The Spartacist Importance In Challenging The Weimar Government

Why was kapp putsch important?

The five days of the Kapp Putsch are of importance as they showed that:

The government could not enforce its authority even in its own capital The government could not put down a challenge to its authority Only the mass power of a general strike could re-establish Ebert’s authority.

However, the success of this strike does indicate that the people of Berlin were willing to support Ebert’s government rather than a right-wing government lead by Kapp. In this sense, it can be argued that Ebert had the support of Berliners. A counter-argument to this is that Ebert was irrelevant to the Berliners thinking – they simply wanted no more trouble in their capital after experiencing the Spartacists/Communist rebellion in 1919. Peace was more important than political beliefs.

Those who fought for Kapp and Luttwitz were obvious future supporters of the fledgling Nazi Party. Ironically, the Erhardt Brigade, one of Luttwitz’s main fighting force, put a sign on their helmets to identify who they were: the swastika.

Was Stalin responsible for the defeat of international communism?

Only partly.The defeat of Communism was the result of cumulative factors. Looking back, it was a chain of choices at important forks that logically led Communism to what it was by the start of perestroíka in 1985.Stalin’s main contributions to this result were:Expedited industrializationBy the end of the 1920s, Stalin subscribed to Trotsky’s view that the USSR must prepare itself for a new continental war. He dismantled the New Economic Policy because it didn’t ensure the build-up of the Soviet military industrial complex at the speed he needed. The resulting model of mobilization economics sped up the industrialization at the expense of colossal waste of resources and human lives.This model was upheld until the end of the Soviet rule. As long as there was access to plentiful internal and external resources, it worked. (PRC hit the wall already in the late 1950s). But with shrinking of input factors, the Soviet economy ground to a halt by the late 1970s, and bankrupted itself a decade later.2. Rotation of power elites through purgesStalin also silently agreed with Trotsky on another central point. The Socialist one-party state necessarily leads to stagnation, and in longer term to transformation of the state bureaucracy into agents of a Capitalist restoration (like it happened in 1978 in China). In order to prevent that, a forced rotation of elites is needed. In the absence of political competition, regular purges are a necessary tool for that.It ultimately became obvious that in the XX century, to conceal the truth about the scope and methods of these purges was impossible. More and more of the classified information leaked and ultimately damaged the attraction of Communist ideology beyond repair.3. Strict hierarchy in the international Communist movementStalin also abolished the rests of formal equality of Communists in different countries. His model of Communist empire-building on a global scale, first through through Comintern, and after WWII through the International Department, antagonized more and more Communists abroad, leading the world to the verge of nuclear standoff between USSR and PRC at the end of 1960s.The pre-WWII poster below shows the major components of Stalin’s model, implemented in almost all Communist countries after the war: the supreme leader with unlimited power, militarized economy, oversized state that keeps the society on a war footing. “Hail great Stalin!” is written in Russian and Azerbaidjani:

Help in history!?!?! (World War II and I) Few questions i need answering please...!?

WW1 happened because of the expanding imperialist countries. Major countries like France, Austria-Hungary, and England. They all wanted more land and resources to become even more powerful.

The Nazi party is the National Socialist Party. They believed in a strong government and promised to turn Germany back into a world power.

Communists believe in a form of government called communism. Communism has the idea of equality for all and ownership for all. While this idea sounds great on paper, it will never work because of people's greed.

The French and British created the Treaty of Versailles. It was a harsh treaty that forced the Germans to pay reparations to Great Britain and France.

Hope this helps. Good luck.