Thank U Mary U Have Given Me That Answer I Have Needed And Yes Im Ready For That Next Step Were I

I am ready to marry my boyfriend,but he is undecided,I am thinking to break up, if he can't propose.what to do

he & I been dating 1 .5 years & have more than 4 years as friends, he wants to go to the next step in the relationship, that incluides me to cook, clean, & share expenses, (I already do cooking, clean, exept share expenses). We donot live together. I told hem, If he want me to share expenses & keep me next to hem, he must compromise to propose in a frame of time. I do not want to expend more energy & feeling for a men who will not commit. He say he loves me & do not want me to go, but also is scared of marriage.He says loves me & I love hem! all his family love me! I do not want to be a cat lady (already 2 cats, 1 bird) & he seem so comfortable in he's chair, I want a family I talk to hema bout it months ago,& directly ask him to take me as fiancee or Iam not moving in , with hem.So he said he will think about it..He still Thinking. So now he said tomorrow or day after he will let me know the desition. Is he real or just doesn't want to marry ME. what to do? I need help!

My boyfriend loves me but he cannot marry me. What can I do?

This question is difficult to answer for two reasons. I can’t wrap my head around anyone who claims to love their partner but refuses to marry them—as you can see from the responses, most people can’t either. It’s a small compromise in the grand scheme of things. Secondly, it pains me deeply to tell the truth when it causes great pain. That truth is this: a man that doesn’t want to marry you will break up with you—maybe not right now, but most certainly one day.Love is first and foremost an emotion, yes; however, love also extends to how we wish to express it. We cannot express our love for each other fully due to legal barriers. Marriage is a nonbinding legal contract that removes those barriers for as long as the contract remains in place.What the man you are seeing is telling you (without using his words) is that he loves you as long as you make him feel good, but he doesn’t if you don’t. He doesn’t want to know if you’re in a car accident. He doesn’t want to visit you in your hospital room. He doesn’t want to ensure that you are taken care of after he’s gone. If he did love you, he would “make it legal” so that he could. And so you could, too.If you cannot make a break from him now, you could try opening the relationship so you can see others. It would be selfish (and delusional) of him to insist you remain exclusive. I mean, does he expect that you’ll be O.K. referring to him as “my boyfriend” when you’re both 60 years old? This will exact a toll on your self-esteem over time, and trust me, you don’t want to go to that place. Don’t settle for being friends with benefits, dear. Don’t let that be your future.I have known married couples who are together till death do they part. Some were not happy together. Some were very happy together. Some couples were married for a while until the relationship ran its course, and then they divorced. It’s all a gamble. If this man cannot inconvenience himself to even take a chance, there are others who will—and they will love you far more than he is capable of loving you. I can promise you that.::Hugs::

Is it proper to use a comma after writing “thank you”?

Thank you Andres Arboleda and Margaret Kiefer for your A2A.Comma rules are changing a and becoming simplified. Some writers use a comma after Thank you and before person's name. Some do not. Writers have been for the last 20 years or more have been using fewer commas. The concensus seems to be that if the introductory phrase, sjch as “thank you" is three (3) words or fewer, the comma can be left out. Keep in mind that if you use a comma in a particular essay or narrative, let's say, then use the commas in the same way throughout the piece of writing. Why? To avoid confusing the reader. Let's look at some groups of sentences:Better: Thank you John for this lovely trout you caught earlier today. Thank you Zach for cooking this fish. It is delightful. (No commas after “thank you” in either sentence)Worse: Thank you, John for this lovely trout you caught earlier, Thank you Zach for cooking this fish. It is delightful. (A comma is used after the first “thank you” and not the second)Hope this helps,

14 years old and pregnant.... please read..?

well i am 14. i had this boyfriend we broke up but we are still friends.. I am thinking i am pregnant. I am 22 days late for my peroid and there are other siggns. I cnt get a test right now so please dont suggest that.. My ex is saying he isnt ready for a baby and he wants me to get an abortion or give it up for adoption. I told him i dont want to do that and he was like well i am not ready to be a father (he is 16). I told him that he didnt have to help with the baby and all ill take care of it. And "he said i am the man soo i am responcible and i cant take care of a baby and eather can you. we dont have jobs.. soo i want you to give it up for adoption..or get an abortion.. what should i do.. i rele wanna keep this baby but he doesnt want me to.. what should i do.. please help me..
i kno were not old enogh to have this baby but still i want it. please help and dont be mean..

I am ready to become a Muslim!!?

WOW! You are converting because of me? I'm so happy. This is the first time I have converted someone. OMG! I'l answer your questions later. Let me wonder a little bit.

EDIT: I sent you an email with all the answers. Check your inbox. I wish I was there and hugged when you say the Shahada.