The Secret Law Of Attraction

Do you believe in the law of attraction or the secret?

We are energy and thoughts can add or take away from our energy. Energy is attracted to energy that vibrates at the same frequency as itself. So... You have a mental image of what you desire and have positive thoughts about it, then you are raising your frequency and matching it with that which you would like to manifest. I have experience with this. I am very careful what I do it with though because it is true that you should be careful what you wish for. What you want is not always what you need. My boyfriend and I were wishy washy about moving to California but one day I told him we need to ask for it and visualize it and start getting serious. The next day he had two possible job opportunities lined up and I am about to make a lot of money working extra hours at work so that I can save. Of course you have to work for what you want as well but you are offered the opportunities. If you do not take the opportunities because they involve work than you must not want it that bad. Life is energy and if we don't acknowledge that then we can't take advantage of it.

Do you believe in "The Secret" (law of attraction)?

It's a book and video now talking about higher forces and how our negative energies get put out into the universe and attract...what else? Negative energy, and by having a positive attitude and being grateful for the things you already have and not focusing on the things we complain about, we can harness positive energy, put that positive energy out into the universe and have our wants and desires fulfilled, based on the law of attraction. Do you believe this is true? Have you tried it? Has it worked for you?

What is " The Secret: Law of Attraction " movie about?

The Secret was my very first introduction to the law of Attraction. It was such an Eye opener for me. I watched it more times then I can count, shared it with family and friends and had my children watch it multiple times as well. The Secret is about the Law of Attraction and how it works.It was such a great starting point for me in my life but it's definitely not the end of my understanding. I began watching videos on YouTube, created a vision board and started a journal.Looking back I feel the Universe brought me to each level as my understanding about LOA and my own personal power became deeper.This is a personal journey and each one of us has to find and discover our powers on our own time. We are all Souls having a human experience. We create our lives by our thoughts, our thoughts are Alive and we do this by way of Law of Law Attraction.If you haven't seen the movie then definitely take the time to watch it. Then allow the Universe to answer all your dreams, desires and wishes that you create.On a side note I would like to add that my children are now teens and have such a strong grasp on LOA that I am always in awe of how they allow LOA to work magic in their lives on a daily basis.

What is the main secret behind the law of attraction?

When you let go of what you want , it works. I bet many of you have experienced this thing in your life. whenever you wanted something desperately , it never came. But whenever you forget about that thing and detached yourself from it , it came.I will take the example of Relationships. Because its the biggest problem of today’s youth. You had a breakup . You still love your partner and you are begging to them to not leave you. But they don’t give you a damn. Now as you have realized it they have gone from your life. You start moving on . You still want them but now you are detaching yourself from them . After sometime you are living a normal and happy life without them and suddenly you see they have came back and asking you to forgive them. When you forget them , they came back.Similarly you have to detach yourself from the thing you want . Ask it from the universe and forget and shift your focus from it. It happens when you expect the least , remember that.

The Law of Attraction/The Secret...success story?

I love writing and the first post floored me!- I printed out a black and whit picture of an old antique typewriter- I highlighted it with a bright green highlighter and cut it out for my vision-board- (tool to help us manifest things) I had stuck in in my purse and forgot about it- right before going home I looked on E-bay and the very first one on the top of the page was the exact model I had cut out!

The kicker was the photogragher had used a bright green background for the photo! It is now sitting in my den - I won the bid! which never happened before!

that is only 1 of many!

Have you ever tried 'Law of Attraction' from the book 'The Secret'?

The Law of Attraction is a very difficult concept to actually apply unless you have someone whose successfully performed it instruct you on how to do so step by step.If you don’t know what the Law of Attraction is, it just really states that you attract that on which you most focus. The obvious corollary to the Law of Attraction is the advice to focus on the things you want more of in your life – that you should spend more time thinking about what you wish to attract into your life than what you don't like.One of my favorite guides on learning the Law of Attraction is Manifestation Miracle (click to visit the website)Me personally, I used Manifestation Miracle to learn how to master the Law of Attraction and in short it’s simply been amazing. For example, I had a 2000 Volkswagen Jetta. I was always wanting a new car because I was tired of my beat up interior and rusted exterior. I kept on focusing on a Hyundai sonata limited trim and eventually one day my jetta died. I was mad at the time, but in the long run it really paid off. While I was searching for a car, the Elantra model was selling for $18,000 for a 2013 limited model. I was about to buy it . but I kept on seeing Sonata’s so I kept searching. I ended up finding a 2013 Hyundai Sonata Limited trim with only 23,000 miles for $13,500. The car was way better, it was what I wanted, and it was cheaper!Not only did that happen, but my relationship problems also got fixed. I was able to leave my boyfriend and find my dream man that really takes care of me and has every single trait and attribute I ever dreamed of in a man.At the office, I wasn’t feeling like I was paid enough so I started focusing on a new executive position at another company. I wasn’t qualified enough, but I kept on reading about the job and picturing myself working at that company. I printed out their logo and taped it to my wall. Guess who got the job even though I wasn’t as qualified as the interviewees? That’s correct, I did.I hope you experience these great things like I did with the Law of Attraction. Really checkout Manifestation Miracle.