The Tantrums Have Gotten Worse Someone Help Me

How do you discipline a 3 month old that is throwing temper tantrums?

It may not be he's screaming because he's not getting what he wants. My son did that too. He could have bad gas or teething or constipated. My son started teething at 3 months old and he would scream his head off. I didn't know what to do. Everytime I picked him up he stopped screaming. I thought at first before I realized that he was teething that he was spoiled from his daddy holding him all the time, but he wanted the comfort from his mommy. He stopped screaming when I picked him up and it still hurt him, but the fact that I was comforting him...made him feel better. He's still going through it now and he doesn't have any tooth breaking through yet. He's still all gum and he's 8 months old. Get some teething tablets and Mylicon. Both of them are NOT medicine, so you can give it to him together and wait it out. When my son starts screaming like that, I give him Mylicon, a teething tablet, and Tylenol for pain. I give him a warm bottle and I hold him while feeding him. He ends up falling asleep in my arms and when he wakes up...he's so playful and happy. You can give the Mylicon and teething tablets to him everyday, but the Tylenol IS medicine and you only need to give that to him when he NEEDS it. Good luck

Anyone think prior restraint is worse than subsequent punishment?

Prior restraint involved stopping someone who hasn't committed a crime. That's worse, because you can't be sure that you're actually restraining them from a crime.

I have a two year old who throws tantrums. I have been told to let him cry, spank him, etc. any suggestions?

A lot of moms will tell you to ingnore the tantrum.I did that for a while but it
seemed like they were only getting worse. Maya would actually hurt herself.
Soooo, I came up with my own solution.

When she starts throwing a fit I squat down to her level and get right in her
face and say, very calmly in a low even voice. "Calm down, calm down, calm
down". I Will pause to do deep breaths, or to say "Look at Mommy's eyes, time to
be calm, breath". It seems monatonouse, and at first they can't even hear you,
but that is what makes them stop crying.

It's like they are thinking "What the heck is mommy doing?" My friend
actually called me last night in tears because her little girl had been throwing
a fit for 20 minutes. She did this on the phone with me and it took about 60
seconds for her to stop crying.

Also, when you are doing this, don't say things like "No, you can't have the
toy, or mommy doesn't like it when...." When your child is this worked up, they
have no idea why, they are just upset and getting more and more upset. This
calms them down and talking about why they are throwing a fit will just put them
into another one, reminding them why they were mad.

This gives them the skills they need to calm themselves down when they are
mad. You are training them to stop, and breath. They also see that you are in
control and remaining calm, you know what to do and you care about how they are
feeling enough to drop everything and help them for a minute. This makes them
more secure and more likely to follow your lead.

Once they calm down, say "good job being calm, now what are we going to do?"
Give them an activity to work on. It took me about a week or so to break Maya of
fits this way. Now she may start to throw a tantrum every now and then but I
just tell her to go to her room and work it out, since I know she has learned
how. She always stops crying and just looks at me.

My child anger temp tums getting worst?

At a year old, a tantrum will occur because your infant does not have the language skills to communicate with you, so keep that in mind for the next one. I have worked with infants for the last three years and here are some tried and true tips that you my find helpful.

It is impossible to stop the tantrum once it has started so move your child to a place that is safe and don't feed into it, you could place a pillow under your childs head and wait for it to be over. I don't mean to walk away, but only look from the corner of your eye so to speak. The less talking and pleading for them to stop you do the quicker it will be over.

Then when they are done talk about how they were feeling give them the words to identify the feeling-"wow, you were really angry when you banged you head on the floor, that must of hurt, are you ok?" your infant won't respond and they wont tell you next time that they are angry it just isn't developmentally appropriate, but they understand more then we think they do.

Also talk about feelings regularlly sing "If your Happy and you know it" and use appropriate facial expressions. This will help your childs emotional development, as well as their language development. Also you could sign up for infant sign laguage you wouldn't believe the results in the decrease of tantrums! It's amazing.

And last but not least Stay Calm! If it is not a big deal to you it won't be a big deal to them anymore. Good luck!!

Why do I get so angry when things don't go my way?

Clearly you have not learned how to effectively deal with disappointment. I highly suggest that you start learning, the sooner the better. Pure and simple, no one always gets what they want absolutely all of the time. Sometimes life tells us “no” and that’s okay. Getting angry when what you should simply be is disappointed is inappropriate in the first place and worse yet will be perceived as childish in the second place. This can be very expensive for you. Such a reaction can cost you, friends, relationships, jobs, and yes, even money. If you don’t get a handle on this and it really gets out of hand, as it has for some people, it can even land you in jail. Anger has led people to do some really stupid things from saying the wrong thing to breaking something, hurting someone and in some cases, even killing someone. Why? Because they didn’t get their way. Aw, poor baby, an adult having for all intents or purposes, a temper tantrum run a muck. Is that what you would ultimately like to possibly have happen? I am sure you are thinking, “Oh, that would NEVER be me.” Really? Are you sure you want to risk it? Every time you get angry at some point, it will likely get worse but because it is gradual, you won’t realize it, at least, not until you really cross that line. The question is just how far over that line will you go that time? My advice? Don’t ever let yourself ever find out, okay? Fix this now.