Some Algebra Math Problems Easy

Help with two Algebra math problems (easy)? 10pts!?

1. d = rt
456.68 = 46.6 times t
divide both sides by 46.6 to get 9.8
So the time is 9.8

2. 0.578 is five hundred seventy-eight thousandths

Hope this helps

Math Problems (mostly algebra 2)?

his current average is 15/30
consecutive field goals will add to the count of both attempted and completed. so (15+n)/(30+n) = 0.705882
solve for n
15+n = 0.705882(30+n)
n-0.705882n = 0.705882*30 - 15
n = (0.705882*30 - 15) / (1 - 0.705882) = 21

n is number of movies you rented
2.35n is the rental fee (total)
2.35n + 4.80 is the total cost
(2.35n + 4.80)/n = 2.35 + 4.80/n is the overall average cost
we're told that 2.35 + 4.80/n = 2.51
so solve for n
n = 4.8/(2.51 - 2.35) = 30

3. (x^2− x − 22)^4/3 = 16
take 4th root of both sides
(x^2− x − 22)^1/3 = +/- 2
cube both side
x^2− x − 22 = +/- 8
this gives you two cases
x^2− x − 30 = 0
x^2− x − 14 = 0
I leave it to you to solve both of these equations

Math problems. A few of them. Easy algebra.?

1: The forecaster on TV said, "It's a cold day outside! Right now it's only 7 degrees but the temperature will change by up to 10 degrees by 3 PM. We'll tell you if we're getting warmer or colder in a minute!”

is the answer : a.
Warmer than -3 degrees or colder than 17 degrees

Colder than -3 degrees or warmer than 17 degrees.

Exactly 7 degrees.

Warmer than 17 degrees

2: Ezra is graphing the inequality -3 (the greater equal to sign) x < 3 on a number line. What should his graph look like?
A segment from -3 to 3, with a closed circle at -3, and an open circle at 3.

A segment from -3 to 3, with open circles at both -3 and 3.

A segment from -3 to 3, with closed circles at both -3 and 3.

A ray starting at -3 and continuing to oo, with a closed circle at -3.

3: Consider the problem: Cecilia wants to buy a brand new pair of headphones that cost $139. While she already has $40 saved up, she is planning on working at a local grocery store for $10 an hour to make up the extra cash.

Which of the following inequalities will help her determine values of h , the number of hours that Cecilia can work so she can afford the new headphones?

4: Evaluate the expression 2|12-2b| for b=4

5:Solve the inequality | y | > 7

6:In which of the following equations is the Distributive Property correctly applied to the equation 3(7x+5)=15?

7:What is the correct value of 5|-10+3|-3|-2|?

8:Brian and Hayden go out for dinner and the bill comes to $120.00. Hayden usually tips more than 10% of the bill and Brian usually tips at most 20% of the bill.

Given Brian and Hayden's tipping habits, what graph below best represents the range for a tip (d) that the server should expect to see?

Thank you if you can answer these! :)

Two Semi-easy math problems. 8th Gr. Algebra..........................

Kenneth goes for a long drive with his friends. He maintains a speed of 72 miles per hour through out the journey. What is the approximate speed in kilometers per minute?


A military camp had provisions for 250 cadets for 30 days. Some more cadets joined the camp and the provisions lasted only for 20 days. How many new cadets joined the camp?

Please Show Work
If Not Then Its Whatever

Algebra word problem help ( Easy 10pts.)?

Start by multiplying out the part with parentheses, so

2L + 1.4L = 44.2

Combine the Ls

3.4L = 44.2

Divide each side by 3.4 to get

L = 13

You know the width is seven tenths (or .7) of the length, so W = .7L. Since we know L = 13, we can solve for W.

W = .7(13)
W = 9.1

You can check by multiplying each length by 2 and adding them together.

2(9.1) + 2(13) = 18.2 + 26 = 44.2. Correct! :)

EASY word problem algebra.. HElp 10pts?

this may be an *easy* question, but it certainly is NOT an *easy* answer!

the faster person can cut the lawn in x hours
the slower takes x + 1 hours

the faster person cuts 1 / x of the lawn per hour
the slower person cuts 1 / (x + 1) of the lawn per hour

together, they cut 1/3 of the lawn per hour (since it takes 3 hours working together)

1 / x + 1 / (x + 1) = 1/3

multiply by 3x(x + 1) to clear the fractions
3(x + 1) + 3x = x(x + 1)
3x + 3 + 3x = x^2 + x
0 = x^2 - 5x - 3

completing the square:
x^2 - 5x = 3
x^2 - 5x + 25/4 = 3 + 25/4 = 12/4 + 25/4 = 37/4
(x - 5/2)^2 = 37 / 4
x - 5/2 = +/- sqrt(37) / 2
x = 5/2 +/- sqrt(37) / 2
however, since x must be positive, discard the negative root
x = 5/2 + sqrt(37) / 2
and x + 1 = 7/2 + sqrt(37) / 2

this is a lot uglier than I would have thought!
x is about 5.54 hours
x + 1 is about 6.54 hours
1 / 5.54 + 1 / 6.54 = 1/3

so the faster person takes about 5.54 hours to cut the lawn

to the people saying 1 or 2 hours: does it make sense that it takes longer working together than it does working alone?