Strategies And Guidelines On How To Get Nice Looking

Halo 3 team doubles strategies?

just want to know some really advanced strategies for team doubles, im a 40 right now and im going to make a huge push this weekend for my 50
i don't really want to boost, i have teamates that are equal in skill and i want to earn it fairly

any answers help XD

Strategies to get a hot girl?

Okay if you really want this girl you should try and get a makeover.
Inside and out :) I don't mean completely change who you are, but a few simple things.
-Give up those nerdy video games, and don't play chess in the library.
I know a group of guys that go to the library at lunch and play chess, and a lot of people make fun of them for that, and that's the LAST thing you need.

-Try watching some football games and talk about football. You don't have to play it, but at least seem interested in sports.

-You are unfit? Well that good news is that its SUMMER! You have a few months to drop pounds and start working on that six pack!
-ONLY drink water. You will lose water weight, and you will consume WAAAY less calories if you only drink water.
-Eat tons of fruits and veggies! You don't have to be a health freak and NEVER eat junk food, but don't eat A LOT of it. Moderate your portions. And also a good tip is instead of 3 big meals a day, have 5 small meals a day.
-Jog! And when you jog suck in your stomach! It burns more calories!
-Lift weights! Build some muscle!
-Do crunches and situps. It's not a significant difference but it IS a start!
-Go to the gym 3-4 times a week! If you have a gym membership that is.
-Be active!

That should definately bring your weight down!

You should also find a new style.

Try shopping at Abercrombie and Fitch (once you lose weight!) They always have sale items so you can get tee shirts and jackets for pretty cheap.

And also do something different with your hair. A lot of girls dig Robert Pattensons messy bed head hair! And Taylor Lautners hair is really nice too! Just search for celeb's hair styles and decide which one fit's you best!

You don't have to ditch your friends, but I would suggest trying to make a few more different friends.
Popular guys can be intimidating but there has to be at least ONE nice one. Once you have one popular friend, you're pretty much in! But don't forget about your old friends, unless you genuinely don't like them.

Try to be outgoing, funny, and nice!

If all else fails then MOVE ON! There IS someone out there for you!

And you should wait until her and her boyfriend are through with.
Odds are sooner or later they will break up.

Good luck hun!!!!


I am looking for a good strategy when playing 4 player racko?

Parker Brothers released a CD-ROM of card games and Rack-o was included in the disc so I have been playing a lot of Rack-o lately. It seems that you have to learn to play the odds. If during the initial deal you get lots of low or high numbers you may be better off trying to get as high of a score as possible rather than trying for Rack-o.

A rule of thumb would be to space out the placement of cards to maximize the odds of getting Rack-o. For example: putting the cards valued at ten or less is the slots marked "5" and "10", cards valued between eleven and twenty in slots "15" and "20", etc.

Another way to maximize your odds is spreading the gap for the slots you are waiting to fill. Another example: your rack is 5, 7, 11, 13, 21, 1, 35, 42, 51, 53. You draw 14. Rather than discarding the 14, replace the 21. Now you have twenty cards that can get you Rack-o rather than the thirteen you had previously.

For practice I recommend getting the CD-ROM. I found it on sale at Toys "R" Us last month for $4.99.

A fun strategy game with a good story line?

I'm looking to find some good strategy games. I'm using an iphone and a Mac. So that's what platforms I want it on. Just for some guidance I really love the fire emblem games. They have great strategy and story lines. I like turn based games, but it doesn't have to be. So what are your favorite strategy games and your favorite story lines in games? I just want some fun time killing games. Thanks!

What are good strategies in Football Manager (video game)?

If you want to know about the various strategies and tactics about Football Manager, you can easily get these on Football Manager Downloads.Here, you will get all the tactics and guidelines to play the FM2017 in a most realistic way. This platform would provide you wide numbers of kits which include Football Manager licenses fix, Football Manager Face packs, Football Manager Logo packs, and much more.Along with these, you can also get other services like downloading the data sheep with the most updated version, Records, Careers, Graphics and much more.If you also want to play this latest FM2017 in your device with these advanced features, you can easily install them by following the guidelines available here.