This Goes To Those Who Are Good At Reading. How Can I Become I Better Reader

How can I become a better reader?

Sincerely,it is better you look up new words when you read books. That is what reading is all about. You are expected to learn absolute new things including Words too that's why whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. If you read steadily,it would soon be culpitated un-consciously as a culture and before you realise,you are erudite! Reading can be fun only when you concentrate,assimilate and curious at new things contained in what you read.

Reading: How can I become a reader?

Thank you for the A2A“The more that you read, the more that you’ll know. The more that you know, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss.I appreciate your effort to read.If you love to read but,you find it difficult to completely understand or stay gripped to the novel as a reader I would like suggest you some ideas or tips.Firstly keep this in mind that with every book you read  improve yourself bit by bit. To get started with there are some perfect novels written in English like Alice adventures in wonderland by Lewis Carrol or the Great Gatsby by F.Scott or       Wuthering heights by Emily Bronte to name a few that are not too difficult to understand.Let me tell you reading is the best way to improve your vocabulary and it takes you to another dimension and it gives you good knowledge about different round the globe places you have never been.If you do not find a particular book interesting or you do not understand never panic try for another class of books let me say if you do not feel fiction interesting go for non-fiction or detective novels.Keep up the same spirit and keep reading.I am suggesting some more easy to read novels to groom yourselves with.Peter Pan by J.M Barrie,The old man and the sea by Ernest, Frankenstien by Mary Shelley,The Wind And The Windows by Kenneth Grahame.Happy reading.For any more suggestions on books do ask me :)Enjoy :)

Does reading help make you become a better writer?

Exposing yourself to good literature will make you more open minded, knowledgeable, and creative which all attribute to being a good writer. The more you read, the more different types of prose you are exposed to and relate it to your own skills to see where you are strongest and what needs works. It is not all about books however. As you enter high school and higher level education, you'll be asked to write in a variety whether it's a story or a research essay. Therefore, read examples of good essays to see how the writer cleverly placed the information in an organized yet intriguing manner (do NOT plagiarize though!). As for good books, try reading different things until you notice the types you like. After you develop a like for reading, try to expand your horizons and try reading different genres and perhaps a classic or two in the future. I hope I helped!

Does reading really make you a better writer?

i decided i want to be a writer and lately ive been reading book after book in hopes that it will help me some way.. is this really true? or is this just an old wives tale? is there any proof? is there anything else i can do to become a better writer?
thanks guys, i appreaciate the feedback :p

How can you become a better reader?

You've been given some good information about reading fiction, As you've already stated, non-fiction is harder. You may want to do an outline of a chapter, or even just a section at a time. List all the key points--what lead up to a particular event, actions taken, end results. You may want to do a character study of an individual much like you would if you were writing a story.You could draw a time line listing all the major events. You could almost make it like a genealogical chart where you would put minor events on a line connecting it to the major event. Pretend you're the teacher and prepare a test using what you think is pertinent information for the questions. Be sure to read all the captions under the pictures--sometimes they give information the text doesn't. Read thoroughly the first and last paragraphs--they give the "meat" of the paragraph. After reading the paragraph or section go back and ask yourself what was said. If you can't answer, reread. The more you do this, the easier it will become.

How can I become a better speller and reader?

I don't know much about disorders, but I do have strategies.
I am also an eighth grader, and I spell pretty well. What I do is get the vocabulary down. When I read, I write down interesting words on my hand, index cards, etc. Somewhere I will see them. This gets the words subconsciously ingrained in my mind. I also read a lot. However, I read more short stories online than I do novels. I think this is better for vocabulary because kids who write tend to describe words more than authors of books. Once you get vocabulary down, you'll notice spelling is a lot easier because some words are similarly spelled to others. Once you learn these words, it will be less challenging to read them in sentences, because you won't struggle as much with pronunciation and misunderstanding. Hope this helps.
Oh, and those short stories I mentioned can be found at and I warn you though, some writers can't spell. Bye and good luck! :)

Does reading really make you a better writer?

Well, think about it. What even makes writers WANT to be writers? They read stories. they absorb them. they love them. it's about passion. it's about the words touching and wrapping themselves in your heart, making a home. you cant just passively shovel through books like some kind of robotic machine, trying to gather information analytically. that wont work. sure, you might learn some techniques, but how can you say to yourself, "wow, i really felt that book." or "that story intrigued me so much." if you're just doing it to improve your own skill?

It is a given: reading makes you a better writer. if you allow it, that is. if you let the lessons of both how to write a story with heart and style sink in. it has nothing to do with rumors, it is just truth.

it's kind of like saying you'll know more about flavors if you eat a variety of foods. do you agree? disagree? well, sure, you can read recipes, reviews, descriptions of food and their flavor. stare at food. smell food. but unless you taste it you'll know nothing. you wont feel it for yourself.

so absorb books. feel them. and that inspiration to write, and write well will follow. Naturally.