The Side Of My Tounge Hurts

The side of my tongue hurts?

I would start rinsing my mouth out with warm salt could be a simple canker sore that has just not erupted yet....
it could be infection, it would not have to be localized to the piercing......

Good luck

The Side of my Tongue Hurts?

For that past few days the left side of my tongue hurts, and whenever I move it a certain length it hurts a lot. Like I burnt it. I suspect I've cut it. Ideas on how I can solve it?

Side of my tongue hurts?

You could be gritting your teeth at night and your tongue if it should happen to get in the way. Could easily be a nighttime behavior of some kind that occurs while you sleep. Could also be a food allergy so watch for patterns. (Some people are extremely allergic to red food dye).

Can try swishing with nothing but salt water (no hydrogen peroxide and no listerine, etc). 1/2 tsp salt to one half glass of water and see if its natural astringent qualities help to not only cleanse but also toughen.

little sores in the mouth can be so painful. Good luck......

Sore tongue and hurts to move side to side?

Ok the side of my tongue is really hurting. It's an isolated, small section on the left side and kinda under the tongue. It hurts to move my tongue to the sides of my mouth and to eat. I haven't burnt my tongue. It feels like there should be bump there, but when I reach back with my finger, it feels normal. My throat also kinda hurts. It may or may not be related; I do not know. What's the deal here? What can I do to make my tongue not hurt anymore??

The sides of my tongue hurt so much!?

I woke up this morning and my tongue started hurting. The top and bottom of my tongue are fine, but from my molars on back, the left and right sides of my tongue hurt so much! It hinders many things I would normally do without thought. I can't yawn without it hurting, nor can I spit, swallow, gargle, or pop my ears without using my nose. It's hard to eat because I can't swallow and I can't move my tongue to the left or right that much.

Can someone please tell me why this is? My tongue looks EXACTLY the same, except that it looks a bit bigger. The color is exactly the same and there are no red/white spots. The only thing that I can think of is maybe I bit my tongue really hard when I was sleeping. I wear retainers when I sleep if that is of any use.

Please help me :D

Why does one side of my tongue hurt?

You may have bitten it during your sleep, burned it on a bit of hot food, you might have inflamed papillae, a canker sore, a localized infection or abscess, a contusion from braces, dentures or other oral appliance. Have it checked out if it goes on for more than a few days. It is possible to get oral cancer, but have yourself seen by your general practitioner or dentist. They will refer you if need be.

The sides of my tongue hurt and the tip is numb after my tonsillectomy. Is this normal?

There are several possibilities. The tip may hurt because of the way the mouth gag was used and it squeezed the tip of the tongue against the teeth. The sides probably hurt because of the surgery. The tongue and the tonsils abut each other. Sometimes the muscle of the tongue is cut or burned during the tonsillectomy.

What one should do after they bit their tongue, and it hurts to eat?

If the bruise on the tongue is not too serious, you can try the following:1)  Apply toothpaste onto the bruised part of the tongue.  The mint releases a cooling sensation onto the stinging area.2) Gargle with salt and water.  This helps to maintain the salinity of the tongue and heal the wound.   Sometimes you may only need to gargle with lukewarm water. 3)  You may also grab a piece of ice and place it on the affected part of the tongue.  The ice’s coolness will eliminate the pain.  Also, the ice cold feeling helps the exposed blood vessels to heal faster, thus preventing further bleeding.4) Applying aloe vera juice against the bruise will help treat the bruised tongue.  Sometimes aloe vera comes in a gel form that makes applying it easier.5) Gargling cold water and holding the water in your mouth helps some people get rid of the pain completely.  If you do this, be careful that the water is not so cold that the blood vessels in the mouth become numb. Do NOT:  rinse with a mouthwash with alcohol in it; it will sting and it won't help the area heal any faster.

I have a bump on the side of my tongue. It doesn't hurt unless I bite it. What is it, and should I be worried?

Most probably a harmless enlarged Lingual papilla - Wikipedia.We aren’t afraid of things that had been there for years and don’t grow, cancers will grow, often ulcerate and bleed. If it grows have a doc have a look at it.