This Kid Will Not Keep Her Mouth Shut Or Stop Talking Back.

What happens if you stop talking for a year?

When I was a child, I stopped talking for about a year.I didn’t consciously decide to stop talking — it just kind of happened. The crazy thing is that no one noticed, which was probably because I was a quiet child to begin with.I didn’t go completely silent — can you imagine how hard it is to live that way? I answered people with mostly grunts and body language.I think the main reason why I was able to go a year (more or less, I wasn’t actually counting) without actually saying anything is because of the Chinese word “嗯”, pronounced like how you might say “n”. It’s like a Chinese “hmm”, but also means “yes”.Another reason might be because I have a really expressive face. Lol…As for what happened as a result of keeping silent?When I finally did speak, I didn't sound local. I spoke in a weird way. And it wasn’t like I had an accent — I just didn’t know how to speak. And I can’t quite describe it. I was out of practice for too long, I suppose.I’ve had people ask if it resembled the Deaf Accent, but it doesn’t. It’s not as if I couldn’t hear people. C’mon, now.As a side effect, since I had gained most of my vocabulary from reading, I didn’t pronounce certain words right. At 16 I realized that 'guinea pig' was NOT pronounced 'genie pig'. That was a shocker.I probably still mispronounce some words, but there’s no other way to find out other than the hard way of embarrassing myself in front of my friends.So what actually happened to me other than speaking funny and butchering the pronunciation of some words?I have to tell you that I honestly don’t know. There’s probably a psychological aspect to it — even now, for brief periods of time I get too comfortable keeping silent and it’s hard to speak, and when I try to my voice gets caught in my throat.But they last for days tops, so it’s more of an inconvenience than anything, really.

How do i stop talking back to my parents?

The best way to learn not to talk back to your parents is to LISTEN. The funny thing about listening is when you are doing this properly, you are not talking. Hence, no talking back.

Once they see that you absorbed what they said chances are they will run out of things to say and begin talking about the weather.

You should know that no matter how stupid and controlling you think they are. They love you and are doing their best to make sure you know the things you need to know before you have a life and family of your own.

In ten to twenty years, you are going to be just like them and your child will be the one wondering how to keep from talking back to you.

How can I stop my 13 year old daughter from talking back and being a smart mouth? Help! Grounding doesn't work

How far do you go with the grounding?

If she is grounded "to her room" with her computer, cell phone and TV, that's not much of a punishment.

Take away EVERYTHING she has that she really likes. Take her allowance if she gets one.

Make her do chores around the house - laundry, dishes, cleaning the restrooms.

You HAVE to figure out what will actually get her attention and USE IT!

Good Luck!

How do you feel when people talk about you behind your back?

Nothing!!!Tell me one person's name,Who has not been judged/ hated by people.People not talked about him/ her from behind?Take anyone from the list of your favourite cricket player, singer, director, siblings, parents, scientists, doctors, motivational speakers, IAS/ IPS officers, Prime minister, Chief minister, Quora writers, spiritual guru's and even you favourite god.Did you find any person, who has not been judged by people or who has not been hated by people?I bet you!You will never get any name who has been not judged/hated by people.Do you know?The so called people didn't even leave Swami Vivekananda to Narendra Modi. People judged/ hated the great personalities, they spoke behind their back.When, the so called people didn't even leave the gigantic public figures from hating/ judging. Do you think people leave me or you from hating/ judging?I'm an after all Quora writer followed by 19,000+ people in the virtual world. They didn't even leave me in the virtual world, they judged and spread the sense of hatred about me for being honest in my answers, for telling how my love life messed up and for writing what I'm.If they couldn't digest me in this virtual world, imagine about the real haters in the real world."You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks." ~Winston Churchill.0:00-0:29(Your little appreciation and honest feedback make me write even more. A person who feels appreciated will always do more than expected.)Thanks for reading, Yours,Rakshith Akira ✍

How to stop being smart mouthed?

I'm sometimes in that situation myself. I just try to stop and think before talking then. And sometimes,I just keep my mouth shut even if I'ld wanna say something. But that just keeps me out of trouble for sometime, cause I again I start to talk without thinking.

Why Is It Rude To Talk Back (To An Adult)?

I never got why talking back is a bad thing. Your merely defending your case when you do talk back. Yes there are rude ways of talking back, but a lot of the time the TONE is rude, not the content, and yet, kids/teens aren't allowed to talk back if if it is in a calmly manner? -_-

......Because I think that's just plain unfair! :(

How do I react when people talk behind my back?

Here are a few ideas -Plug in your earphones. Squint your eyes and like a ninja, quickly glance left and right. When no one is looking, discreetly turn down the volume to zero. You’re a sneaky little devil, aren’t you? Crafty too! Everybody around you thinks that you’re listening to music. That you can’t hear what they’re saying. So, they’ll immediately start bitching about you. But you, like a pro ninja, would be listening to every word they utter. Every ten seconds, start headbanging or swaying your shoulders to further enhance the illusion.Buy a cell phone. Actually, buy a hundred cellphones. Turn on their voice recorders. Then visit the homes of all your friends and relatives who you suspect bitch about you behind your back. Ask them for a glass of water. Wow! You’re a master spy. James Bond would be so jealous of your moves right now. When they go to the kitchen, plant a cell phone under their dining room table, ’coz… u know… dining room is where the bitching takes place. If you want to be on the safe side, plant a cellphone in every room of their house. Boy! you’re gonna need a lot of cell phones.Ask your tailor to sew a microphone in the back of your every t-shirt. Develop a machine learning algorithm to analyze the data that your microphones collect throughout the day and identify the most bitchy bitchers. Sell that algorithm to Google for a billion dollars. Retire and spend the rest of your days in Hawaii, basking in the sun on sandy beaches, sipping virgin Mojitos and bitching about your old friends.Or you could… you know… just stop giving a fuck!