Someone Tell Me Why Is My Leg Like That

Can someone tell me symptons of MS?

my mom has ms, to go to the doctor and get an MRI and if they see multiple scars then its MS. but that is defintely a symtom of it and you should ask you doctor if you have any questions feel free to email me i have been to so many demostrations and know alot about this disase.

Why would someone tell you to close your legs?

The obvious answer is that it’s been a social no-no to spread your legs in public and expose your genitals from all the way back at the beginning when social no-no’s began.Today if someone asks you to close you your legs there could be any number of reasons. One reason could possibly be that you’ve had 4 children and each of them have a different father. So someone might be suggesting that you STOP THAT.The other reason someone might ask you to close your legs is that it’s somewhat distressing to them each time you keep your legs spread wide open in public.Either way, the important thing to remember is that if someone asks you to close your legs, they are not the right people for you to be around because they don’t blend in very well with your particular lifestyle.The other side of this is that there are those who really get you for the free-spirited person you are. These are the people who admire you for the way you carry yourself in public.They love the way you spit on the pavement at random times and how you never use tissue paper, but simply cover one nostril and blow out the other side whenever you need to blow your nose.Most of all, these people seem quite happy and even look forward to having lunch with you because of the way you keep your legs spread wide open all the time when you are sitting down in a mini skirt and no panties.These are the people that you should have in your life because these are the people who care about you for who you are.So just remember:People who ask you to close your legs: BadPeople who prefer it when your legs are open: Good

How should I respond when someone tries to pull my leg?

Never Pretend that you are affected by their words or jokes which are specialy created for you.Give them a serious lookSometimes Silence speaks more than words by keeping your mouth shut you can increase your ranking in their heart.I also know they’ll never show that they belongs down to you so sometimes use some realstic or knowledgeable dialouges for them..

What is the meaning of the phrase "don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining" ? lol cheers?

I won't be fooled by your tricks. I can tell the difference between rain and warm pee. It's used when someone is trying to sell someone else on something that is not great.

Someone told me I had legs like a dancer/ballerina...compliment or not?

I agree with Lee on this. If she really doesn't know ballet well, it may well be a compliment, but ballet dancer legs are hyper-extended (swayed back.) Along with a short torso, that makes them look kind of like an ostrich. Often gangly and not that attractive when compared to an average body type that is much better proportioned. Although ballet dancers are graceful on stage like a swan, off stage they are also like a swan but a swan on land. It is a very ungainly body type.

Does anyone know this joke? Something about pulling my leg so I'm pulling yours?

ok, my mom pulled this joke on me

you can use pretty much any scenario that you want

here's a short/sweet version of what my mom told me (rememer if you tell it to use more details)

my mom opened the door at a restaurant for an old lady
the lady told my mom that she looked just like her daughter that had died.
the lady asked my mom to join her for lunch
since she was there alone, too she accepted
they talked about the lady's daughter and how much she missed her
the waitress came over and asked "what can i get you to drink?" my mom answered then the waitress said "and for your mother?" and before my mom could answer the old lady said she would like a coffee

when the waitress left my mom asked the old lady why she didn't correct the waitress and the old lady said she was having such a great time with my mom and she was soo like her daughter, could they just pretend she was her daughter. my mom found it wierd but agreed.

after they ate the old lady said her good byes and excused herself from the table.

the waitress came over with the bill and my mom asked if the lady had paid her share.
the waitress said, 'no, on her way out she said her daughter would take care of it'
my mom said 'i'm not her daughter' and the waitress said 'well i heard you two talking and you called her mom'
so my mom paid the bill seeing as it was useless to try to explain
and left
when she got outside she saw the old lady getting on a bus
she ran over and the woman ignored her.
as she was gettin on the bus my mom grabbed her bag and the doors shut on the bus and my mom was left standing with the bag.

you know what was in the bag?
a load of shi+
just like the story i just told you

Someone told me shaving of legs is dangerous healthwise what does that mean?

I saw no research on the dangers of shaving legs on the internet -- trust me, not even whack-job sites showed up. This person who told you this is just anti-shaving and came up with a crock of dookie to scare you out of it.

Shaving removes the hair at the skin line. If you soften and warm your skin (like in a bath) with warm water, the hairs will extend more, so you get a closer shave. While some people can get infections from ingrown hairs at one's underarms, most women have no issue at all. One can get lymph node infections there.

Below is just about the only "dangers" site I found for shaving is this one:

"Risks: The only real risks involve nicking your skin by shaving carelessly. If deep enough, those nicks may cause scarring."

While sometimes hairs can become ingrown, considering so many women do shave their legs and there isn't an outbreak in bone, pore, and muscle problems, I'd say no.

My best answer? Ask "someone" to cough up the study or article with references.

Someone told me that I should not wear shorts because my thighs look awfully fat and shouldn’t have side dents. How do I slim down my thighs and legs? Are there any special leg workouts that could help me?

These are perfectly normal shapely legs, really, just rock those shorts but do make sure you get the right size and length. A short that’s too tight does no-one’s legs justice. The 'dent' you're seeing at your knees is not fat but your quadriceps muscle. People who use their legs often (e.g. walking in the mountains, skiing, strength training, running) and are slim to average tend to have more noticeable quadriceps, both men and women, but they might also be naturally slightly more developed. You can train your body to build muscle and lose fat, but the shape your muscles take with training is largely genetically determined.I can’t really see your figure in these pictures, you can find body shapes online to compare to if you want advice on which clothes might work well for your figure. Well of course you can wear whatever you want instead, it just may help to know that women (and men also) have various shapes and yours might be different from that person who made that comment. If your hips/legs are wider than your shoulders you may be a pear shape, but in the top picture your hips don’t seem particularly wide, you look like you may be a ruler shape or even slightly V, but from that angle it’s difficult to see.