.