So Obama Is Okay With Americans Being Watched 24/7 By Drones But He Won

Is big brother watching us?

Most people aren't aware of how deep the rabbit hole goes. For that matter, few people even know it's there.

I don't want to get into wild speculations about chemtrails, satanic powers in the government, and so forth.

That being said, is it so difficult to believe that TV sets may have a camera inside them that spies on us? Don't be offended or dismissive. Be open minded about this. Think for yourself. Look at what the NSA is doing. Don't fool yourselves.

*Puts on til foil hat.

Is it true that a drone is always over the US President’s body to visually keep track of him?

First off, the other main answer, you do not need to be rude to the op, he has curiously asked a question about uav platforms. Just because he used a commoner word like drone is no reason to disrespect him by referencing male bees, when you obviously knew what he was asking. Nor did he mean is a predator drone physically ON the president.To answer the ops question, the president is under near constant surveillance, but to find aerial solutions to place drones it the air 100 percent of the time would be costly and nearly impossible. They use a combination of secret service agents, thermal cameras with ai enhancements, helicopters, and then we get to the quacopter plaforms, and after that some of the predator solutions when on the move. To answer the question its more uncommon than not to see a drone being used to protect the current president. Now as trump comes into office we might see this change and have a larger quantity of quadcopters used to post security around him and inside trump towers.