So Tired Of This Pain

Does pain make you feel tired?

I have a sever toothache in my lower left wisdom tooth. I can barely move my mouth and my jaw area is starting to swell. (I'm going to the dentist Friday). Today the pain has been almost unbearable, but the weird thing is, I have felt SO tired. I slept more than I usually do last night, but I'm still barely able to keep my eyes open. I just took a nap for an hour and a half, and my husband said I was sleeping so deeply he tried to wake me up multiple times and he couldn't. I finally woke up when the phone rang right beside me.

So I guess my ultimate question is, could I be this tired because of the pain? Or should I get my thyroid tested or something else? Because it is not normal for me to feel this tired at all. Thank you!

Why am I so tired the next day after a migraine? Is it the migraine that is making me tired?

That is call a postdrome. Migraine typically has 4 stages. The prodrome, aura (not everyone has it) , pain (migraine) and the postdrome.

Most of the migrainuers will feel very lousy and tired at the postdrome stage because the migraine has worn us out completely.

However, if we take metoclopramide during the prodrome stage, we can actually avoid or minimise the postdrome effect.

So how do we recognise the prodrome? Do you have a particular food craving or mood swings? Yawning, fatigue, excessive sleeping are also some symptoms. Some people have diarrhea or constipation as well...

If you take steps to catch the prodrome phase, you might feel better in the postdrome phase.

I am so tired of having this pain and depression from my endometriosis that is effects everyday of my life!?

IF you opt for a hysterectomy the doctor will also want to do the oovectomy and remove your ovaries as well. Ovarian cancer is one of the 'silent killers' that we don't feel coming until it is too late to do anything.

Trying to remove the adhesions is futile. B/c pills will help level out your hormones and cut down on the ovarian pain, but not eliminate the pain completely.

It IS possible that birth control will help ease the pain by preventing your ovaries from producing eggs and causing the other hormonal changes. And, in my experience, you will become more fertile the first month after coming off the b/c pills.

If you opt for complete hysterectomy and the doctor goes along with it (you are really young for this) you will always be able to adopt like some of the movie stars.

Talk with your OB/GYN specialist about the depression. Perhaps she could recommend a psychiatrist for counseling. Or perhaps she could prescribe something for the PMS.

Why do I get joint pain when I'm tired?

I get the same thing. When you sleep that's when your body heals the fastest. When you lack sleep, your body didn't get the full recovery/repair as it should have. Thus, your muscles are a bit sore from the day before :) also, and don't quote me on this part, but I've had a few people tell me it also slows your body functions a little, like it has to work harder to pump blood etc. so maybe that's a part of it? Not sure. But anywho, yeah, especially for people who work out, the more you sleep the less sore you should be. This is also why it's easier to get sick when you lack sleep, and why you sleep a lot when you get sick, so the body can fight off the germs then heal itself! I think you get the point, hope this helps :)

Does everyone feel weak, tired and with chronic pain?

Like others have said, long term/chronic pain may cause tiredness and weakness.Tiredness-as sleep is often interrupted due to an inability to stay abed, get to sleep or stay asleep.Weakness because when we've injured our body seriously, typical daily tasks, much less exercise may become difficult.As chronic pain patients however, we need to keep going, keep moving in order to not exacerbate the weakness.Prior to being medically retired in disability I worked out or did yoga 6 days a week. I had a very physically demanding job and needed to be strong and limber.Following my injury it hurt to do either so I quit.Slowly I stopped walking my dog, walking to the store or working in the yard. I became more and more isolated. I started feeling worse and was depressed because I thought my active life was over and I would become a burden on my children. I needed more and stronger medication to alleviate my pain.After breaking my hip 6 years ago, I decided to quit feeling sorry for myself and began a gentle program aimed at bringing myself out of the funk I was in.I started gentle exercise and returned to yoga.I attended a MBSR (Mindfulness based stress reduction) series of classes through my health care provider.I made a commitment to make my life as active and worthwhile as it used to be.I'm now almost completely off the opiates that used to rule my day…my plan is to be totally off by the end of 2017. it has taken 6 years to slowly reduce my dependency on opiates. I now use ( legal in my state) cannabis when I can't get to sleep and topical cannabis oil for my aching muscles and joints.I also have osteoporosis and arthritis but I no longer accept or internalize my pain. Through lessons learned in MBSR, I now meditate when muscles spasm and accept I'm in pain, I can't change that so I mentally set it aside.Some days are better than others but everyday is better than 6 years ago.We can't stop moving, Stop living or doing things.I urge you to take positive action towards dealing with your pain.Please, go to a yoga class and do what you are able.Talk to your health care insurance company and see if they offer MBSR, or read a book on it, download the app Inside Timer, you may find it helpful. There are hundreds of books, YouTube vids and even audio books on Mindfulness, yoga and MBSR.I wish you all wellNamaste

