Sudden Loss Of Appetite

Sudden loss of appetite?

A sudden loss of appetite is quite a common thing and this happens to everyone now and then who experiences a temporary loss of appetite. Stress, worry, anxiety, fear, excitement, and emotional conflicts are among the many causes that can lead to a person's loss of appetite. Almost any illness, ranging from the common cold to some chronic illnesses and other potentially fatal diseases, can cause loss of appetite, as can smoking, alcohol, and many medications. The appetite usually returns when the illness abates, but persistent loss of appetite can be a warning sign of a serious underlying disease.
So do not panic as it is normal to be less hungry when a person is not feeling well. Do not try to force down foods. Instead, drink more water and plenty of fluids, especially fruit juices. However, if this persists, please seek further medical advice.

Sudden loss of appetite and nausea.?

Relax! I wouldn't get stressed over worrying whether your pregnant because firstly if you were pregnant, your not actually pregnant yet because you only had sex a week ago and because your not, you wouldn't have these symptoms. You said you we're dehydrated well that is most probably the reason why you've lost your appetite because your not drinking enough water which can result in loss of appetite and because your not drinking it results in your throwing up as you can feel sicky or unwell when you havent got enough water.
Also it can be due to not getting enough vitamins and minerals and not getting enough nutritional food which can also result in loss of appetite and making you feel sickly
I've had loss of appetite before and i don't even know why, i think it's because i was quite stressed out and also i had lost a child and because of that i bled a lot and i hardly drunk anything making me pass out. Im not saying you have miscarried!

I would try and eat some healthy food or if you are depressed and worried i would try not to be, afterall during sex you were protected so there is nothing to worry about!


Reason for sudden loss of appetite?

Hunger is a natural and important drive for everyone. If you really
never get hungry then there may be a problem which needs attended to.
It might be something to do with your stomach – say, too much acid or
an infection or something.
It might be something else entirely – your hormonal system for
example. Or it might have become a psychological problem.
It is an important problem to understand and the best thing you can
do is get yourself checked by your GP to see if he or she can get to
the bottom of it for you.
It certainly isn't just a variation of normal to have it to this
extent for this period of time

Sudden loss of appetite?

Just recently I have experienced a sudden appetite loss. I know that stress, worry, fear, etc. can cause apetite loss, but I have not experienced any of those recently. In fact, I am nor happy or sad to be honest. Nothing is really going on in my life at the moment. Can someone please explain why I am not hungry at all? I am not hungry nor full, but I am not eating but 1 small meal a day and that is because my mom forces it down my throat. I don't have any medical history, in fact I am healthy 13 year old girl. (I am 5"3 and weigh 100 lbs.) but I have been losing weight so I am somewhere in the 90s now. Can someone please explain why? And if this is a serious condition? Should I seek medical attention?

What could be causing sudden appetite loss in a dog?

my 2 year old pitbull is completely healthy and super active but lately he has really lost his appetite. he used to eat his food voraciously but recently i have had to put gravy in it just to make him interested, and lately that isnt even working. switching the food upsets his stomach and he is sick of his current food. he rather not eat than eat his food, which is purina large breed formula. is there a better food for dogs with sensitive stomachs??

What are the causes for  loss of appetite?

Here are some reasons due to which a person can lose his/her apetiteLack of Exercise: Regular activity can boost a person’s appetite.Dehydration: This can be brought on by age related changes, medications or lack of interest, but dehydration can lead to dangerous conditions impeding a person’s ability to function appropriately.Lack of Routine: Eating around the same time each day helps the body feel ready to eat at meal times.Inability to prepare meals: When living alone, preparation of a meal may become too difficult or tiring.Loss of taste: With age, taste buds become less able to detect flavors. Favorite foods may become bland and unappetizingDifficulty Chewing, swallowing or eating independently: Issues such as dental problems, some medications, and medical conditions such as stroke, dementia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease all can cause difficulties with eating and swallowing, making mealtime frustrating and sometimes frightening.Sensitivity to smells: Certain smells that previously went unnoticed may invoke feelings of nausea and decrease appetiteDepression or loneliness: Studies have indicated 1 in 10 people express feelings of loneliness. Not having anyone to share a meal with may intensify those feelings.Loss of Control: If you have a change in your living situation, you may not have access to your favorite foods. Being unable to choose what to eat may makes you not want to eat at all.Mealtimes are unpleasant: An arguments or negative atmosphere during mealtime can lead to increased stress and frustrations and create an unpleasant association with food.HOPE THIS HELPS

Sudden loss of appetite / don't feel hungry anymore?

