The Only Thing Worse Than Being Alone Is Wishing That You Were. True Or False And Why

Am I the loneliest person in the world?

I have been on my own all my life (suicidal mother, father who was too busy, and two sisters who contantly told me to go away...) My very ill mother, after neglecting and abusing me, mother moved out on me when I was sixteen... I never learned the social skills of getting along.

I live my life by trying to be good and kind, and would do whatever I could to help another if I am capable. I have been through so much, the worst of which was the loss of my precious baby boy to Sids, but the rest would take so long. I have always remained kind and trusting in spite of the not so nice things people have done to me. I don't own a cell phone or wear the latest fashions, I care about the world and thrive on learning. I have been told I am beautiful, compassionate, easy to talk to, etc. and yet I am so very lonely completely alone in the world. Apparently I am really missing the one thing it takes to be uh, hm, not be lonely.

The only thing worse than being alone, is wishing that you were. True or false, and why?

false, the worst thing than being alone is NON-Existence..... Death.

Because how can anyone achieve their goals (even if its lonliness.... or even solace of the minds)... if they're dead.

Single people that will be alone on christmas?

I have always wished that i could have a romantic Christmas with someone special. But it looks like this Christmas will be me and Santa. I am stuck inbetween different guys and don't want to hurt any of them by going with the other but I also don't want to be alone....what do i do?

What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish was true?

Let’s be real. From the real people I know, the people I’m familiar of, with my real milieuMilieu - a person's social environment.What a wonderful word for me to discover tonight, yes.What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish was true?That I “prefer to be alone” or I’m “a loner” or “oh, she’s all right!” “She’s alright whenever she’s all by herself.”I can trust myself that those were what some people assume about mebecause I am quiet, I don’t get along with other people very well, I spent most of my childhood all by myself. I guess that could explain something!Yes, I mostly hear those assumptions… around me… about meeverybody who knows me knew, and so do Ibut neither do I wholeheartedly wish it’s trueI am ‘alright’ whenever I’m all by myself but I would never prefer being alone forever in the period of time my milieu has ever existed… in my lifetime.I don’t know if there’s a possibility that these assumptions may eventually be the truth; but I must admit I am getting a bit more antisocial, still, I don’t want to be alone.Some people who knew may introduce me as, with this:Example: “Fiona, She’s a loner.”and the bitterness of me wish it was true because I’m getting more and more lonely that I wish I preferred to be alone. And it’s turning into the truth because the majority says so, that I’m a loner.I don’t know if someone is concerned that I feel lonely, neither does it matter, because I’m a loner; but I don’t want to be alone, and that’s what I know.And sometimes I do speak against these assumptions and I think it’s my only way to change, to somehow alter some assumptions about me. To let people know what I feel about it.I am slowly… progressing… Say, my first step is with my parents, with a recently occurring rule in the household: “Everybody should speak up with what they feel about things”and I am determined to change what people assume about me, that it wouldn’t be the truth, and I would never wish it was trueAnd these assumptions may eventually make a fact, become something more than real that it felt like destiny, unalterable fate, but assumptions are changeable.Thank you

Would you rather be single or unhappy in a relationship?

I'd much rather be single. Being unhappy is not worth the false security a bad relationship brings.
And when you're single, you can do what you want when you want to and just focus on improving yourself.
Sometimes being alone is just what you need to be happy.

Miscarriage, so alone, wish i were dead?

I started having bleeding thursday but the real miscarriage didn't start till saturday so i'm still in pain but its going away a little now. I was supposed to be 10-11 weeks.

I'm just 20 and was on the pill when I got pregnant, using it right too. The dad has been around for almost 5 years but we're not in a relationship. We'd been planning a trip together this summer and talking about seriously getting back together. Now hes just so distant, says he doesn't know if we'll ever have sex again, has stopped making plans for our trip. I've only seen him a total of 5 hours since last friday. He told me he'd come see me today then was here less than hour before saying he had something else to do. What makes it worse is that my parents just left this morning for a week-long trip. He's my best friend and is leaving me alone when he knows I need him most. I have other friends but none have offered to come stay with me (its finals week) and I wouldn't want them seeing me a mess like this...

I just feel so alone. I couldnt make him stay with me and if I ask he'll tell me i'm being selfish. I can't call my parents or they'll worry the whole trip and not have fun. I just wish I were dead. I can't eat or I throw up, swallowing even water makes me gag or cry more idk why, and the doctor keeps telling me i'm getting dehydrated (blacked out saturday and was on an IV for 7 hrs). I just don't know what to do and its getting later and night makes these feelings even worse. I'm scared