Sister Is Going To Jail Should I Visit Her How Come She Is Not Trying To Avoid It

Should my brother go to jail for raping my little sister 6 years ago? I just dont know what to do?

That is a rough one and it is entirely possible his father raped him too. Pedophilia is about children and so they don't care much if they are male or female just if they are children or not.
It sounds like your older brother is acting out and if so he is a very dangerous young man. You may have to be the one to turn him in if your mom won't and protect the children. It is a bad position to be in for sure but there are worse things then going against your mom.
You are absolutely right to wonder about the other sister and you do need to protect your niece. I am so sorry. Your sister told your mom for a reason, she needed to feel safe, and she won't feel safe ,validated or heard if after telling nothing happens to her attacker.
The job is not important compared to your sister, your mom wants to minimize what happened because she is having a hard time dealing with it, she would rather be an ostrich and bury her head in the sand, it is an all to common response to incest.
Just ignoring it will cause it to continue to be a problem because there is no cure for pedophilia.

Can my sister go to jail for breaking into my room when it has a lock on it ?

I've wondered that exact same thing about my younger brother, who also happens to be seventeen. It got so bad I to put not just a normal lock like you'd put on a bedroom door, but a dead bolt lock on my bedroom door. The heavy duty kind you put on your front/back outer doors. He learned how to pick the regular door locks. It's a shame when your own sibling does that to you and an even bigger one when your parents know it and can't put a stop to it. He has even stolen their cars! Not mine, since I keep my keys with me or locked into my dead-bolted bedroom. I hate to call the cops on my little brother though. It would just kill my poor mom. I don't know what to tell you. You can call the cops and she would get in trouble for stealing from you, if you could prove it. But can you deal with all the family drama that will come with calling the cops on her? My brother was in juvie for two years already, I don't want my mom to go though that again so soon. Soo...IDK.

What should I do if my sister is always creating a nuisance and fighting with me, and she threatened to put me in jail and will kill me by hiring someone? My mother knows about this and she says to stay calm and do nothing, is that even normal?

YOUR sister is jealous and angry..she may hate you…she may be on drugs..If it was me I'd be very cautious and file a police report just In case something happens…she just may be long has she been hating YOU?? If it has just started then find out why and what you can do do to HELP..if it has been on going for years then the older she gets the worse it may become..depends on her..its her mental issues with YOU…she maybe on drugs or alcohol…YOU need to just take some self defense classes for your own well being

My husband flirting with my younger sister?

I know, my husband shoud know his boundaries, I am extremly mad and distrubted by his careless behavior. But Iam also upset at my sis to waiting suc ha long time to tell me and now hugging him and giving him calls. I am stuck i nthe middle, if i give my husband the full blame and not my sister, it does notseem right, b/c she did have alittle part in this as well. I blame both of them, enspecially after this now my sis is running and giving him big hugs makes me even more mad b/c just a month ago she tells me this and now when she was not getting the attention she starts hugging him? so he may think "positive of her". She starts totell him job offers , why?? WHy would she want my huband to work w/ her at her job after his animal behavior? That is what i do not like. All i want is the honest truth. I want her to totally ignore my husband and i want my husband to toally ignore her. Actually it was me who told my husband to ignore her, so that is why he was doing and he followed my rule.

My brother in law beats up my sister, but she does not call the police.?

but i want that asshole to go to jail for what he did. i live far away from them so i can not stop him from hitting her. the police came once but she said no when they asked her if he hit her. the reason she said no was because of her 2 year old twins had does not have enough money or the abilty to raise them on her own. but i want that bastard to go to jail because my sister is keep getting beat up by him.

Can you go to jail for beating up a cat?

My sister 17 ( call herself mature ) was hitting my cat one year old, and I tell her to stop and she say why and I tell her would you like for me to hit you and she say to me if you hit me you can go to jail and I tell we'll if you hit a animal you can go to jail too, and she say to me no I can't they'll only take the cat. So I wandering if I tell the po po can she go to jail?.

Should I tell my sister's probation officer about her drinking problem?

A word of caution: if you have ANY motive other than the safety of your sister that would prompt you to talk to her probation officer,  you should probably address it, because they'll smell a family squabble coming from a mile away. Don't just try to get your sister into trouble--it won't work. That said, yes, you should share your concerns with her supervising officer. This is, at the least, a reason for an unannounced drug test and possibly a visit to her work (it really depends on where you are and the workload of the office they're in). What they're unlikely to do is mention that their suspicion came from you. Officers get hunches all the time, and unlike street police officers, they aren't required to have probable cause to effect a search--it's usually part of the probation or parole agreement. Potential outcomes? If she tests positive for a controlled substance she'll likely be referred to a substance abuse program, which it sounds like she needs. It's unlikely that she'll violate her conditions of probation so severely that she's sent to prison--but if she's on probation and gets a DUI, that's exactly what will happen. She's on a destructive path, and she needs help. Trust me, her officer would rather keep her out of jail (and alive) than see her locked up. They have access to FAR more resources than you do and can help her get the treatment she needs before she does something she can't come back from.

Will i go to jail for defending myself and my mom?

So my sister spends the night with me and my mother. In the morning my sister becomes histerical over a pipe i have that is hers. We begin to argue about it and she ends up hitting me. Then she slaps my mother for defending me, at this point i had to restrain her. while in the proccess she put several deep scratches in my face and arms. While defending myself i put my hands around her neck and took her to the ground.. I am afraid of calling the police because they mostly favor the woman. I know for a fact that she can go to jail for assaulting me and my mother but im scared to call cuz the last thing i want is to get assaulted and then go to jail because it was a woman. My mother saw everything but she doesnt want to call the police. What should i do? any advice will be appreciated. also this isnt the first time this has happend

My sister's boyfriend is ruining her life and I can't tell my parents why!?

I seriously think that you're the most noble sister ever. Kudos to that!

Firstly, I would like to point out that girls always fall in love with bad boys. That's because that girl feels that she has the power to change the boy to be better. Which is not true and guys being guys will continue to fool girls.

And she had sex without any protection and he fathered a child? What's this? This is completely absurd.I suggest that you talk with her. I presume that you already did. If she doesn't listen, then threaten her by telling her that you are going to tell the parents. No matter how hard it is to the parents, they deserve to know their children's behaviour. This is because parents have that level of maturity and experience to help their children.

Also tell your sister that if she still have unprotected sex and becomes pregnant, tell her that she might not be here if your parents chose to do the same thing to her.

When all else fail, try introducing religion to her. I suggest Buddhism because that religion preaches on Karma, which basically means what goes around comes around.

If that still doesn't work out and your sister being the stubborn person she is completely ignores your attempts to save her -- well I only have one advice left. That is to just leave her be.

Let her regret over what she has done. Let her fail. Let her suffer. Only then maybe she will come to her senses. You can't blame yourself for not trying to help her because you already did.