Stages Of Renal Failure

Can cats with renal failure digest lactose free milk?

Your cat needs a diet low in protein to prevent him from building up toxic wastes from protein digestion that his kidneys cannot handle. Prescription kidney diets provide adequate (but not too high) amounts of good quality protein so they will do this for you. If you are adding in whole foods and milk, you are giving too much protein. It would be much better for your cat if you stick to a canned prescription kidney insufficiency diet (your vet can prescribe one for you). He will live a lot longer and feel better if you do this. If you want to give him treats, try low sodium chicken or beef broth, or the water from a can of tuna instead.

What is the life expectancy for someone with renal failure stage 5?

Stage 5 chronic kidney disease is the situation where the kidneys of a person are not able to perform its major functions. This is also called the end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or renal failure. At stage 5 chronic kidney disease, the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) found to be less than 15 ml/min. Kidneys are no longer able to perform any of its function which let the waste and contaminated fluid to get build up inside one’s body. Kidney patients, who reach the stage of kidney failure, have to go for a kidney transplant to need to be on dialysis. But both these surgical treatments are further linked with several uncertainties which increase the risk of death for the people.On the other side, the life expectancy for someone with renal failure stage 5 is not more than 2-3 weeks. Yes, even if the kidney patients undergo dialysis, it will not be possible for him to live more than 2 to 5 years. Hence there is a need for such a patient to go for the treatment that will be a permanent solution to their problems. Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure is the most adequate treatment which helps in the permanent restoring of damaged parts. Kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda had effectively treated many patients who had lost every hope to live a healthy life.Ayurvedic kidney treatment is highly effective as it uses the healing power of natural herbs. This treatment never suggests you go for any surgical treatment and will save you from the health hazards of it. Let’s understand the major symptoms linked with stage 5 chronic kidney disease:Less appetiteHeadaches and tirednessVomiting and nauseaLess concentration powerChange in skin colorSwelling near eyes and feetLess or no urineMore skin pigmentation

Chronic renal failure - why is there polyuria and then oliguria?

You're right that the oliguria later on is because of the reduced GFR, so there is less filtrate and less urine. Thats how chronic kidney disease (CKD) and chronic renal failure are classified by the National Kidney Foundation KDOQI guidelines (2002), where there are 5 stages:

Stage 1: Kidney damage with normal or increased GFR (>90 mL/min/1.73 m2)
Stage 2: Kidney damage with mild reduction in GFR (60-89 mL/min/1.73 m2)
Stage 3: Moderate reduction in GFR (30-59 mL/min/1.73 m2)
Stage 4: Severe reduction in GFR (15-29 mL/min/1.73 m2)
Stage 5: Kidney failure (GFR < 15 mL/min/1.73 m2 or dialysis)

In Stage 1, there is an increased GFR, which leads to polyuria. Basically, the kidney becomes unable to concentrate the urine, because there are less functional nephrons.

Less nephrons means each nephron has to work more to excrete more waste/electrolytes, so there is osmotic diuresis - increased osmotic pressure in the tubules (from a higher concentration of waste/electrolytes) causes retention of the water into the lumen and less water re-absorption. Since there is less re-absorption of filtered water, there is greater urine output.

Another way of explaining it, is that "if only a tenth of the normal number of nephrons remains, each is excreting 10 times its normal quota of solutes and so must behave as if an osmotic diuresis were constantly in operation. Far less water is therefore reabsorbed by the tubules in renal failure than in the normal kidney" (Platt, 1952) -- note that he uses "tenth" as just an example, but in general, there would be damage to nephron numbers in the kidney.

That's whats mostly recognised at the moment, but I found a Russian journal article from 2000 that disputes this (I couldn't read the article but the abstract is in English), which concludes:
"It is suggested that at this stage of chronic renal failure the mechanism of a diuresis increase is not due to osmotic diuresis but rather to secretion of prostaglandin E2 which inhibits cation reabsorption and stimulates diuresis."
I haven't seen/heard any other sources supporting this though, so I'm not certain how true it is.

I hope that helps :)

What is the life expectancy for End Stage Renal Failure w/no dialysis?

My dad is 67, had had 3 heart attacks over the last 3 years. Last summer he was hospitalized with a MRSA infection and had 2 vascular surgeries. He is also an insulin type 2 diabetic. After the second surgery he coded and was revived.He spent 9 weeks in critical condition 12 weeks inpatient in total, and was receiving dialysis 3 times a week.He spent 2 months in rehab and continued dialysis there. Upon his release in Dec '06 he no longer needed dialysis. In March he had a heart&kidney crisis and doctors told him that he may need to begon dialysis again and he refused. He is confined to a bed due to a muscle tear, and had been on hospice since April. He has gotten so thin- appetite goes up and down, and has now begun to itch all over his body. It is too late to turn back now, this is his decision, but how long can he linger like this? He obviously wasn't that dependent on the dialysis. Is there something that we should be watching for?

What is the life expectancy of someone with end stage renal failure?