My feet are tired and sore, what can I do to get some relief?

Fill a plastic water bottle with water and put in the freezer. Once it's completely frozen, remove the bottle from the freezer. Place a towel on the floor to collect condensation from the bottle, and place your arch on the middle of the bottle. Roll your foot forward and backwards on the bottle, while applying as much pressure as you feel comfortable with. If the bottle feels too cold, wear a pair of thin socks before rolling. The ice-cold temperature will disorient your nerve endings and to create relief. The ice also helps with swelling and inflammation in the painful regions of your feet. However, don't roll each foot for more than 10 minutes daily in order to avoid nerve damage. (source: your feet continue to feel tired and achy, it could be that your body needs to be properly aligned in order to distribute your weight evenly on your feet. Even if you’re not on your feet for long periods of time, an imbalance can cause a certain amount of instability during foot function, subjecting the foot to excessive “wear and tear” over the years, which can eventually lead to aches and pains. ProWay’s custom orthotics are molded specially to each foot’s imprint, and they’ll help you compensate for the imbalances in the foot, thereby improving functionality and relieving or preventing symptoms. Please email me at if you have any questions, or if you want more information about our products.

Does pain hurt more when you're tired?

I have an orthodontist appointment tomorrow, and I have to get screws drilled into my jaw. I already had this done before, and it is literally the most painful experience I have ever had; It's comparable to being socked in the jaw a couple times. All that I have to dull the pain is a couple advil and a shot (Which, by the way, hurts a lot as well.) I don't know what to do. I was up crying all night last night, and it sucks because my parents say they wont let me reschedule and keep putting this off. So my dad said I should just stay up late and get really tired so I'll be too exhausted to feel the pain, but my brother said things hurt more when you're tired.
So what should I do?

Why does my body ache and i feel so tired?

How long have you been feeling tired? And did the body aches start at the same time? Do you have a fever? appetite changes, nausea?

If it is a sudden onset just recently, then I would suspect a mild case of the flu. If it has been going on for a while, it could be a host of other problems from Hypothyroidism, (which has other symptoms as well, like hair loss, dry skin, feeling cold all the time, palpitations), to fibromyaligia, or Lupus or some kind of Auto immune syndrome.

I really need more infor to adequately answer your question.

Ok after answering my questions, my guess would be stress, causing you to keep your muscles tense, which along with the rainy weather is causing the soreness. The hot shower helped you to relax, which in turn helped the soreness. You need to try and do some type of meditation or way of relaxing your muscles at night before you go to sleep. I usually talk my way down in my head from my scalp to my toes, telling each part of my body to relax. I have fibromyalgia and I am in pain all the time. This technique has helped me to relax during the day if I get a chance to take a nap, also. Your body will automatically tense up in cold weather also, especially if you are not dressed warm enough and are cold a lot. I can not handle cold weather at all. Also, when you are working on your computer, make sure you are keeping your shoulders down and in a relaxed position, rather than hunching them up because of tension. Working at a desk where you can sit up straight is helpful. It is not a good thing to slouch or lay on the floor, sit on the floor and work on your computer. All could contribute to your pain.

You might want to look at what you are eating as well. Are you living on junk food? Drinking energy drinks or caffeine drinks like Mt Dew., and not eating right can leave your system out of wack because you are not getting the proteins, vitamins and minerals that you need. You may need to increase your intake of water as well, and make sure you are getting enough exercise.

Hope this is helpful