This Program Is Intended To Execute This Path

In C++, can I use one executable to cause another program to execute?

Turns out that the OS sends messages to every currently operating process when a user logs off or (attempts to) shut down the machine. You can intercept these messages and take appropriate action.

In your message pump (the loop in which you handle incoming messages) you can deal with WM_ENDSESSION and WM_QUERYENDSESSION. The endsession message has a parameter that indicates if the user is logging off or shutting down the system. You can perform all the actions you want before exiting from handling this message, like spawning another program (use ShellExecuteEx).

That's the correct way of monitoring for these type of events.

Oh: just found some of my old c# code. Same type of processing for c++ (ignore details)

switch (m.Msg)
logger.Report(new Error("process interrupted by OS"));
if (((uint)m.LParam & ENDSESSION_LOGOFF)>0)
logger.Report(new Error("Shutdown: user logoff"));
logger.Report(new Error("Shutdown: system shutdown"));
//can do stuff here

source: internetCreating executable file using Turbo CMethod 1: In case of a normal C program with a single file, save the program with any name but, with .c extension and press (Compile and link) F9. It will generate and save an executable file in the output folder as set in the Options – DirectoriesOpen the Turbo C IDESelect File (Alt+F), New (N)Type the program#includeint main(){ int a,b,c; printf("Enter two numbers:\n"); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); c=a+b; printf("Sum of two numbers %d",c); getch(); return 0;}Save the program by selecting File (Alt+F), Save (S) or F2Save File name as: add.cPress F9 to compile and generate executable fileNow the executable file is created under the output directory as set in the Options – Directories. On author’s machine output directory is (c:\tc\works)How to execute an executable file?Executable file can be executed in two ways that are1) By typing the name of the executable file in the command prompt2) By double click on application (executable file) in windows modeMethod 2:We can create an executable file by using Turbo C compiler (tcc) at command promptNote: Before going further, make sure that the path is set to c:\tc\bin as explained in the previous session 1.6 How to execute a C program in command prompt using Turbo C. So that, the tcc can be accessed from any where.Create or change to any working folder (d:\fox)Navigation:Go to the DOS shell by selecting start – run – type cmd – openChange to d:Create a folder fox using the command md (Making directory)Change to fox folder using cd (Changing Directory)c:\...\...>d:
d:\>md fox
d:\>cd fox
Type the program in the text editor and save with .c extensiond:\fox>edit add.c
#includeint main(){ int a,b,c; printf("Enter two numbers:\n"); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); c=a+b; printf("Sum of two numbers %d",c); getch(); return 0;}Select File (Alt+F), Save (S) to save the programSelect File (Alt+F), Exit (X)Compile the program using Turbo C compiler (tcc), it will generate add.exed:\fox>tcc add.c
The executable file generated by the Turbo C compiler (tcc) can be executed in two ways that are1) By typing the name of executable file at command prompt2) By double click on executable file in windows mode

No you can not execute a java program without setting path because the compiler should know where are the necessary JVM , This JVM contains JDK which has all the interpreter files and JRE which has all the library files. So it is important to load all the library(JRE) and JDK to the program which can be done by setting path in the program. To execute the program you need to set the path temporarily or permanently :To set the temporary path of JDK, you need to follow following steps:Open command promptcopy the path of jdk/bin directorywrite in command prompt: set path=copied_pathFor Example:set path=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\binTo set the permanent path of JDK, you need to follow following steps:Go to MyComputer properties -> advanced tab -> environment variables -> new tab of user variable -> write path in variable name -> write path of bin folder in variable value -> ok -> ok -> ok

I’ll like your question to be more specific.Are you using an IDE, or a text editor.I assume (which is wrong) that you want to run from your console, which might usually is at times challenging to beginners.To that end:Use javac command to convert your Java program into an executable formatOn the terminal or cmd, navigate to the directory containing your .java files. This is done using cd C:/learning/java/ assuming the java folder is where your code is storedThen type javac if the file your code was written in is called HelloWorld.javaThen execute with java HelloWorld . HelloWorld is the name of the program the javac command produced.For this to work, you must have installed Java SE Development Kit [The current release is JDK 8.

Run A Program When Another Is Opened?

Hi Alex! What you need is a "Batch file". They're very easy to make....

1. Open up Notepad

2. Copy and paste the line below as the first line in the file:

@echo off

Echo off basically tells Windows to not give you any messages or popup windows when running the commands in the batch file.

3. Now we need to actually call the executables for the two programs that we want to open. So in our example, I want to open Firefox and WinAmp....( cause you gotta listen to tunes while your surfin!) The next two lines would look like this for my computer:

start “Firefox” “C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe”
start “Winamp” “C:\Program Files\Winamp\Winamp.exe”

So the final document should look like this: (note the spaces and parentheses)

@echo off
start “Firefox” “C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe”
start “Winamp” “C:\Program Files\Winamp\Winamp.exe”

There are three parts to each command above and here’s what it means:

start – That is the command used in batch files to open programs

“App Name” – The second parameter is the name of the application you are going to be opening. You can put any name you like here since it only uses this parameter for title purposes.

