Thinking Someone Is Going To Break Into My House

I think someone's trying to break into my house?

First this category is alright for your question. Second make sure all the doors are locked and keep a light on in the room your in it usually helps since the light is on.I got dogs also they bark over every noise they hear. and if you see someone outside like I said keep the doors and windows locked until your parents come home even if its someone or just noises outside a light usually would spook them since they know someone is up.And if you hear someone at the door before the time your parents are supose to be home do not answer it call your parents first and see if they pick up and ask if there at the front door. If there arent do not open it you dont know who will be on the other side of the front door.Also if you have a peep hole and can see if there on the other side if they arrive home early you can open it since you know its your parents.And lastly I would suggest locking all the locks on all the doors if it helps make you feel safer but just dont fall asleep or your parents will be locked outside till the morning.

Why do I keep thinking someone's trying to break into my house?

Most robberies occur when people are not home. Burglars usually don't want to rob a house when people are there.

I have several suggestions for you.
Can you install an alarm system?
If not, can you get some alarm sticker and put on the window. They also sell window alarms that are pretty inexpensive and are motion sensitive.

Can you get a dog or a cat? It might make you more comfortable to have another breathing thing around. Or how about a roommate?

Go enroll in a self defense class. It helps build confidence that if you are confronted you can take care of yourself.

Do you have valuables in the house you are afraid someone is after, then maybe put them in a safe deposit box.

Hang a rope of bells around the door handles so you know when a door opens and closes. You could also install motion sensitive lights outside the windows and doors.

I've attached a link that will show you different types of security and alarms you can purchase for your apartment.

If you try some of these things and don't feel better, than yes, you might want to talk to a therapist.

What if you think that someone is in your house?

If I think someone is in my house, I am going to figure one of my children must have brought the person in.Frankly, my dogs bark like crazy when anybody pulls up the drive, much less opens the door to the house. Fezzik doesn't just look massive at 186 pounds, he sounds massive even when you can't see him.And it's not just Fezzik barking behind that door. It's Patch and Indigo and Rhubarb and Sassafras and WooWoo and BooBoos.Hell, I feel crazy for walking through that door sometimes. It would take a person off their walker to just waltz right in.So, if someone has escorted you past the bark brigade, I figure it's all good.

Anxiety about someone breaking into my house?

I've worried about people breaking into my house and killing me since I was really small. Every night before I go to sleep I am filled with fear. I jump at every sound, have feelings of imminent doom, shake/sweat, and so forth. It's gotten so bad that if someone rings the doorbell during the day I expect it to be some sort of criminal and I get panic attack symptoms.
I really don't understand what the problem is.
I get these feelings:
a. at night before I go to sleep [my parents sleep downstair and I am upstairs alone]
b. when I am home alone
I am totally fine at other people's houses
I have witnessed someone try to break into my friend's house once, when I was upstairs all alone, but I feared people breaking in before that.
Do you have any possible explanations/solutions?

I always think someone's trying to break into my house?

im a 14 year old girl:) the same thing happens to me too. ever since i was about 9 when my neighbors got robbed (it was ok because they got the guys) ive been scared out of my mind to babysit and stay home alone. i still do babysit and stay home alone but i get so scared sometimes even during the day because i hear all these stories of like fake ups guys literally just ringing the doorbell and shooting you or stabbing you. which scares the s h i t out of me like what if the doorbell rings? or what if it doesnt and i see someone walking around? i live in a REALLY safe town and im not even kidding nothing ever happens. i was talking to my grandma today and she lives in an over 55 apartment complex with my grandpa and she ALWAYS puts her house alarm on even when shes home for some stupid reason? i have one at my house but i NEVER use it and my parents havent either. so i told my grandma "whats the point of having it on, even if someone tries to break in, yeah the alarm will go off, but there will still be someone inside of your house" and she said "yeah they will be in your house, but since the alarm contacts the police right away the person trying to break in will leave right away so they dont get arrested." which makes SO MUCH SENSE. so if you have one i suggest using it! and never be afraid to call the police for anything. once a few years ago, my family was at my brothers basketball game right down the road from my house and it was around 10am in the morning and the doorbell rang. i was scared out of my mind so i just ignored it. i tried calling my mom, she didnt answer because the gym was so noisy. my dad couldnt answer because he was the coach. i continued trying to call my mom, but still no answer. then, i heard knocking on the back door which literally almost made me pee my pants (not kidding) so i hid under a table and still tried contacting my mom, still no answer. so i called the police, a really nice woman came on the phone, and they sent someone out right away. the knocking eventually stopped and we found out it was my neighbor, my brother's friend who was 7 thinking my brothers were tricking him into thinking they werent home. so just remember that the police are always there to help you and there are no stupid phone calls:) this is no uncommon especially for people our age and we will eventually grow out of it..and good luck to your mom by the way<3 stay safe!! <33

How to overcome fear of someone breaking in my house and killing me?

I have a constant fear that someone will break into my house and kill me or my family. I am 14 years old. I have a lot of trouble getting to sleep at night and usually get to bed around 1:00am-4:00am. I have to make sure all the doors and windows are locked every night before I go to bed. We even bought extra locks for the windows, and have the chain thing at the top of the doors locked. Sometimes, if I am too scared to sleep in my room, I will go in the living room with my dog and watch tv until I get too tired. Every little noise I hear scares me and makes me think something bad is gonna happen. I feel like I'm so paranoid even though theres probably nothing to worry about. This has been happening for about 7 monthes now. I haven't been able to get much sleep. I often find myself crying at night when I hear a bunch of noises. I don't want to wake up my parents because I feel like I annoy them when I do that. I feel like no matter what, I just never feel safe in my house. Please help? :(

What does it mean if I dream of someone breaking into my house and I'm trying to stop them?

Do you have a fear of someone breaking into your house?. If not, you need to be caution and be on your guard, Because someone is going to break into your house. God is showing you something. WARNING PLEASE BEWARE!!. P.S MAKE IT HARD FOR A BURGLAR TO INTER,PUT BRIGHT LIGHTS AND A ALARM,DO YOU HAVE A BIG DOG?, MAYBE IT NECESSARY TO GET A FIREARM THAT WOULD BE YOUR BEST BET TO DO. GET SOME KIND OF PROTECTION.

Someone tried breaking in my house, but my friend and I caught them and waited for the police. She has been shaken up for hours, and I want to comfort her, but how? (Read comment)

That is terrifying. I have had my house robbed before (found out after work) and that was awful, an attempted burglary (catching them) must be even worse.First off, tell her they have been caught, so they cannot come back.Second she will probably not want to sleep, that is also normal, so expect to stay up til dawn when she will feel more comfortable going to sleep.Next lock all the doors and windows. Go around the house together so she can check them for herself.Also pull shut all the blinds and curtains, so she can feel no-one can see inside.It is terryifying the first time someone experiences this, because the illusion of safety is shattered.Community is only safe when everyone obeys the law, she has just found out there are people who don’t, so she will start questioning her safety in all of life.It is going to be a long night tonight, try to watch some comedies rather than spy films or cop shows.