So Did The Taxed Enough All Ready A.k.a Tea Bag Ever Think Of Changing Their Name

I'm thinking of becoming a stripper?

You don't need to be a good dancer to be a stripper. As long as you're not doing the cabbage patch, you'll be fine. Just dance slow. The best way to learn is to go to a strip club as a customer and watch how the girls dance.

I worked with girls who have danced for years and still don't know how to pole dance. You don't need to invest in a pole or classes to become a stripper, it really won't effect your tips.

**An upscale club will not hire you because you have no experience. Start somewhere slow and small. Gain confidence and then try a more competitive club.

Ohio clubs are not doing well right now because of last year's lap dance ban--not as many customers, less shifts for dancers, and reduced price of dances. I've also noticed that many clubs have chosen to ignore the ban, which is unfortunate, because if the club is raided or undercover police come in, it will be the dancer charged, not the club. Be sure you understand the law before you start dancing, it is your responsibility, not the club's. You do not want to be stuck with a prostitution or indecency charge for the rest of your life because you wore the wrong outfit or something as simple as a customer touching your arm.

Good luck.

Who was the tea tax named after?


Can someone give me a biography of Muhammad Ali?

Its for a sixth grade reaserch project. I need stuff on his career and after he retired. Erm... No Wikipidia please. I tried it already. There are some truly stupid people out there....