Thoughts On A Book I Am Writing

Need opinions on a book I'm writing?

It's kind of a chick flick book that's written in diary form.
Also the setting is made up, as so are the characters, designers, etc.

december 31st
3:37 P.M.

Me and Penelope are becoming party crashers. First Agatha DuPont’s 15th birthday party in November, then Eloise Lavelle’s wedding, and now we absolutely have to go to Stephen Chevalier’s New Years party, because he is a complete stud! Not only that, but it is in the Xam Palace. I had my 15th birthday party there, and it was absolutely stunning. It had cost tons, but it was definitely worth it.

It is not that we were not invited – well, I was invited, but Penelope wasn’t. I just didn’t have my invitation anymore, or a ride. See, I got it, the invitation, two weeks ago. Stephen’s sister, Emily, gave it to me, and she told me to “keep it safe, we don’t give out seconds.” Apparently, the party was ‘invitation only’, and I wasn’t allowed to bring anyone else because there was already about 800 people invited, which is why the Xam Palace was reserved for his party. Stephen lives in my neighborhood, Parlor Place, in Amore, Corni. Parlor Place is huge, and not to be a complete snob, but the richest people live there… including myself. The houses there are mansions, named after the family that lives there. For example, Stephen’s house is called the Chevalier Mansion, nicknamed and most known as ‘Chev Manor.’ My house is called the St. Aux Mansion. Even though Stephen’s house is massive, it’s only going to be used as the setting for the after party.

Since the main party was invitation only, I tried to be really careful to keep my invitation safe. However, the day that I received it was rainy, and when I ran into my dad’s Mercedes, driven by our ex-chauffeur, Ludovic, it fell. I only realized it when we were in front of our house; but when I told Ludovic to take us back to the school, it was gone. Maybe someone found it, maybe the wind blew it away, maybe we weren’t quick enough, I don’t know. All I knew was: 1) My invitation had disappeared, 2) Whoever had it was going to pay in some way, shape, or form, and 3) I asked my dad to fire Ludovic, and by the next day, our new chauffeur was Harvey.


I am writing a small book about present China and Chinese thoughts (from a young Chinese's view). What do you want to know about China?

In my opinion,mostly educated are Realism and Scientism."Young man" is a big area of people....A.Young man in 20s-25,some of them fxck everything .....we call them fenqing. angry young.B.Some of them just live a living of like 30s and 40s. boring but work hard.We are all like young man in your country,mostly under hugh pressure.High house price,work pressure,market competition,right class and vested-interest class,marriage and baby born urged by parents,high cost to raise one child,have to raise 4 old parents by a couple.lack of Medicare.That's normal young.C.Also Hippies "Literature young",just like Fenqing, don't know and don't want to know the real world.David GleitHow much of an influence do Buddhism, Daoism, ancestor worship and local deities really have on young people?mostly we learn it by interest,mostly only "Literature young" tend to converted into religion.mostly our Religion is science and society rules.Dao,Bud,ancestor worship and local deities,we accept it,because its part of our culture,do no harm to living and show our respect to ancestor.all of them mix in our daily life.Just like your people have a Christmas holiday,do you real believe in Santa is real by your age???you say God bless,but you real believe there is a God?rural Chinese from urban Chinese.there only educated one and non-educated。don't  mean  been in college or not.they know base on what the saw.saw more and know more.Cult is a problem in China,mostly in rural also urban.You people say "Reeducation through labor system" is bad and evil ,but without it,cult is develop more and more quickly.not all bad,even I hate it also.Uneducated people,them need some spiritual support somehow,but religions are under regulated. because without regulated,it easily become a cult in China.Christianity is a hardest hit of cult。because Christianity has many believers in China.Islam mostly in Minority,like Hui,Uighur.they are born to be.mostly are secularization somehow.also have extremists just like Arab zone.astrology and meditation,that for fun of girl's gossip guys really believe in it?!!!And I realized the question from a Chinese?You don't know your country?!Shame on you.(kidding)you can believe the book from some official scholar,and read it deep.they are smartest one only say truth in a different way.Populism will harm China worse than Nationalism nowadays.

