Thinking Of Ending It All Who Would Care Anyway .

I'm thinking about ending my life?

You're right. There's not technically any point to life. The best we can do is a) try to keep life going for the hell of it, which is what every animal is programmed to do, and b) find whatever pleasures we can because we can I guess, which is pretty unique to humans.

Read those again. There's no c) mope around

For whatever stupid reason we were given life, we have it, so we might as well do what we can with it. Don't expect to find more reason than that.

I have a friend that is kinda like you. Pretty much a thorn in my side trying to getting get jazzed about something in life.

Personally, I would plan a little better for the future. Plan that one day you will actually feel more excited about life. Mope around if you want, but don't go and screw yourself up so that's there's nothing left to enjoy if you can ever get there.

I'm very lonely and I'm thinking of ending it all. Why shouldn't I?

Why shouldn't you?Because you are looking at a permanent solution to a temporary problem. To you, it may seem that you are lonely. But to others, your family, your friends your co-workers you mean a great deal. The impact you have made in their lives just by being you, carries with it the validation of your existence.The sense of futility at being unable to change your status no matter the reason, has led you to the edge of the abyss. Just step off into the darkness and all will be well — except that it's not. Those you leave behind will be left wanting…wanting a second chance to tell you how much they love you. Wanting a second chance to consol you in this, your darkest hour and tell you that this too, shall pass. Wanting a second chance to enjoy the pleasure of your company and to talk and to tell you of their hopes, their aspirations and to hear you share the same with them.While it seems that this is your darkest hour, and that there is no hope, hope rises with the dawn of a new day. A fresh start, a chance to begin again and embrace the life you have been given so that you may grace others with the presence of your existence, and they grace yours with theirs. It's a second chance to see the sun rise and realize that the edge of the abyss is the end of any chance you would've had to see the dawn of those new beginnings — had you stepped over. It is also a second chance to see the edge and view the darkness, and realize that you can enjoy the chance you have been given to experience the joy of a new beginning, because you had the courage to take a deep breath…and step back.

If we are all going to die anyway, why does anything matter?

Ah the age old question. Why does life matter if we are gonna all end up dead anyways?I've long struggled with this reality the first time I grasped this concept.What is the point of all of this? Why bother? Why are we here?I soon realized that I was asking the wrong questions. Look at the factsYou were born - for whatever reason, we will not know, but the fact remains you were brought into this world. You didn't ask to exist, but tough, you doYou will die - maybe the fact we know we will die could shape how we live? I dunno what happens when we die, it depends on your belief. I don't know when we will each die, but we will, that's a factYou were provided the gift to feel happiness, sadness, pleasure, fear, excitement and love. We are able to experience all of these emotions that make us appreciate what the world and what life has to offer. It's a beautiful yet sad fact.I had a close call with death about 10 years ago. First time in my life I felt mortal. I was a 20 something dumb kid who would complain about the most asinine things that only first World tools would complain about. Then I was in an accident, my leg was completely ripped open to the point my muscle was exposed (sorry for the visual), it made me realize that I may die that night. I didn't, I recovered three months later and since then I tried to think of life as not being afraid of dying, but rather being afraid of not living.Life is a beautiful place sometimes, even if it gets clouded with sadness. You were born with the ability to have fun, to achieve and to love. Damnit go have fun, achieve and find someone to love. It's all we can do anyways, right?That being said, here is a pic of my cat, who is lucky enough not to give a sh*t about the purpose of life. My cat only wants to love and enjoy herself, can take a lesson from our pets.

My friend is taking advantage of me?

I have this friend Fiona. She's nice, but she asks for a lot of stuff. At lunch she will always ask to use my phone, so she can play on it. I felt bad because she didn't have one. But when lunch is over she takes forever to give it back, and sometimes I'm almost late to classes. One time we had PE together and I told her she couldn't use it then because the teachers would take it away. She said okay, and everything seemed fine until I heard a buzz coming from her pocket. That moment I was shocked and said "You brought the phone didn't you". She stuttered "I-I could of sworn I left it in the bag." She apologized but still she was going to use it behind my back. Also she will always ask for money (other people too). You can never be seen with money around her because she will ask in a baby voice "can I have a dollar?" One time my friend thought Fiona wasn't at school so she bought candy from the snack machine and once she turned around Fiona was there and said "You had a dollar?" And If she isn't begging for money she is asking me to buy her stuff all the time. One time I put my foot down and told her I couldn't buy her stuff everyday cause I need stuff for me. Recently she asked me twice for something after knowing I can't buy things all the time. I was thinking about ending this friendship, however I can't because I ended a friendship before and I didn't just lose that friend I lost of other friends because of that. Also she won't have anyone to sit with at lunch. Help me!

I'm thinking about killing myself after I graduate?

My life is meaningless no one would even care if I did anyway I already made up my mind so don't try to pursade me another way. This is y I'm killing myself I never hanged out with any of my friends out of school and my best friend just moved this weekend everyone will b taking there own path and I will b totally forgotten . I will never even make it in the real world anyways cause i believe I'm half mental I stare at things I don't really no what's what I don't even no how to drive or open a can my life was just a waste I never had a true friend that sticked with me til hs cause I was a sick child and all of that I even cut myself the other day only a little and I felt NOTHING meaning even if I cut myself I wouldn't even fell pain at all after what I been through all these years I pray every day to and I fell like he'll give me another chance since ive been talking to God latley is that possible?

If we all end up dying, what’s the purpose of living?

Death itself gives life a meaning. It proves that your days are numbered. Your life is limited. (Dialogue from Dr strange)Well kinda tired from such a questions about life…Do you want to know why do you live?So you can go somewhere as beautiful as this placeAnd you can also go somewhere as ugly as this placeDo you know why you live?So you can see that this is a way of lifeAnd this is also a way of lifeDo you know why do you live?To know and understand that you could becomeAnd you can also becomeDo you know why do you live?To know this could have been your cityOr this could have been your cityDo you know why do you live?You could have looked likeOr you could have looked likeDo you know why do you live?You could see thisorr all you could see isDo you know why do you live?So you could understand the difference betweenAndDo you know why do you live?You could postorDo you know why do you live?So either you could doorDo you know why do you live?Either you could love likeOr you could love likeDo you know why do you live?You could either exploreOr you could exploreDo you know why do you live?So you could be theOrDo you know why do you live?When you are dead, Either you can causeOrDO YOU STILL NEED A REASON TO LIVE? SORRY I DON'T NEED THAT FAVOR.