So I Recently Got A Stress Fracture In My Lower Left Leg Why Did A Hospital Do Virtually Nothing

Should I be worried if I have a little blood in my sperm after ejaculating?

Your research is in line with generally accepted medical opinion. A minuscule amount of blood in ejaculated semen is almost invariably the result of frequent masturbation. It is also harmless. If you want to stop worrying and be on the safe side you can mention it to your doctor. Otherwise your idea to "take a break" will almost certainly make it go away.

Can someone please define Schizophrenia for these people?

People on answers keep confusing its symptoms with bi polar disorder. Its giving me a freaking headache, especially since they aren't even describing bipolar disorder ---they are describing borderline personality disoder. The difference between bipolar disoder and borderline personality disorder is the LENGTH OF TIME associated with the mood swings, and also the emotional vulnerablity associated as symptoms. Now, fyi, people, the only disorder that "should" actually be confused with schizophrenia is dissociative identity disoder (which was previously multiple personality disorder) and only that can be confused in one in four cases of DID that has symptoms of auditory/visual hallucinations. Please people, know what you are talking about before you diagnose people. sheesh. 10 points to the best definition. Of any of these disorders.