Skin Turning Purple And Vainy

Why are my veins turning blue?

Your veins have always been bluish, but when those veins come closer to the surface of the skin, such as when the skin starts to thin as a normal part of the aging process or when there has been significant weight loss, those veins become easier to see in all their bluish glory. There are other reasons that can make veins more prominent, such as a bodybuilder’s bulging veins, or after having a child or two a woman develops varicose veins or spider angiomas (ugh), but there are some that may indicate a more serious condition that your doctor should know about.To delve a bit deeper, veins carry blood towards the heart and lungs to pick up oxygen and then the arteries deliver that re-oxygenated blood to all parts of the body so cells can use it and veins are there to take the blood back around and around and around…. Oxygen attaches to the hemoglobin inside the red blood cell (RBC) and turns them bright red when you look at it under the microscope. When the artery has delivered that RBC to the cell, it grabs the oxygen and the RBC turns pale. The arterial blood is very bright red (even bright pinkish candy red) and venous blood is sort of brick red to scarlet red)Normally, not every molecule of oxygen is grabbed up by the cell from the RBC in one pass, which is why when you stop breathing you can survive for several minutes as long as your blood is circulating. But, if your blood is not being fully oxygenated, a.k.a. oxygen saturation (O2 Sat) is low (normal is greater than 95%), then that makes your blood darker, so your veins will subsequently be darker and more noticeable. By the time this happens, you will be having significant other problems such as shortness of breath, tiredness, heaviness in your legs, etc. So another possible reason your veins are turning blue could be that you are not getting enough oxygen in the first place or not circulating the blood well enough to replenish the oxygen in the blood.Bottom line is, if it concerns you, ask your doctor and he/she can reassure you and follow up.

Low blood sugar-my skin turns pale/veiny (is that normal?)?

i dont have diabetes but my grandmother does and my mom is the same way as me(the doctors told me i was at risk of diabetes but since i eat healthy and take care of myself, i dont have it yet. :/.) but my blood sugar get low about every hour and a half-2 hours and usually what happens is i will become really dizzy and i cant support myself, my skin will turn really cold/at least thats what it feels like to me, i can feel my heart beat everywhere, i start to shake, i lose all my energy(i can barely keep my head up and my skin turns pale white and you can see almost every vein in my body. also, part of my hands will turn redish purple ( you can tell its the blood under my skin) i have to eat at least every 2 hours (no, im not fat at all) otherwise this will happen and soon enough i will faint-its happened before

my blood sugar usually drop drastically when i get nervous
if i dont have diabetes what is this??(my mom says im hypoglycemic but im not so sure what that is and what it can end up as) HELP!!! :(

Why do my hands turn purple when i'm cold or nervous?


My question is why are my hands so purple and veiny? This has been embarrassing me for quite some time. =( my friends think i'm a freak.

I've noticed that even when I am not cold... or at least I don't feel cold... my hands will turn purple and you can see my veins.

I think this happens to me when I am feeling nervous or uncomfortable. It happens a lot during school. (I feel nervous/uncomfortable at school =(

But as I am typing this i'm at home so im not nervous or anything and my hands look much more normal.

Does this happen to anybody else? any suggestions :(

Why are my legs purple after a shower?

It's probably just your body's normal thermoregulation system. When you take a hot shower your body temperature increases and one of the ways the body works to correct that high temperature is by dilating the small blood vessels near the skin to dissipate the heat away. Your skin color can change when that happens and it exaggerates bruises and marks in the skin. Try taking a cold shower and see if that makes it go away. If the symptoms get worse with a cold shower, then maybe you have circulation problems.