Starvation Reply Asap

My dog is missing!?!how long before it dies of starvation i dont want to find it dead please help!?!?!?

My dog ran away yesturday because i took it outside at 3am for its nightly go but the gate was open and it ran and by the time i got out the bathroom i noticed she was missing. So I want to know how long can she go without food or water because i want to know many days i have to find her. Shes and english springer spaniel which is 7months old so she needs to be well fed and she is really hyper type so she could be any where please answer it means alot to me shes my only friend really please help im so sad

Dont care if its unhealthy fast way to lose weight?

i really want to lose wight fast if u r gonna tell me to do a healthy thing then dont answer i dont care if it is unhealthy i can do exercise starve myself just tell me how to lose weight fast

How do I lose thigh fat fast?

You can’t lose thigh fat quickly.It’s a process.I will give you effective tips which can help you.First, you should eliminate the causes of those extra pounds:Stop drinking sodasStop drinking alcohol (especially beer)Stop eating junk foodGo to bed earlierDon’t sit all dayStop eating at nightChange your dietNow, do everything opposite:Drink water (at least 8 glasses per day)Don’t skip meals - breakfast especially, eat an apple for a dinnerSleep enough (at least 7 hours)Don’t eat after 7 p.m.Eat high-fiber foods and high - protein foodsExercise and increase physical activitiesExercisesExercising is one of the most effective ways when it comes to losing weight.Plank is very effective when it comes to fat burning, especially belly fat.The plank can help you get rid of fat layers around the belly, waist, shape your buttocks, relieve the pain in your back, and speed up your metabolism.GRIT cardio is a 30-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) which improves your cardiovascular endurance, accelerates your movements and makes your body burn calories long after your training.Counting caloriesDon’t forget to create a calorie deficit in order to lose weight efficiently.SupplementsIn order to increase fat burning, you can think about some supplement. But just to be clear - there is no magic pill which will help you lose weight instantly.Supplements can be used just as an addition to balanced diet.Reference:Best Fat Burners That WorkDon’t forget - you didn’t gain weight over the night so you can’t lose it over the night.

What is 18" long, cold and stiff, and makes a woman scream in the morning?

a fruity icypole on the pillow :D

How long can my dog go without eating?

Your dog is descended from wolves. Wolves typically hunt every day, but only catch something one day in three. So your dog can clearly go 3 days between meals. But if you are going to do that, you need to let him eat as much as he wants when he does get food.Actually, that’s every 3 days on average. I doubt it will do a dog much harm to go five days without eating. Just keep in mind: that’s 2–5 days without eating, then the pack eats as much as they can get down. Then they sleep for half a day, then they start hunting again.Dogs also have more self-control than you’d give them credit for. There was a news story a while back: somebody had left their (largish) dog alone in the house with a baby, and for some reason not returned to feed the dog or take care of the baby. (Don’t remember if they died or were in an accident, or what.) The dog ate the baby, but — according to police analysis — only after the baby had died of starvation.Humans are part of a dog’s “pack”, and you don’t kill your pack members for food. (Deaths do sometimes occur in dominance fights to determine who gets to be pack Alpha.)