Since 0bama Never Had A Dad Present Has That

Is President Obama a Muslim?

No, it does not. Regardless of who he was born to, which religion he was born in, Obama has the freedom to choose his religion. And he has chosen Christianity. It does not matter one bit whether he was born to a Muslim father, or a Scientologist father or a Jewish father. The Constitution of United States gives him the right to freely practice any religion he chooses. What do you believe in? Koran and Muslim laws or the Constitution of United States. If you believe in the constitution leave Obama in peace to practice whatever religion he wants.Secondly, Obama has a high rating in the Muslim community for multiple reasons. He has a very high rating among blacks who are more likely to be Muslims. Also he is a decent human being who has done his best to ensure that Muslims are not mistreated as a result of Islamophobia. And please do not fall for this propaganda against Muslims. Do not judge them by Fox news or news coming out of the Middle East and ISIS and Daesh and Syria. Most Muslims, especially in the US, just want a safe place to live, a job and happiness for themselves and their families. They don't give a rat's butt for Sharia law and apostasy and all the scary Muslim things we are told about in the media. They are just regular people like you and me who place common sense above religious rules.PS: And if you are talking about Muslims world wide, I cannot believe Obama has a 70% rating. They hate him, really, really hate him, and the United States government. Go ask any Pakistani what he thinks of Obama and you will have your answer.

Does Obama have any criminal records?

I don't think he listens to "gangster rap".

Is President Obama considered black considering his mother is white and he was not raised by a black family?

It's his choice to self-identify as whatever he pleases, especially because he does have the biological backing to do it. I always think it's so funny that I have to self-identify as Asian, when clearly a lot of people use that term to refer to Chinese, Korean and Japanese people (among others).To actually address your question: I can understand why you would think it would be "racist" for Obama to pick a side.  Although I'm not mixed race, I guess I fall on the "American Born Confused Desi" spectrum, and I can tell you that the peers of my generation are all pretty widely scattered around this spectrum.  Some of them are so white-washed, the only thing I have in common with them is brown skin.  Some of them, like me, try desperately to hold on to vestiges of desi culture that our equally desperate parents tried to impart in us while growing up.  When asked whom I pledge allegiance to patriotically, I say the following: Canadian by citizenship and support for healthcare, American financially, and Indian at heart.  What a muddle.  The barista at the NYC Starbucks didn't believe me when I pronounced the accent grave in crème, being a stubborn Canadian, claiming damn it, I took French in high school.  Sardonically, he said, "it's cream, lady.  Cream."  Crushing my stupid Canadian Indian American heart.  In different circumstances, different aspects of my Americanness, Canadianness and Indianness stand out.Outwardly, I just find it easier to say, hey, I'm Indian.  Obama has an equally, if not more diverse background.  Being black, from my understanding, can be a defining trait in your life, much the same way my brown skin defines me.  And it's not racist to identify yourself with that.

How to convince my father that Obama isn't that bad?

He doesn't want to see the good things he's done during his presidency but points out only the bad things. Compared to the previous republican president Obama was definitely better.

He doesn't want to acknowledge the fact that Obama can make the economy better.

He will vote anyone but Obama and I want him to do otherwise. How can I convince him?

He's 60 years old and I'm 24.

Obama the liar; How would you feel about Obama the liar becoming president after having told many dirty lies?

a lot better than 8 years of clinton lying to us, and then 8 more years of bush lying to us.

Both of their lies have been well documented too.

And bush's lies have killed hundreds of thousands of humans, and put us in hundred$ of billion$ of debt,
that he is passing off on our kids.

bush promised a balanced budget.

If he had made us pay for HIS war, it would be over in months
Actually it would never have started, his billionaire friends wouldn't have let him raise the taxes needed to pay for it.

Why obama looks so fake when he talks?

Because he is fake. The VAST majority of his speeches are nothing more than him skillfully reading a teleprompter. Just watch all the stutters when his teleprompter isn't present... THAT'S the real Obama.

He was fake before, he's fake now, and he'll be fake in the future. He was fake when he claimed to be against the Bush agenda, then repeated (and amplified) it.