Spanish Speakers Help What Did This Guy Write To Me

Any fluent spanish speakers want to help me translate this?

this is an email from one of my friends in the DR, and I was just wondering if someone could help me understand what he told me. I know some spanish so i can get the gist of it, but I would like to know what he was saying exactly. Hopefully this question won't be deleted again because i have no idea why it was deleted the last time.

mira como quiera yo te amo mucho , y por que yo me enamore de ti es que tu ere de maciada linda y tu ere la persona que yo me mereco en la vida . no piense que yo estoy relajando con tigo es la verda yooo te amo muchoooooooo tuere lo que yo nesecito te amo

and this :

tu mepruguntaba si yo ledi mi msn a hotra persona . yo se lodi au para de amigo pero yo no le hablo como te hablo yo ati la unica persona que me gusta muchisimo ere tu . y te amo mucho? me preguntate si yo tengo faccebook y no tengo pero boy a scar uno nuevo para dartelo. ok tu no sabe lo tanto que te amo que qii siera comerte a beso ok y espero que aprenda españo pronto thanks

What does this mean (spanish speakers please)?

bueno i think that the guy tried to write what he was saying phonetically no? por k cuando hablas espanol especialmente if ur dominicana you dont say like Yo te he visto en la escuela verdad... you say it like he spelled it ...

Spanish speakers pronunciation help! (Funny Q)?

The pronunciation is:
1 - Pero
2 - I am not going to write this one, because I am a decent person
3 - Pido
If you say number two in the wrong place you will never forget the difference, trust me

Spanish help (I BEG!)?

I'll put this, if you don't like it, don't use it:
A good friend should be trustworthy, as in, they won't reveal your secret to other without your permission. A good friend makes you smile when your sad, and they console you when you have bad luck. They have a sense of humor not unlike your own, which makes it easier for you to understand each other and laugh at each other without risking offending the other person. They have a personality similar to your own, but not identical, nor opposite; so you can discuss who is the best singer without getting truly angry. They are kind, they don't treat others badly (nor yourself) and they aren't especially violent.

Un buen amigo debe ser confiable, es decir, que no dicen tu secreto a otros sin tu permiso. Un buen amigo te hace sonreir cuando estes triste, y te lconsuela cuando te cae la mala suerte. Tiene un sentido del humor parecido al tuyo, que hace que os entendais bien y que os riais el uno al otro sin ariesgar ofenderse el uno al otro. Tiene una personalidad parecida a la tuya, pero no igual, ni opuesta: que se pueda discutir sobre el mejor cantante sin realmente enfadarse. Es una persona amable, que no trata mal a nadie (ni a ti)  y no som especialmente violenta.

-Ehh, so-so?

Spanish help (I BEG!)?

Simply I'm not very smart when it comes to the Spanish language and have been toughing out my homework/summerwork to make sure I pass. And I really need some help because I can't write or speak the language so hopefully you guys can help me write. The answers to the questions can be VERY VERY VERY basic as it's a basic course but I still need help. Thanks ALOT

Write a brief description of each person/people. Be sure to include both what they are like (looks & personality) and how they feel (emotions)! You should have two Spanish sentences for each person.

1. Yourself

2. Your parents

3. Your best friend

Latin speakers only (google translate guys go away no one like you)?

The Tree of Life normally refers to th The Cross (especially when you write it in Latin).

Lignum Vitae literally means The Timber of Life - but is the way one would normally refer to the The Cross.

If you mean Yggdrasil (or something like that) you would probably say Arbor Vitae.


Genesis 3:22 in the Vulgate reads:

et ait ecce Adam factus est quasi unus ex nobis sciens bonum et malum nunc ergo ne forte mittat manum suam et sumat etiam de ligno vitae et comedat et vivat in aeternum

So the phrase you want is 'lignum vitae' ('de ligno vitae' mean 'from the Tree of Life').

I'm trying to write thank you notes for family in Spanish. My spanish sucks. Help?

"Querida Familia,
Quisiera agradecerles por su amabilidad y hospitalidad ,y por haberme hecho sentir como en mi propia casa, a pesar de que hacía tiempo no nos veiamos.
La he pasado maravillosamente, y espero volver a verlos muy pronto y que nos mantengamos en contacto.
con mucho cariño,
do you need me to translate this into English?

"Dear Family;
I´d like to thank you for you hospitality and courtesy, you really made me feell at home, even when we´ haven´t seen each other for a while.
I´ve had a wonderful time and I hope we´ll stay in touch and see each others again soon.
With love,"

How well can native Spanish speakers understand Catalan?

Well I think mine is a very interesting case. I'm a Mexican who lives near the border to the US, so the only other language I've been in touch in my entire life was English.I lived in Valencia for a year on my studying abroad where they speak Spanish and Valencian (the name of the Catalan in that region, so I would call it Catalan for the rest of the answer) and when I first arrived I merely knew this language existed.When I first read Catalan at the airport it was, for me, like Spanish without the last letter. The first time I heard Catalan I knew it was a language similar to mine but I wasn't able to understand at all.The first month I was able to recognize most of the words that were similar to Spanish and I was able to understand simple sentences of it.Two months later I was able to read and understand a lot of the texts on Catalan and to get an idea of a conversation.At the third month I was able to understand a normal conversation and read my university texts on Catalan , but I wasn't able to speak a word.Six months later I had three of my courses on the university on Catalan, I spoke with the teachers and let them know that I wasn't able to speak a word of Catalan but that I understand most of the language.At the end of my year I was able to participate on the conversation of my class, speaking in Spanish, with everyone speaking Catalan.Now a year and a half after that I've been practicing a lot, I search for podcasts on Catalan and I can understand almost everything without any problem, I even read three books and catalan and I'm in my way to finish a fourth.I think that, as any other latin language, you just need some practice and get in touch with in order to understand it well.But yes, it helps a lot knowing Spanish in order to understand Catalan. I'm pretty sure a native Spanish speaker from Spain would have an advantage over me, because I'm not even used to the accent when speaking Spanish, now imagine in other language.

Help translate to simple Spanish sentences?

"When I was little I did lots of stuff"
"I loved reading. I read a novel a day."
"I rode my bike, and skated a lot"
"I studied a lot"
"I watched many foreign movies"
"I learned the words to every song I liked"
"I played soccer with my friends a lot"
"I did chores my parents were planning to do without being told to"
"I had Arabic lessons every evening on the weekdays. "
"I had a pet bunny to take care of"
"I watched cartoons and Disney movies everyday"