I'm constantly eating. I can eat a meal and will be hungry again within an hour to an hour and a half again (crazy fast metabolism, I guess).
But since about four or five days ago, I've suddenly stopped feeling hungry. I don't feel hungry when I first wake up (which used to be when I was the hungriest) or at any other point in the day. The smell of food makes me feel nauseous. I know I need to eat and try to, but just can't seem to because I feel full before I even put the food in my mouth.

This is really, really bad for me since I'm already a skinny girl and am trying to gain weight, but am instead losing weight. On top of that, I typically go out on runs because I enjoy them and I enjoy being outdoors. I still feel as energetic as before, so no weakness or dizziness. The only other symptom is that I seem to be having more trouble than usual falling asleep. A doctor did diagnose me with chronic insomnia some years back, so it's nothing new to me, but I usually end up falling asleep before 3am, but haven't been able to at all these past few days.

Can't see a doctor because my family no longer has insurance. As for any other information that may help, I am female, in high school (on summer vacation though), and the above listed symptoms are the only ones.

Real sudden loss of appetite and I'm shivering?

Starting yesterday I have had a VERY sudden loss of appetite that leaves me sick to my stomach when I think about food.
Usually I pig out on food when I'm bored, but it all upsets my stomach.
I ate today, but had to force myself to finish it because I got too sick.
I was on pain meds a few days ago for severe stomach pains brought on by a ruptured ovarian cyst, so idk if thats why.
Then again I have also been real stressed out for the past few days, so idk...
Also, I'm FREEZING to death! The heat is on in my house (It's on 85!) and I'm usually VERY sensitive to heat, but I'm just so cold :(

can anyone explain these two things?

Loss of appetite and sex drive?

F0or the last 2 weeks or so, I have had a huge loss of appetite and Sex drive. I just got out of high school and used to watch porn daily and eat alot. Now I dont even have the urge to watch it. Is it cuz I just met a girl I like a lot and felt desire in bed with her but Im not that horny as near as much as i used to be.

Is loss of appetite normal as you age?

It is true that our appetite declines as we age. There are many possible explanations for this, among them a decrease in activity or energy levels and a declining sense of taste and smell "“ both of which will impact appetite. A decrease in appetite is also a side effect of some medications. The series of strokes may have impacted your mother's ability to physically chew and swallow her food requiring more time for her to finish a meal. Regardless of the cause, it is important that meal times remain pleasurable and that your mother has help choosing foods that provide the greatest amounts of nutrients. Served up with a side of patience, here are some other suggestions for your mother:At meals, eat the most nutritious foods first. Start with the protein foods (meat, chicken, and fish).Flavor foods with herbs and spices that are more intense and interesting such as garlic, turmeric and curry.Eat several smaller meals throughout the day. Schedule meals and snacks during periods of the day when you have more energy.Drink high calorie beverages such as fruit nectars, milk, cocoa, malted milk, shakes, smoothies, Ovaltine® , Carnation Instant Breakfast® , and commercial nutritional beverages such as Ensure® and Boost® .Avoid low calorie/low fat foods (breads,crackers,starches) and beverages that may be too filling when cosumed with the meal.Eat high calorie snacks such as peanut butter, hummus, cheese, puddings, nuts, nut butters, trail mix, breakfast and meal bars, cereal, yogurt, cottage cheese, and hard-boiled eggs.Keep snacks readily available to nibble on.Try to do some physical activity before meals. Stretch or take a stroll.