Small Things To Make Me Seem Prettier

Would I be prettier with a smaller nose?

no no no!! you're absolutely beautiful regardless of what size your nose is meaning your nose is fine the way it is. it complements your other facial features very well. you couldn't be anymore beautiful =] i think you're drop dead gorgeous the way you are. don't worry about it. you're perfectly fine =]
everybody wants something that they don't have. i wish my nose was a little smaller too but oh well, at least it doesn't look horrible and make me look hideous lol. yours doesn't either.

One minute i think i'm pretty the next minute i thing i'm ugly?

Hey don't feel bad that you've never been approached by a guy, even though you're 17! I didn't have my first boyfriend until I was 19.

I've always had the same problem as you... Of course, I think it's really common for girls to feel pretty one day and not-so-pretty the next. But as far as not being approached by guys even though older people comment on how pretty you are---it's the same with me. So, I finally asked a few guy friends (I don't have many) why that is, and they told me that guys are intimidated by me. They said it's because I'm shy and beautiful in a different way than a lot of girls---like I belong in a 19th century painting, and guys don't know how to approach me. My boyfriend and ex-fiance both were in love with me for at least a year before they got up the courage to talk to me!

So maybe it's the same with you? See, I feel self-conscious a lot, so I don't look people in the eye or smile as much as I should, and if you don't feel good enough when you go out, maybe you do the same thing. Or maybe you are just way beautiful and not putting yourself out there in a flirtatious manner, so guys are admiring you secretly. But don't start flirting; just be yourself. Relax; you must be beautiful to get all those comments from your parents' friends. There's nothing wrong with you. And trust me, God has the perfect guy chosen for you already. Nothing will stop you from meeting him when the time is right. And you have been perfectly preserved for him so far... that's wonderful!

How can I just feel and look pretty?

I am a girl who is going to be 15 in September, I have blonde hair, blue eyes, some freckles on my cheeks nose not very noticeable though. I have kind of pale skin. I am 5'5 and I weigh 112 lbs so I am pretty skinny. I have long legs, and my facial features are not bad, I have a nice small nose, nothing on me is ugly, but nothing is pretty. No boys have liked me. I just want to be pretty! Sorry If i was confusing!

How can I look pretty?

If you're 12, don't worry, in a few years you'll be gorgeous. When I was 12 I was pretty much the same measurements as you. By the time I turned 14, my boobs came in, my stomach thinned out, I got a little taller and my zits went away.
For the moment, though, you could get thinner by eating less carbs ( things like bread, pasta, rice and deserts) because they are really what make peoppe get fat. I can usually lose about 5lbs (I don't know how many stones that is) in a week. As for exercise, just take a 20 minute walk before or after school, try going uphill because it'll work on your thighs.
Remember, not every girl is supposed to be thin. I'm 5'4" and weigh 135, but I'm not fat, just curvy and muscular. The biggest and most important thing to remember is to be CONFIDENT about how you look. I know a lot of girls who are definitely what I would consider overweight, but they know how to dress to make themselves look decent and they just carry themselves with pride. Besides, guys don't like girls who are too skinny.

For your skin, try laying off milk and other dairy, that used to give me HORRIBLE acne and within two weeks of not drinking milk (although I still eat yogurt almost daily, cheese about once a week and ice crea, a couple times a week) my acne went away! I know it sounds too simple to work, but it really does. I now drink Almond Milk as a substitute and it's just as good in cereal. One other thing that usually helps is to get some sun (just tan, don't use sunscreen. start slowly, maybe 10 minutes of unprotected exposure per day, then work your way up to thirty by the end of two weeks) and COMPLETELY stop usinng concealed. I know you said you don't wear much makeup, so that's good, I only ever wear a lip stain and mascara.

Don't worry, though. I'm 16 and I didn't start to "bloom" til I turned 14, sometimes it just takes a little longer, but it's worth it. Usually the girls who bloom later are the most beautiful!

Does makeup make you look pretty?

It depends! Everyone has different definitions of what they think is "pretty".

Personally, I think a little bit of makeup to hide blemishes and make your eyes pop is all you need. It makes you 10x nicer looking IMO. You both are partially right, people who are considered, "not pretty" won't look any better with a bunch of makeup, but makeup can really hide the bad things on ANYONE's face like blemishes and scars, and help bring out the good things so you won't notice the bad things as much.

Like for example maybe you have acne but you have striking blue eyes, you could wear a little foundation and/or concealer to hide the acne, and do a little tiny winged eyeliner with neutral shadows to bring out your eyes more.

Or if you have dull-ish eyes but flawless clear skin, a little blush and highlight can make your skin look so much more radiant and alive, with just some simple eye makeup like mascara.

If you have clear skin and striking eyes, then all you should really need is some blush and mascara and you'll look so much nicer then without.

Whatever your skin and eyes are, and face shape etc, work with it, everyone has amazing parts about their faces and really bad parts.

In short, it doesn't really make you "prettier". But it can just make you look more lively, I guess? To be honest, I don't know how to describe it.

I only wear a little makeup - concealer, mascara, and blush, and even though its a small amount I feel like I look 10x better with it then without.

Everyone is beautiful though. I'm not calling anyone ugly, no one is ugly.

Do you have to have big eyes to have pretty eyes?

Nope. :D

This one guy always says how beautiful my eyes are.
I don't have big eyes either!

By the way,
You seem very pretty ! :D

You look about my age !
Remember, no matter what size of eyes you have, it doesn't make you pretty or not pretty.

P.S It seems a little racist for someone to make fun of your eyes just because your asian.
Hope this helps!