“App Path” – The last parameter is the actual path to the executable file for the program. You can always find the path of a program by right-clicking on the icon and going to Properties. For example, if I wanted to know the path to the executable file for Firefox, I would right-click and choose Properties. Now all I need to do is look at the path in the Target box and simply copy and paste that into my batch file script.

4. Now just save this notepad document by clicking File, then Save As and name it Test.bat or whatever you want, just as long as it has the .bat extension. Then you can make a shortcut for it on your desktop and your golden!!

(Heh! note that all kinds of hideous pranks can be done to friends and co-workers with this if one has access to their changing their Internet Explorer shortcut to a batch file that also opens up multiple movie viewers from their porno collection)

Happy Batching ;)

No you can not execute a java program without setting path because the compiler should know where are the necessary JVM , This JVM contains JDK which has all the interpreter files and JRE which has all the library files. So it is important to load all the library(JRE) and JDK to the program which can be done by setting path in the program. To execute the program you need to set the path temporarily or permanently :To set the temporary path of JDK, you need to follow following steps:Open command promptcopy the path of jdk/bin directorywrite in command prompt: set path=copied_pathFor Example:set path=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\binTo set the permanent path of JDK, you need to follow following steps:Go to MyComputer properties -> advanced tab -> environment variables -> new tab of user variable -> write path in variable name -> write path of bin folder in variable value -> ok -> ok -> ok

Good points on using pyinstaller in other answers. If you want to share or distribute your program, that is the way to do it.However, if I were just to carry some Python tools on my personal thumbdrive, I would prefer not to compile the source code down to an EXE file. I would instead put the Python interpreter itself, alongside my Python code, and use it to run the code. I would then create a small batch file to run the program in as few clicks as possible (just putting path\to\python.exe path\to\ there should work for a start)."Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file" in Python downloads should work just fine on Windows.On Linux, you'll probably have to compile Python from source ― although most Linux distributions nowadays are likely to have some version of Python preinstalled, with the majority of them having both Python 2 and Python 3. I cannot comment on Mac OS, but I assume it is similar to Linux.The main advantage of this approach is that you'll still have the source code on your thumbdrive, which you can review or edit right away to make things work if you run into problems; all you need is a text editor. If you were to have an EXE file instead, you will have to get back to your PC and recompile the source (bummer!). You can also use the same source on all platforms if you make it a point to support more than just Windows, and you have easy access to the interactive Python shell.The disadvantage is perhaps counter-intuitive and more complicated process of setting up the thumbdrive in the first place, especially if you use native extensions in your code (pyinstaller does quite a lot for you under the hood).See for yourself whichever is more useful for you.

Hi :-)I will be explaining this using Linux BASH command line system.In General,Normal programs are system commands that exist in compiled form on your system. When such a program is executed, a new process is created because Bash makes an exact copy of itself. This child process has the same environment as its parent, only the process ID number is different. This procedure is called forking.After the forking process, the address space of the child process is overwritten with the new process data. This is done through an exec call to the system.The fork-and-exec mechanism thus switches an old command with a new, while the environment in which the new program is executed remains the same, including configuration of input and output devices, environment variables and priority. This mechanism is used to create all UNIX processes, so it also applies to the Linux operating system. Even the first process, init, with process ID 1, is forked during the boot procedure in the so-called bootstrapping procedure.(starting up of software).Built-in CommandsThey are pre-defined in the command line library and usually don’t need to be defined before their use.Built-in commands are contained within the shell itself. When the name of a built-in command is used as the first word of a simple command, the shell executes the command directly, without creating a new process. Built-in commands are necessary to implement functionality impossible or inconvenient to obtain with separate utilities.For example, Bash supports 3 types of built-in commands.Executing commands by scriptsWhen the program being executed is a shell script, bash will create a new bash process using a fork. This subshell reads the lines from the shell script one line at a time. Commands on each line are read, interpreted and executed as if they would have come directly from the keyboard.While the subshell processes each line of the script, the parent shell waits for its child process to finish. When there are no more lines in the shell script to read, the subshell terminates. The parent shell awakes and displays a new prompt.I hope it will clear all your doubts.Have a nice day.

I need help creating a .bat file to run a java program.?

Hello, I am trying to use java -cp to run a java program from a .bat file. I have set a new path to $JAVA_HOME/bin, with the variable name JAVA_HOME. Now I am not sure what to put after java -cp in the .bat file.
The path to my file is, C:\Users\Billy\Desktop\William\Run Alone
and the java file is named Converter.
Thanks ahead of time for any help.

How do i run a java program?

You can download the latest version of the Java SDK and JRE from this website

And install both the SDK and the JRE.

After typing the Java code, save it with the ".java" extension in the bin folder of your java installation.

The path would look like this: C:\Your_Java_version\bin>

After you have saved your file in this location, open up command prompt and navigate to the bin directory. (the same path as above)

To compile the program, type the following:
C:\Your_Java_version\bin> javac

If there are any errors, they'll be displayed, if there aren't any errors, the prompt would look like this:

To run the program, type the following:
C:\Your_Java_version\bin> java your_file_name

Your Java program's class name and the file name should be same.

Hope this helps. If it does, please select my answer as the best one!! Happy programming :)