Still Having Diarrhea And Feeling Weak

IBS: feeling tired after diarrhea?

It is very common to feel exhasted after an IBS attack. Definitely, keeping hydrated is very important, as I'm sure you know.

You *can* get disability for IBS, but you may be in for quite a fight - as you may have figured out already, IBS is not very well understood by people that haven't suffered its worst. Certainly, if that's what you need, give it a shot.

Have you been thoroughly - and I mean THOROUGHLY - tested by a GI specialist before they diagnosed you with IBS? It's shocking how many docs don't do their jobs in this respect. Being underweight and experiencing frequent, severe diarrhea tells me you could have another condition like Celiac, which is much more common that most doctors realize and goes undiagnosed about 97% of the time in the U.S. Even if you've had the blood tests, it's something worth considering, because the medical tests are terribly inaccurate (yet the medical community tends to trust them, because they're the best tests they've got).

Obviously, I don't know any of your history and I'm not trying to diagnose you here, but I just want to caution you that you really can't put too much faith in doctor's diagnoses when it comes to GI conditions - I'd encourage you to do some investigating on your own and see if you can't come up with something. If you have had a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy, ask for a copy of the results "for your records", and read through them on your own. Many doctors dismiss minor or unexplained inflammation, which is completely and utterly wrong - any inflammation is a sign that something more than IBS is going on.

Sorry for the rant, I'm just sick of people getting misdiagnosed and ignored by ignorant doctors, and being left to suffer like you are.

(Lucky for me, I got some good advice on the discussion boards at WebMD and realized that my "IBS" was actually a food intolerance - as long as I stick with my diet, I'm fine)

Feeling very weak after vomiting? time dont eat a fruit crustard from a gas station

I have diarrhea, and i feel weak. if i get up to fast i feel light headed and not hungry?

ive been like this for the last couple days i started having diatrea on monday and feeling very weak and loss in appetite. on tuesday i felt better had to go toilet once but i felt hungry and i ate alot. but on wednesday morning at 4am i woke up i found it hard to sleep again, so again i got up to toilet and do diahrrea and felt weird and weak and not hungry the rest of the day and in bed whole day what could be the matter? i feel fine in bed but when i get up i feel weak and weird and little lightheaded.

Why do my legs get weak after diarrhea?

Yes it's normal. Due to you pushing all the crap out. Putting pressure on your legs.
Also from sitting for a longer time.

On the 1st day of my period I vomit, have diarrhea and feel very weak, faint and drowsy. What's wrong with me?

do not challenge approximately it. once you look returned on it, it in simple terms isn't so poor. adult men have not got any concept how embarrassing it truly is to have a leak. we gained't truly administration it at instances, it sneaks up! White pants... I pity you ><. next time your instructor is in a bad temper, ask if he had a female twist of destiny. that's not significant what all your classmates think of. If it is going to make you experience greater useful, people who are not wisdom many times land up in worse positions than you have been in. Take a deep breath. think of approximately doing all your ultimate alongside with your homework. Homework is the only element which will pay you returned later - stressful approximately rude human beings is in simple terms going to make issues worse for you. Take it as a lesson approximately how your physique works. Embarassing, confident. yet you may triumph over this.

Feeling very weak after stomach virus...?

I've had a stomach virus since wed and I feel lets say 90% better today I still feel occasionally nauseous and I still have diarrhea, but it's much better since this whole thing started. I've been drinking lots of fluid and I am eating, but today all day I've been pushing myself to do anything. I feel so drained that if someone would nudge me I would probably fall over. Just wanted to know if that's normal after a stomach flu?? I also urinated twice today so I guess that crosses out dehydration, or does it??

Lethargy, weakness, irritability and other similar symptoms, synonymous with a person feeling like ‘he/she doesn’t have any energy’, can happen secondary to chronic constipation.Not everyone has a bowel movement once per day; in fact, it's normal to "go" as many as three times each day or as little as three times per week, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. But if a patient tells you that he/she is going less frequently than that, chronic constipation is very likely.Several diseases list constipation and extreme fatigue among their top symptoms. For example, celiac disease, a condition in which the patient cannot consume certain grains, frequently presents with constipation and fatigue. It's also possible that the patient has inflammatory bowel syndrome ( Ulcerative Colitis/Crohns disease ), a disorder in which your bowels fail to function properly, since IBD can be associated with feelings of tiredness. Another differential is fibromyalgia, which causes acute muscle pain. Many people with fibromyalgia don't sleep well, leading to fatigue.Many medications list constipation and fatigue as potential side effects. For example, well-known antidepressant side effects can include both symptoms, and some high blood pressure medications can have similar side effects, according to the website of Mayo Clinic.

Do what I have no choice but to do.. head to hospital to get hooked up to IV fluids/saline.I lose vital fluids all of the time through diarrhea caused by My bastard of a condition.. IBS.It leads to Me feeling weak, exhausted and unable to stand or walk. (Low blood pressure)Take My advice.Go to hospital.