Does blogging one's thoughts or writing a book make people feel better?

It's generally accepted in psychological and medical fields, that sharing negative emotions and "releasing" one's thoughts and feelings is usually therapeutic.Some people talk about their problems to a bartender, some to a friend or spouse, some to a professional. Others write about what bothers them, whether in books, blogs, or in a diary.  Many musicians and songwriters put their problems into lyrics.

How can you write someone thoughts in a story?

With the italicizing (wow...probably horrible spelling), you can do as it was said before,

(messed up something. Pardon.)

*Wow,* he thought. *My spoon is too big.*

I've read books, where the thoughts are completely random, and there is no "he thought lalalala" or such. It is simply tossed in there, made into its own paragraph of thought-dialogue. Or you can add some dashes.

Sally was picking sea shells on the sea shore when a shell had a crab in it and it pinched her finger.

--Stupid crab.

Continuing sentence.

Or, in the middle of the sentece, without cutting off to something new. Like: Georgey Porgey fell down and saw Mrs. Booger (man, I hate her) coming to yell at him.

I think Stephen King uses the parenthesis.

You can just write: Tammy thought, I never saw a face that ugly before. Or Tammy thought that she never saw a face that ugly before.

Using "that" and taking the thought out of first person is a different way.

There's probably a million other creative ways to write thought-dialogue. Read some books and see how other authors do it, which way you think is the coolest, or completely make up your own.

Whatever you do, have a blast!

EDIT: A lot has to do with how close you are to the character. I like what was above my answer (it just popped up...I didn't read it before). I've read books where you never know what anybody is thinking, just because you don't get inside the characters.

However you want to write it, you write it. Yeah.

Opinion on book im currently writing?

this is an excerpt from a short story that i am currently in the process of writing. I just wanted to know ur opinion. you dont have to read everything though. just give me ur opinion on what u DID read. This is the very first page i wrote.
"NOOO!!!!" I cried when I saw my closest companion falling, gravely injured by our clever, cunning, and powerful opponent. I had watched so many others die before me, friends and enemies, none too easy to bear. Even to this very day, after years of watching others fall before me, the deaths of those allies and enemies haunt me in my dreams. I see their faces, the horror in their eyes. I hear their voices, begging not to die. Though I know that if we are to win the raging battle, that they must die. It's kill or be killed, and I know which one I must do. There's no turning back after coming this far. But even if I could, I wouldn't. I know millions will suffer if I don't stop this madness that has been thrust upon the country. This is a war I must win... and nothing will stop me from doing just that.

Thats the end of the first page. Thnx for ur opinion and plz answer my other question if u want. Its a physical problem i want help with. thnx again.;_ylt=AoMVJJuqs.GYkfj.pKET_bjsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090909181529AAP8mDy

Can you tell me what you think of this book i was thinking of writing?

If you can't even be bothered to reread your own work to check for problems, why would anyone else bother with it?

Yes, it stinks. If you handed this in for English homework your teacher would probably hand it back unmarked for you to redo it. Now consider that your English teacher is paid to read your work.

I would like to know have anyone started writing a book, then procastanted not cause you have writer's block?

but just got lazy with it, My ideas are endless.

Do you think it's possible to just sell my book ideas or make it into a small screen and so forth.

I know it's my dream but I want too take the short cut out. I really would like it to be on film(from the start). I just thought writing a book was a lot cheaper.

I have too many ideas, they just need to be written down. I swear it's because Im a procrastinator fancy word for lazy. "huh a lazy writer". Only a libra can pull that off.

I am thinking about writing a book. I am interested in writing a novel about a family in the Iron Age. What are some good books I can use for research?

The Iron age has quite a bit of regional variation in Europe. I would choose a culture and hone in on that. One that is interesting and there is quite a bit of information on are the peoples of the Hallstatt Culture of Austria. The reason we have so much information on this culture is because they were Salt miners and the salt in the mines preserved a lot of artifacts which would normally decay. In addition their graveyards have been found providing a huge volume of information.The Human Body in Early Iron Age Central Europe - Katerina Rebay- Salisbury.