Something Weird Happened Today To My Kitten

What is something weird that happened to you today?

I would be lying if I said this happened today. But it happened yesterday, so close enough?Anyways, I was just driving home from a volleyball game like usual, until all of a sudden, I kind of just “woke up” from a spell of some sort.I looked at the sky, a nice light blue with a shade of orange, as it was nearing sunset. A few clouds out, just beautiful. It reflected off of the front of my car, and gave my windshield a slight orange hue.Then, I all of a sudden just smiled.And my mind just said, “I love this.”Then it further continued, saying, “I love my life.”“I love my girlfriend, I love my family. I get great grades in school, I have friends. I play volleyball often, and I have fun while doing so.”So, I pretty much realized that I loved myself and my life. Feels pretty good.

Something weird just happened?

Albert, it suggests to me a member of your household has unconscious psychokinetic abilities, not unlike those exhibited by some teenage girls which're said to lie behind poltergeist phenomena.

Until she was about eight, my own daughter used to be able to make any of the PCs we had crash at will, either because she was p*ssed off about something, it was no longer her turn, or because the person in front of her was "taking too long!"

In fact the moment a PC went down I always headed for the stairs or whichever bedroom I sensed her hiding in, and I'd always find her sitting there, rocking back and forth as she fulminated against a world so cruel as to not let it be her turn yet, (sometimes her eyes'd actually have all these little black and white checks swirling around in them, almost like a psychedelic chessboard).

The moment I distracted her, though, or jollied her into a better frame of mind, I'd heard my son call, "It's come back on, now!"

So either you or your brother, or some other family member may've made it happen.

Take no notice of mockers - anyone who's personally experienced these things knows there's a peculiar atmosphere hanging in the air whenever these sorts of things happen for 'unnatural' reasons, and it's that 'atmosphere' which makes you ask such strange questions like, did I just p*ss off God?

What is something strange that has happened to you, and until this day could not explain?

)About 15yrs ago I started reading about Masons and got really into it. I’ve probably read ove 20 books on the subject. I was curious and wanted to knock on their door.My father is as far as I know a 3rd degree Master Mason but he has never shared anything about it, and I’ve asked a thousand times.About 2yrs after I started investigsting about them I was driving around, working (I was i sales and had to drive a lot) and I passed by the lodge my father used to attend when I was around 8yo. And parked about a block away and I was just staring at the building and comparing the architecture to what I had read about.I was parked a block away because it was a hot day and I parked under a tree and rolled down my windows for a couple of minutes so I could get a better look. I was between 20 or 22yo. My father lived on the other side of the country, a 14hr drive away and no one knew I was parked there. It was a random stop.Out of the blue a car with 2 guys probably in their 40s or maybe even 50s rolled next to me and stop beside me and just said “knock on our door. We are waiting for you” and drove away.The door knocking is a reference to the first step one should take to become a freemason. Knock on the temple doors. Some how the 2 guys knew I was interested but to this day i dont know who they were or how did the know.I told my dad and he said that I wouldnt understand even if he could explain, but he had taken an oath and wouldnt break it.I still enjoy the subject. I’ve met many admirable freemasons who always seem kind, inteligent, supportive and they help their comunity a lot. Most of the time they do it as quietly as possible.If anyone can explain me why/how it hsppened, please do so

My kitten has started meowing, along with getting into weird positions. What's happening? Should she be taken to the vet?

The most likely reason that your young female cat is behaving like that, is that she has reached puberty: she is ovulating (she is in estrus aka she is “in heat”) and her instincts are demanding her to attract a male cat (by meowing loudly and continuously) so she can have sex and become pregnant.These distressing behaviors will continue for perhaps a couple of weeks, or longer, and the moment they stop you need to rush her to the vet to be spayed (a complete hysterectomy: removal of the ovaries and uterus.)I suggest that you call your vet and let him or her know the situation, that you suspect that your young female cat has started displaying the signs of being “in heat” and will need to be spayed at the first opportunity. (She can’t have the operation while she is “in heat”, the danger of hemmorage is too great, so the vet has to wait until the phase passes, but it can start again quickly, so timing is crucial.)

What happens to the newborn kittens pee/poop?

the mom eats it

My 10 week old kitten died for no reason today, any thoughts why?

We adopted a little boy kitten about 3 weeks ago, he was homeless before. Over the last couple of days he had been a little lethargic and sleepy. Once in a while he would make a little strange noise when being picked up. I also thought he looked like he was breathing heavy because his little tummy moved quite a bit with the motion of his respirations. My daughter and family are just devestated over this.
Apparently, (Puddy) thats his name, and my 8 year old daughter were on the couch together, the kitty made a funny sound, and passed away on the spot. Why would something like this happen? Could it be heart problems? Is there something we should have been aware of ?
Please respond if any one out there has any insight as to why this happened.

Thank you,

I bathed my kitten with dawn now she won't stop shaking and is meowing strange and walking all weird?

Cats hate water and hate to be wet. She sounds like she's heavily protesting and trying to get rid of the icky wet feeling.
Also keep the kitties somewhere where they'll be warm until they're completely dry.

Also, kittens don't really need a bath unless they're so dirty they cannot clean themselves. Or cleaning themselves would be unsafe for them.

Have you ever experienced something you can't explain?

From time to time I get the feeling of impending doom. I have learned to trust this feeling and to search for what is about to happen over the years. One night in high school my best friend and I decided to sleep over at our friend’s house so that we could stay out later than our parents would allow.That night I started to have the feeling of impending doom. If you have never had that feeling before, the best way I can describe it is having anxiety about something bad that might happen for no reason at all. While we were picking up food through a drive-thru I told my friend how I was feeling. She told me she was feeling the same way so we decided that it would be best to return to our friend’s house before something really bad happened.At around 4:30AM, I woke up to my friend telling me to wake up and felt the floor under me shaking and the house rattling. It was 1994, we were just a few miles from Northridge, CA. A 6.7 M earthquake happened that night. Thankfully we were okay and no one got hurt.Another time for weeks I felt impending doom. It was not until I saw a photo of a family member flash up on my computer’s screen saver that the feeling went away. A week later I found out that family member tried to commit suicide. I think it was my family on the otherside reaching out to me to warn me to help him.So now whenever I have that feeling it really scares me because more often than not something bad IS going to happen. I have to be cautious and seek out signs about what might happen.Recently I had the feeling of impending doom again for a few month and it was the worst case I ever felt. It went away as soon as I found out my cousin was just released after being hospitalized in the ICU for pneumonia.I over heard another friend tell my mom she has learned to listen to me when I warn her about things, because they most often come true. I guess I am a bit psychic.

A red pointy thing is coming out of my kitten's vagina?!?!?!?

Your female cat is actually a male. This is the penis you are seeing.

Edit: Ok well............If your vet hasn't been able to tell the difference between a male and a female by now, I would seek another vet.
Very young kittens can be difficult to tell what sex they are. But a four month old should be evident. Next time you have the kitten to the vet, tell the vet what you've seen and have him try to expose the penis. It won't hurt the kitten. And there may also be an issue with Cryptorchidism. Cryptorchidism is when the testicles fail to descend into the scrotum. This is more prevalent in dogs, but can happen to cats too. You need to find out BEFORE the cat goes in for spay/neuter surgery. If it is a male and the vet thinks it's a female, the vet would be preforming major abdominal surgery looking for a uterus. If the kitten is a male and the testicles are undescended, the vet may overlook them and fail to remove them. Undescended testicles can become cancerous if not removed.