Son Has A Welt Like Thing Between His Toes

Why does my mom hit me so hard?

Dear OP, the answer from Ran B is a bad answer. Not everybody got hit as a child. I don't think it makes you a better person.I don't think your mom should hit you. It's true that in some cultures, people think it’s normal to hit kids as a punishment.I don't know why your mom hits you. I don't know if she loses her temper, or if she's trying to discipline you.I don't think parents should hit their kids for any reason. There are more effective ways of disciplining kids. Hitting has all kinds of bad effects on kids.That's my opinion.Since you wrote anonymously, can you tell more about what's going on? You can edit the question to explain a little more. How often does she hit you? How does it happen?It's hard to give you advice without knowing more about the situation.You can talk to your teacher or the social worker or guidance counselor at your school. If you do, they will be legally required to contact the agency called Child Protective Services.If someone at school makes a report to CPS, they will do an investigation to see what's going on in your family.EDIT: As soon as I get some sleep, I’ll share what I've read about the effects of corporal punishment on children.EDIT 2:Two big effects:It often causes kids to be more physically aggressive throughout their lives.It creates an association between love and fear.I'm sorry for not following up more thoroughly…I don't have a computer at home, and it's not a good idea to do it at work.Source: UNICEF (A report about abuse of children in India with quotes from the Indian Constitution opposing corporal punishment.)I really will research this topic more and post links.

Welt or welp?


Pronunciation: 'welt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English welte
1 : a strip between a shoe sole and upper through which they are stitched or stapled together
2 : a doubled edge, strip, insert, or seam (as on a garment) for ornament or reinforcement
3 a : a ridge or lump raised on the body (as by a blow or allergic reaction) b : a heavy blow

Pronunciation: 'hwelp, 'welp
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hwelp; akin to Old High German hwelf whelp
1 : any of the young of various carnivorous mammals and especially of the dog
2 : a young boy or girl

Isn't it great being right once in a while? You were completely correct! Trust yourself!

Red itchy welts that come and go... what is this?

have been getting random itchy red welt that look like bug bites first on my hands then they went away then i got it on my arm leg and back then they went away a day or tow later then got more on my face toes and ankle and the one on my face went away in just two days... i had taken an antibiotic but haven't taken it in a week. the Dr said it was an allergic reaction but i use the same products and laundry detergent and no new foods. what could this be?

I thought that it was bug bites too or maybe bed bugs but no one else in my house has them ive cleaned everything and vacumed... i even took a weekend trip to california and i got the same bumps while i was in california so it cant be bed bugs and its weird that i would get bug bites for two weeks

the bumps do not have any liquid...what i have looks like mosquito bites..... but they keep going away and re appearing ... not just on my feet or hands but one was on my face and on my arm then one was on my back ..they go away in a day or two and show up in a different spot .

what diseases can cause bumps like this?

How much do BB guns hurt? Can someone be genuinely injured from a BB gun?

How much does it hurt? Well, I had an idiot “friend” shoot me in the toe with one and, for the first few seconds it didn’t hurt, until it really started to hurt! The BB had entered in through the side of my toe, the 2nd toe right below the nail, and wedged itself between meat and bone. It started to throb and burn from sweat. The only thing that kept it from throbbing so bad was the raise my toe, but that caused a different kind of pain. My neighbor’s Dad gave me alcohol and a straight razor, per my request, and I attempted to cut it out; it was simply too deep. All attempts to remove it myself proved fruitless so I finally went to my father to let him know; which almost ended in a showdown between the guy that gave me the razor and my father.We went to the doctor and they shoved a long needle into the tip of my toe to deaden it, which hurt worse than the BB, and cut it the rest of the way out. There was no need for stitches.Harmless objects can cause injury at the right speed, so a weapon designed to hurl a small ball at high velocity is definitely capable of doing damage.Even though what I experienced sucked, the mention of a BB gun produces a totally different mental images than what I experienced….[Side Note] If you don’t know what the images above are from then your childhood was kinda sad!

Why do cats sometimes bite as a means to show affection?

It’s probably a bit of crossing of wires in the brain and a confused effort to hug you. I am talking about a bite which is really more like a firm clasping of you and your flesh, not actually biting to penetrate the flesh.I had a guy I adopted as an older cat, and I think he had a bad life prior to us. He would grab us with his teeth. I recall I was initially taken off guard by this, but I almost instantly “knew” that whatever was making his do this, he meant no actual harm. He could have ripped flesh out of my hand, had he wanted to. But his demeanor seemed to be gentle and quiet. I just knew he meant no harm.We taught him to do other things. I began putting my head just in front of him and touching my nose to his. Sometimes I rubbed his face with mine. After a while he started doing this on his own.I recall my wife telling of a cat she loved for many years, who was a handful at times. One day while she was petting him, he lunged at her neck and drew blood. She wore high collars for a while, fearing that her father would put the cat to sleep. She was convinced that it was actually her fault.You may encourage this if you let your kitten wrestle with your hand. As the cat grows up, they just keep doing the game you taught them, and as they get bigger and stronger, they can do some damage. I do not think this is what is being talked about here, but it is certainly worth reviewing. People think kittens are so cute when they pounce on you, but as they get bigger, they don’t learn when too much is too much (Mama generally teaches them that). Always be wary of what the kitten is actually learning from what you are doing. You, after all, can reason — the kitten, not so much.

My son is 5 year's old would a pet iguana be a good pet for his age?

Do not get an iguana, they are very high maintenance and not suitable for children. They bite and the bite can be very serious. I had an iguana and she bit quite often. They grow very large and are hard to keep properly. They have a difficult diet to follow, they do not eat crickets as some people think. They are vegetarians with only certain veggies appropriate for them. Other veggies can promote bone loss, most pet iguanas die of this. Please do not get a child an iguana, for your child's sake and the sake of the iguana.

Question About Bruises on Toddler?

Hey there! Don't worry, you're doing a great job! My son is 15 months old, is very active and constantly has bruises on his legs. He's had a few black eyes even, and always has skinned knees (although, now that he's not wearing shorts anymore, he doesn't have the skinned knee problem).
For some reason, he doesn't seemed to be bothered by pain as much as adults are. He can run across our gravel driveway barefoot -- he's even run across thistles and not cared that much. He only cries if he's really hurt himself, so bumps and bruises really don't bother him that much.
If you want to try them, the people that make Hyland's Teething Tablets also make a tablet called "bumps and bruises" that's supposed to help. You can find them at health food stores I think (at least that's where I've seen them around here).
I'm sure you don't have the first toddler with bruised legs that the doctor has seen =)