Symptoms Of A Vocal Polyp

My dad has a Vocal Cord polyp. What is the best treatment for it?

well i don't know much about it but i do know its a diseas under developement of hoarseness and as result a breathy voice as a symptom…… is taken under Laryngial cancer….so you better rush to a good doctor……and consult to best doctors…….if someone has it i can recommand a very good doctor in india Dr. anita krishnan….. banglore….. so you can check out it……. and go for a surgery……..its something complicated to do the job when its growth has a bit increased too http://much…….so pay less attention to finance and go for best…….

Symptoms of oral cancer?

Hi angel, OMG I hope this isn't you.

Having cancer at it's various stages, what you suggest can be, should be immediately diagnosed. There are signs of course, lesions, polyps on the vocal chords, most obvious, treatable. Sores that don't heal is a clue, but can also be herpes simplex.

A change in the tone of ones voice, a difficulty in swallowing, speaking, any signs of swelling, or decay,
Sore throat that doesn't go away, phlegm, sputum coughed up. This needs to be checked right away.

What are symptom of vocal nodules?

the vocal cords are thin strips of muscle covered by a layer of skin that very much resembles the skin on the back of your hand, and about that flexible. when the cords are abused by bad technique, the skin starts to get chafed. then a blister might appear. If the blister or sore spot isn't given time to heal, but is further aggravated by bad technique, the blister will harden into a callous or nodule.
Symptoms to watch out for are: hoarseness for no apparent reason when you're not singing,
the need to clear your throat constantly, vocal tiredness that never seems to get any better, having to work harder and harder to get a decent sound out. Rarely is there physical discomfort as when you have a sore throat. the vocal cords haven't got sensory nerve endings, just motor nerves. Nodules have no nerves.
The best way to allay your fears is to go to an ENT doctor ( ear, nose, throat). they are well equipped to look down your throat and tell you how your cords are doing. If he/she prescribes vocal rest, you had better take them seriously. there are no replacement parts, and if it has to come to surgery, there are no 100% guarantees that your voice will work well afterwards. If there are no nodules, then take the time and do the legwork to find a good qualified teacher for lessons. Even if you don't like classical singing or opera, this way of singing has a 400 year old track record of success for producing a healthy voice.

I have vocal nodules?

You can't get much help off the internet for vocal nodules, which you already figured out. Go to a better doctor, if possible one who specializes in voice, or just be aware of this.... vocal nodules are caused (generally) by vocal trauma.
What is vocal trauma?

Vocal trauma is using your voice:

Too much
Too loud

What is rest?

Resting may mean not speaking at all. It may also mean:

Learning to speak correctly
Using amplification

So if you are always very gentle with your voice, it's (probabaly) something other than vocal nodules, potentially worse, in which case you need to seriously talk to your mom about taking to you to a specialist.

Good luck (:

EDIT: Yes of course you need to talk to other people, and we can't help you with that... you need to go to a docor, and if all you have is the doctor who won't listen to you, then make him listen to you. Nobody on yahoo answers can cure your vocal nodules ( if they actually are nodules.... since you did not actually have them diagnosed by a professional).

Honestly it seems like you are talking to much. give it a rest. If you have to talk to others at least don't talk or yell loudly. until then plan on seeing a doctor.

Can I still sing if I have vocal nodules?

It would depend on the nodules—whether they’re in opposite pairs (because of abuse) or singular (because of an infection or other reaction). If they’re in pairs, you may be able to do some very light singing (really, so light as to be not really useful in a performance context), but I would not recommend it. If it’s just one nodule on one cord, you’ll likely find you’re missing notes above a particular pitch… at least, that was my experience.In all cases, and as others have advised, the first step is rest. Just don’t use your voice (and REALLY don’t whisper). There’s no sense in trading your remaining years of singing for a few months of vocal R&R, no matter what opportunities come along.

What is the sign of vocal nodule?

A vocal nodule is best diagnosed by a laryngologist with a scope looking directly at your vocal folds.Recognizing the signs of vocal nodules is less straightforward. However there are a few things I would look out for:Has there been a recent change in your voice? A change in voice often indicates some form of vocal fold pathology (problem) that might be physical, or muscular. This change is most likely gradual.Does this voice change coincide with new or potentially harmful vocal habits? Examples: perhaps you recently started teaching, or took up a job in noisy factory, or at a call centre? Perhaps, your kids have learned the joys of screaming and you've taken to screaming back to keep them under control. All these have contributed to people I've personally seen with vocal nodules.Does the voice get increasingly tired through the day, and only gets better on weekends or when you don't have to use your voice?Ultimately, I think it's still best to get the vocal folds visualized by a laryngologist. Primarily because it could be something more sinister.Vocal nodules can be treated, and don't often need surgery right away. The most common causes are a change in vocal habit, or perhaps poor vocal technique. In this case, the first line of treatment often suggested is speech therapy.

Am I developing vocal nodule?

A good rule for singing is: If it hurts, stop. If your singing is causing pain then you must have some serious tension going on that can be fixed with proper training. You could also have a cold or something, so I would see a doctor just in case. I would also talk about it with your teacher in case there are some technical issues that need to be addressed. Good luck!

Can I speak if I have vocal cord nodules?

If you think you have nodules, go get scoped and get it confirmed. They are not that common, unless you really overuse your voice that much. The scope is not invasive, they just put a camera in a tube down your nose to the back of your throat after some numbing medicine. It just feels a little weird and might make you cough or gag a bit, and that’s it.Sometimes people fear they have nodules, but it’s just inflammation, not actual nodules or polyps. In that case, it should heal once you are better, just rest your voice as needed until then.If you do have nodules you will need to go on complete vocal rest. No talking, absolutely no whispering, no singing, no breathy practicing, no trilling. The nodule is inflamed tissue that prevents the vocal folds from closing normally, and generally causes an airy sound causing leakage that has to be compensated for. Continued singing and speaking with nodules will aggravate the problem. The only way to let it heal is protect the folds from further irritation by preventing them from rubbing against each other. Making sound of any kind by pushing air past them will delay the healing process.From what I have read, I understand that it is better to discover it early and then to let it heal itself than to have surgical removal, because it’s less invasive. Either way, you should be aware of your vocal health and learn to sing in a healthy way using correct technique to protect yourself from nodules returning.