Side Effects Of Creatine On Stool

Side Effects of Prednisone?

Yes, there will be side effects - but it's better taking the prednisone than having renal failure, right?

The more common side effects that I can think of are:
- weight gain
- hungry all the time
- bruising easily
- mood swings
- stomach irritation
- difficulty sleeping

If you're on prednisone for a long time, you should get a bone density scan done to make sure taking Prednisone is not giving you osteopenia or osteoporosis. At 17, you probably won't have this problem yet, but it can't hurt to find out. In any case, you should make sure you get enough calcium and Vitamin D into your diet to prevent this from happening.

If your doctor decides to take you off prednisone in the future. you will have to taper off gradually to give your adrenal glands the opportunity to reboot and start producing cortisol on their own.

Take care...

Question about side effects of donating plasma...?

Today was the fourth time I have donated plasma, and each time around an hour afterward, I develop this sharp shooting and dull ache from my eardrum to my lower jaw. Why is this? What does this mean? Should I be concerned? Has anybody else experienced this?

Does lithium have side effects?

Care to elaborate? I have checked the web for side effects for several drugs, but there is so much conflicting information out there that one never knows, really, unless they talk to someone who has experienced it themself or knows someone who has. thanks.