Stuffed Ears After Excersice

Why do my ears feel blocked after doing my stretch exercises?

Do Praana yaamam for five minutes before and after these exercises. If it does not work, follow this technique. Fill your mouth with air and close both your nostrils keeping your mouth closed and try to release the air through ears. Do this for five times. This will definitely bring you relief. The wind pipe between ear and throat will be cleared through this exercise. This is the best technique for children having ear ache during cold, in flights and at high altitudes.

Hear loss and stuff?

Earbuds only do more damage when when you are trying to overpower ambient noise. As Ambiguity mentioned Shure and others make earbuds that come with several fittings that help you first isolate yourself from ambient noise.


(1) The ear "prefers" mid-high to high frequencies over low frequencies.
(2) The ear is not suited to long intervals of high amplitude.
(3) The ear prefers harmonic to inharmonic sounds.
(4) And the ear prefers sustained sounds over periodic sounds.

(1) High frequencies exercise the flexibility of the ear's cilia (the little hairs that vibrate within the ear canal. Constant low frequencies tend to atrophy the ear's ability to hear high frequency sounds. High frequencies coupled with low frequencies tend to mitigate, to some extent, the negative effect of low frequencies.

Ear infections are caused by trapped viruses or bacteria and swelling developing behind the eardrum (tympanic membrane) when the child has an upper respiratory infection. The eustachian tube opens into the middle ear, behind the eardrum. In children, this eustachian tube is smaller and more horizontal than that of an adult, and these factors cause the tube to become closed when swollen. The fluid is trapped in the middle ear because the eustachian tube is closed. Viruses and bacteria then multiply in this trapped area, resulting in an infected eardrum.

Ears clogged for a week, sinus infection. do i have HIV?!?

Hello, im really scared, ive been anxious and nervous for the past 4 weeks, as I had unprotected vaginal sex 4 weeks ago, it only lasted 10 seconds, I already tested negative for all other STDs, all thats left is HIV in two weeks, I haven't had any symptoms, but have just been severely anxious and stressed, I've cried a couple of times, i let my family and friends down. The woman told me she was clean several times but i really don't know and after getting negatives on the other std tests I felt a little better but am still scared, ive seen my family doctor 5 times in the past two weeks, he told me not to worry, but I still am, ive had tightness of chest and had GERD for a while, (acid reflux) and now both my ears have been clogged for the past few days, I haven't told my doc yet, im going to take mucinex and I think its just sinus infection, but ive always been healthy and have never had any sinus infections, I hope this isn't a sign of HIV, I just need some help, any answers will help! Thanks to all of you! God bless.

My ear feels clogged after a cold...?

I've been really sick the past week. Thankfully most of the symptoms are gone, but for the past two or three days my left ear feels clogged, like there is air trapped inside. It doesn't seem serious enough to see a doctor for but its driving me CRAZY. I've tried yawning and cleaning out my ears but it's not working. Is there anything else I can do or should I just pay a visit to the doctor?

Dog licks and sucks on other dogs ears?

Have you checked the victim's ears to be sure that they are not infected or have parasites? An infection in one dog could be causing the other to give the ear attention. I'd start there.

Beyond that, I'd wonder how much exercise and attention these dogs are getting, as the behavior could be driven by boredom. And no, letting the dogs out into the yard does NOT qualify as exercise. They do need to actually be walked.

I've only seen this happen when two dogs share a kennel run. It's boredom in that case.

If the ear is healthy and the dogs are getting adequate exercise (and very few pets do), then you have to separate them when you can't supervise them and correct the behavior when you see it happening.

Why do my ears pop when I sing?

It is actually a normal occurence whereby the eustachian tube in your ear is balancing the pressure inside with the outside, hence "the pop sound".  I'd like to add that it does not make you a bad singer as the previous answer suggested. You can do simple exercises to relieve the tension in your mouth and throat, in so doing also allowing the pressure to adjust before you start singing. One example is to do deep yawns - make sure you breathe in all the way until you feel air pushing downwards on your diaphragm, and then let out a deep, steady and slow yawn. Another one of my favorites is to exercise your jaw - there are 3 ways to do this - firstly, open your mouth as wide as you can vertically and feel your lower jaw extend downwards as far as possible. Bring your lower jaw up and just before your teeth clash extend your jaw downwards again. Do this repeatedly. Secondly, with your mouth slightly open and upper jaws remaining still, move your lower jaws forwards and back repeatedly. Lastly, just like the previous exercise, keep your upper jaws still, only this time you move your lower jaws to the left and right repeatedly. You can do each of these exercises for about 10-20 times at a slow and steady pace. These should help relieve the tension in your jaws and throat alike, and also remove the air bubbles (they form naturally) that are causing pressure to build up and making 'pop sounds' while you sing.

Dogs chewing on other dogs ears..?

They'll chew on one another due to boredom, so I'd ask yourself if these guys are really getting enough exercise and stimulation.

If they are, then I'd take a good, hard look at each of their ears. Do they look pink and healthy? Or is there brown discharge, an off-putting odor? Dogs will chew on another dog's ears if one has an ear infection, so check to see how those ears look and smell.

Also check for matts behind the ears. If your dog has long hair, one may have matts.