This is from the National Kidney Foundation website:
"How long will I live if I choose to stop dialysis?
This varies from person to person. People who stop dialysis may live anywhere from one week to several weeks, depending on the amount of kidney function they have left and their overall medical condition." (See my link below)

I have been on dialysis, and saw a lot of older people there who seem to be suffering, and they did not even have Alzheimer's. I think your family has made a wise decision. I had a kidney and pancreas transplant in 2005. If I get to live to 70 or so, and my transplanted kidney has failed, I doubt I will go back on dialysis.

How long will one live with stage 4 kidney failure?

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is classified into five stages based on the "efficiency" of the kidneys in filtering blood:

If you are not familiar with the normal functions of the kidney, there are lots of information available:

Stage 4 CKD is compatible with life, meaning that one can live for a long time (theoretically, decades) if the following are met:
1. One takes the steps to preserve what kidney function that is left, so the CKD does not progress to Stage 5 (End-Stage Renal Disease, or ESRD).
2. One follows the dietary restrictions to avoid overburdening the failing kidneys. For example, eating lots of fruits will lead to high potassium levels, and if left untreated, high potassium can cause the heart to stop.

Many treatment options exist for some of the effects of Stage 4 CKD. For example, anemia can be treated with synthetic EPO (a hormone normally produced by the kidneys, telling the bone marrow to make new blood). High potassium can be treated with Kayexalate. High phosphate can be treated with calcium pills. Acidosis can be partially treated with bicarbonate or citrate pills. None of these treatments involve dialysis.

For more information about CKD:

Best wishes for your grandma.

What is the life expectancy of a person who has stage 4 kidney failure?

Stage 4 chronic kidney disease iѕ defined аѕ hаving a GFR оf 15–39 ml/min. Thiѕ means уоur kidneys hаvе lost nеаrlу 85–90 percent оf their function аnd will require thе assistance of medical therapy.In chronic kidney disease (CKD), kidney function doesn’t fail all at once. The condition, in fact, progresses over time and through stages. The success of the treatment often depends at which stage the chronic kidney disease is diagnosed. For best outcomes and prevention of complications, the condition should be detected as early as possible.One can eliminate kidney disease by following the strategy given at THE KIDNEY DISEASE SOLUTION. A number of patients have been cured using this therapy.Declining kidney function results in thе accumulation оf waste products in thе blood and саn lead tо ѕеvеrаl complications. Thiѕ includes high blood pressure, anemia, bone disease, heart disease, аnd оthеr cardiovascular diseases. If thеѕе complications аrе nоt tаkеn care оf promptly, they саn lead to severe health consequences.Withоut treatment in thе fоrm оf kidney dialysis, stage 4 kidney disease patients will bе subjected tо ѕеvеrаl negative symptoms thаt will nоt оnlу саuѕе pain, but аlѕо аn оvеrаll decrease in the quality оf life. It iѕ expected thаt stage 4 patients will nоt survive mоrе thаn a year withоut dialysis treatment.With dialysis, however, patients’ survival rates аrе expected tо increase considerably, allowing thеm tо extend thеir prognosis bу аn additional 2–5 years. Bу allowing a dialysis machine tо perform thе work nоrmаllу dоnе bу thе kidneys, уоur bоdу саn perform optimally again. However, it iѕ important tо note thаt еvеrу patient iѕ diffеrеnt аnd mау hаvе additional circumstances thаt affect survival.Dialysis ѕhоuld оnlу bе considered аѕ a temporary measure tо hеlр excrete harmful toxins аnd wastes frоm thе body. All efforts аrе geared tоwаrd promoting kidney treatment аnd recovery thаt hеlр repair diseased cells аnd tissues ѕо thаt eventually a patient’s renal function iѕ sufficient tо dо thе job оn itѕ own. Thiѕ will require thе dedication аnd vigilance оf thе patient tо adhere to strict dietary plans аnd treatments prescribed bу thе doctor.However, ѕоmе cases оf kidney disease аrе bеуоnd whаt саn bе treated with modern medicine, with thе оnlу resort bеing kidney transplantation.

What is the life expectancy of a person who is stage 3 kidney failure?

First of all, stage 3 would be chronic kidney disease (CKD)—NOT chronic kidney failure. Kidney failure occurs in stage 5. Here’s something most people with CKD are not told: only 1 in 5 people with stage 3 CKD will ever have kidney failure. Most (4 out of 5) will live out their lives and die of some other cause.How can you tell which group you may be in? Protein in your urine is an important clue. “Spilling” protein makes it much more likely that CKD will get worse. Smoking can also make kidneys get worse much faster. So, if you smoke, quit. And, there are other steps you can take to protect whatever function you still have:If you have diabetes, get your blood sugar in control. Consider a ketogenic, moderate protein diet.If you have hypertension, get your blood pressure in control. Get a home BP cuff. Take your meds. Exercise. Consider following the DASH diet.Avoid non-steroidal antiinflammatory (NSAID) pain meds, like Advil, Motrin, or Aleve.Talk to your doctor about specific treatments for your cause of CKD. There may be medications that can help.If you are a man, one drink of alcohol per day can help protect kidney function. (Not sure about women, the study didn’t include them).In general, eat fresh foods and cook from scratch—avoid processed, fried, and fast foods.Ask questions, track your blood and urine test results, and take charge of this. It can make a difference.