There Is A Hole In My Mouth

A hole in my mouth?

I have a tiny hole in the roof of my mouth and when i suck really hard air coomes through it. i have had it as long as i can remember and i recently discovered that it is connected to my nasal passage because i snorted something and then i was sucking hard and the stuff in my nose came through the hole and i could taste it. so i was wondering if any one else has a hole there or knows anything about it/what causes it.

Hole in my cheek?! (Mouth)?

It sounds like a canker sore, which is a localized bacterial infection in your mouth that will resolve itself in about a week or so. You get a canker sore when you have a cut in your mouth, such as what you would get from biting yourself, or even something so small you couldn't see it, like if you hit the side of your mouth with your toothbrush, eating utensil, or anything you may have in your mouth. What happens is that some bacteria can enter through the open area and cause the canker sore. This is nothing serious, and you have nothing to worry about. You will probably want to try to eat a bland diet over the next few days and try to avoid things such as tomato based products, citrus based products, salty foods and chocolate. These are not dangerous to eat right now, they will just hurt a lot. You can get an over the counter treatment for the canker sore, such as "Cankaid", or anything comparable at a drug store. This won't necessarly shorten the length of time you have the sore, but it should help you with the pain. If you ask the pharmacist they should be abel to help you out.

I wish you the best of luck, I know these thing hurt like hell…I get them all the time! Just deal with it the best you can right now and it will resolve itself soon. Feel better!

Hole in the top of my mouth?

i won't manage to truly say. yet i chanced in this talk board on gland subject concerns. i know, not lots of an answer, besides the shown fact that it particularly is a initiate. someplace to look for further solutions. desire it factors you in the right direction.

Hole in back of mouth ?

Firstly, stop sticking things in your throat and irritating it.
In the back of the mouth there is an opening other than that to your throat. The nasal septum extends into the back of the mouth. (The reason you can "hawk a lugey"!) The nose, throat and ears are biologically linked. The eustachian tube is a small tube that connects the middle ear with the back of the nose, so an upper respiratory infection can cause an earache that may feel like it is starting in the back of the mouth.
You may have inflamed tonsils. Go back to your doctor and make sure you don't have an infection and have her explain the biological structure of your mouth more fully to you. Swollen glands may be symptomatic of an infection, including a gum infection or an abcessed tooth..Some people have glands that are normally more prominent than others. You can ask for a throat culture if you are not convinced by an examination alone.
If you don't have sufficient rapport with your doctor to explain your concerns fully and get the explanations you need, consider getting another doctor. A dentist is often very helpful in explaining mouth structure and for recommending an ear, nose and throat specialist.

I have a hole inside my mouth!?

Okay so, like 2 days ago I started feeling some pain on the inside of my mouth. I thought it was nothing so I left it alone. And today I saw it and its like this little hole? like this yellow stuff covers it, but it's like curving in. IT HURTS. And I have no idea what it is.
It's about 1cm long.

Yes I have a lip piercing, but I got it like, over a month ago.
The stud was stainless steal.
I recently changed to a ring that was surgical steel.
Could this be the problem?


Why is there a big hole in my mouth after I had my Wisdom Teeth removed?

Hello..In reality you should not be seeing bone..There are two possibilities. (1)..Your seeing a bone chip that has worked it's way to the top of the tooth socket and will either come out on it's own (not to likely) or you need to see your dentist and have it removed...or (2)Sometimes a dentist will not properly smooth off the socket bone edges after extracting the tooth, leaving a jagged edge...Tissue has a difficult time healing over a jagged edge and in most cases will end up being a constant source of irritation...You need to get back to the dentist and if it's a jagged edge he needs to smooth it off. Good luck and I wish you well.
The Denture Pro.

What are the holes in the roof of your mouth?

The roof of the mouth has the bony hard palate in the front and the soft palate at the back.The hard palate has the incisive foramen and fovea palatinus, through which various nerves and blood vessels pass. However, they are not visible normally as the hard palate is covered by keratinized oral mucosa.

What are the two teeny holes at the roof of my mouth?

They appear as small depressed points at the junction between the soft and hard palate just off off the mid-line and are the ductal openings and recipients of dis tributaries of ducts of the surrounding clusters of mucous glands.I would like to find out, how many people here have one or more tiny holes on the soft palate just where the hard palate ends.I have one and I always thought this is normal anatomical feature and connection with nasal sinus. Recently I found out that not all people have these holes but I was unable to find out what are they. Its very difficult to find any serious source on the net about this and I dont have readily access to human anatomical book. I checked with few people who are close enough to ask such silly question and they say they dont have these holes.Mine feels like it leads to the nasal cavity but I cannot blow smoke or air through it like some people who write about it on the net. Some people report to have two even three, I have only one and it feels very normal, I never saw it but I always imagined it like the blow hole whales have, at least that's how it feels under the tongue.

Holes inside my cheeks in mouth?

If they are in the same location on either side, and opposite the upper molars on the cheek, they are probably the parotid papillae--the opening of Stensen's duct. The parotid gland is the big salivary gland over the angle of the jaw that swells with the mumps. The papilla is a small fleshy projection from the inside of the cheek--and the opening of the duct looks like a small hole. Because of its location it often gets bitten. The smoking can also contribute to the inflammation.
He should quit smoking of course, but the chances of this being something dangerous (much less cancer) are quite slim. He should also take this as an opportunity to have a checkup at his dentist, who can confirm my impressions.

Steve Bornfeld, DDS

White hole in mouth scared of what it could be?

My husband has a white hole in the back of his mouth its by his teeth and its about half the size of a dime its been there for like 3 weeks now went to doc they said he has to go to a dentist because they didn't see ne thing but you can totally see a white hole there looks like there's white bumps around it what can it be