Survey Poll Do You Feel Media Taking Over The Journalism Field Is A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing

Poll: Is using Silence and saying "Nothing" the best remedy...with women?

"Stone-walling" is not a good sign in relationships. There is a time to speak and a time to keep quiet but it's only for a time. It's not meant to be a regular pattern in relationships.

Yes, honesty and openness are important in relationships and openness is an essential need for closeness.

But so is respect. Many a men clam up in fear of saying something hurtful or disrespectful. If someone says something disrespectful to him or in a disrespectful tone, it's like having a brick thrown in his face. That's what it feels like. So there are times when he will shut up to avoid throwing a brick at his beloveds face. By him doing that he feels like he's taking the honorable road. It's not honorable to throw a brick in someones face.

And sometimes he just needs a bit of space and time to cool off and analyze the conflict and figure things out. And that's why men sometimes shut up. However, if they don't come back to discuss the conflict then that is stonewalling and ignoring the issue. If we ignore such issues, they won't get better, they'll just get worse. It's kinda like water if you pour a glass of water and just let it sit there and never get back to it, it will become stale and bad.

One thing that we men need to realize/remember is that most women enter into conflict because they love us and want to keep the relationship from deteriorating. We, guys, sometimes get caught up in her angry spirit and interpret that as her saying that we are BAD people. We need to look through her anger and accusations and see why she's upset and what she's trying to get at. We also need to realize that women "talk it through" while we tend to "think it through". I'm sure stonewalling feels hurtful and unloving to a woman. I'm sure she interprets that as saying, "I don't love you or our relationship enough to get this resolved, even if it gets a bit rocky."

Ladies, need to learn how to approach their man in a spirit of respect even when they're fuming. Not easy!

Journalism career?

The pay for most is not that good, say compared to maybe marketing and advertising, at least when you are a beginning journalist. But life is far more interesting and enjoyable.

My father was a journalist in his career most of his life, anyways, except for a brief stint as a soldier in WWII.

His mother and father were journalists. And that lady, my grandmother, started out as one of the first women journalists in the United States, in the big money press anyways. She was the daughter of one of the first ladies to be active in the suffagette movement and the prohibition movement, a lady named Mina Weinburg Allensworth.

Mina's daughter, that is to say my grandmother, Mary Allensworth Creighton, started with Walter Creighton the Galesburg Post in 1924. They also started the Knoxville Journal. These were in Knox County, Illinois. I suppose they were in a way they were in the tradition of your neighbourhood or small town weekly newspaper.

Get yourself a Writers or Poets' Market and start reading it, from the very beginning, and take notes. Use stickies to post by your bathroom mirror, your bedside, your bulletin board, your refridgerator or anywhere else to remind you about deadlines.

English majors are fine, but I advise you to get another skill too, maybe a Computer Science or Programming minor, or some thing like a concentration in Desktop Publishing whatever they call that these days. And learn another language.

Come on! You ARE smart enough to learn an easy language like French, Spanish, or German. At least get a little familiarity with it.

And also learn how to do something manual in case you don't get snatched up right away when you do start looking for journalist work.

I would try to get on the campus (university) newspaper AND/or the literary review if I were you. And maybe just maybe if your grades are good, and you have a little extra time, then do a podcast on what it is like to learn the trade of journalism, photo journaism, marketing, advertising, printing, or other media journalism.

Good luck.

Teen Issues Survey Different Age Groups Needed!?

I'm 55, living in a nursing home in Overland Park, KS

To your first question, teen pregnancy first comes to mind. However, the ever increasing amount of overall knowledge is also an issue. Back in my day, the overall volume of knowledge was doubling every three years. Today, it is doubling every 3 months. It must be getting difficult for our youth to keep up.

I firmly believe the main factor as regards choices comes down to how teens view themselves, and how society treats them. For decades, teens have been fed the line, "Act Your Age" when they do something childish. Well, the fact of the matter is they are children. They are not almost, or even nearly adults. Females don't reach full maturity until age 24, and males until age 30. The human brain does not even begin developing the ability for conceptual thought process, such as understanding why something is wrong, until puberty. The poor choices comes down to them being driven to believe they are more mature then nature allows for.

The absolute worse thing we could have done to today's youth was to establish legal adulthood at age 18, though in Mississippi, it is age 21. In El Salvador, it is age 25 for boys. In most European countries, youth do not leave home until age 27. We need to let children be children until they are ready to be adult. Of note, Christ was not mature enough to leave h0me until he was 30 years old.

Texting & Driving can best be addressed by raising the age to get a driver's license to age 19.

Underage Drinking and Illegal Drugs cannot be fully addressed until they are addressed in adults.

Sex/teen pregnancy

As for the schools, they are not teaching the boys enough about sex and abstinence. As for the others, as long as teens feel they are mature enough to make their own decisions in these matters, no amount of teaching will help.

Here is some of my writings on teens.

BEAUTY SURVEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

1. Do you find yourself attractive?
kind of, some days I hate everything about myself, But I love my face, and I am beginning to love my body (because I have been working out for months now)

2. why? If not is it because people don't tell you you are or you tell yourself that?
I kind of have a flawed view on that... I am of the belief that "the only thing that matters is what other people think of you" I know it is wrong, but I can't get that out of my head, I HAVE to be perfect and I am getting sooo close to being like the people in the magazines

3. What's the best compliment you've ever gotten on your looks?
this GORGEOUS girl asked me if I was wearing colored contacts, she didn't believe my eye color was real
some guy told me I was so hot that they would rape the s h i t out of me if they ever got the chance
. . . . he also told me I looked like the male version of Sarah Palin (which was a REALLY weird ... um... compliment)

4. As a child did your parents tell you you were beautiful/handsome?
I have had really terrible acne for 5 years now, I was very fat when I was a child (I was obese in high school) now, I have clear skin (thanks to a cycle of accutane that ended about a week ago) I am at the right weight, and I work out several times a week and I am sooooo close to a six-pack, my mother tells me I am very good looking all the time, but i don't remember hearing it much when i was younger, in fact I remember she insulted my acne a few times when it was at its worst

5. When do you feel most attractive?
I feel most attractive when I am hungry. I also feel attracive when I have muscle soreness from working out at the gym

6. How would you describe yourself in terms of ugly, average,cute,handsome,sexy,etc.
I feel almost like I have split personalities on this subject, sometimes I look in the mirror and I am soo happy to look the way that I do, other times I look in the mirror and I feel like I am staring at the reflection of a monster