Tips On Improving Life In General

What are two tips to improve my life?

We can’t live a positive life with negative thoughts. But in daily life we deal with different people and situations which sometimes tends our mind towards negativity. Here we have discussed few points which will help you to stay positive whole day.Help others.Either you are at your workplace or at home try to help others when negative thoughts comes in your mind. Helping others will make you feel good.Music.Listen your favorite music for some time , it works as the best remedy either you are feeling bad or sick.Try your hobbyIf you are stuck at some point while dealing with any problem you should try your hobby. Trust me it really works. Either gardening ,cooking or knitting do whatever you love but forget about the problem for some time.Talk to old friendsYou can talk to your friends, sometimes they know you more than you know yourself. Remembering old days fun and hangouts fill your heart with joy and love towards life. Studies shows, it improves positive thoughts.Dress up or try new makeupI know it sounds ridiculous but works . Dress up like you have to go for any party or try some old party wear dresses you will feel good. Life is all about experiences take a new one with this idea. Dress up and see yourself in mirror how good enough your looks are and don’t forget to thanks God for such lovely looks.Walk to a children parkKids don’t think alot so they give us a different view about everything. Example if something hurts..more

What are some non-well known tips to improving battery life on iOS 7?

Turn off background app refresh (Settings > General > Background app refresh)Turn off app store auto-update (Settings > iTunes & App Store > Automatic Downloads)Take advantage of the easy access to airplane mode, and put the phone in Airplane mode whenever you're not using it / expecting important calls/messagesDitto with luminosity

What are some tips to improve your general knowledge in small period of time?

Listen to podcasts about history, language, music, or whatever else particularly interests you. I've found that podcasts are a much more productive way to spend my commute than listening to radio announcers telling lame jokes. Some I can recommend are The China History podcast, The Podcast History of Our World, 99% Invisible.Follow the  news from multiple sources. Don't waste time with TV "news", which is mostly about entertainment and marketing. Don't restrict yourself to sources with your own particular slant, or only from your own country, but challenge yourself to consider other perspectives. You'll find out there's way more going on in the world (and even in your own country) than you knew.Watch TED videos. These are available online, or as both video and audio-only podcasts.I will echo what User said: read an encyclopedia. I did this as a pre-teen (I still have that encyclopedia in my home office), and I absorbed a lot of general knowledge that way. Skim through it, spending more time on the articles that interest you. Randomly pick articles; if you're using Wikipedia, use the random link.Reading book summaries is not a real substitute for reading (and enjoying) the books, but it is a fast approach to give you an idea of what people are talking about.

I suck at drawing, what are some tips to improve?

write what you see not what your think something looks like. don't look at something like what it is look at it like the shapes that make it up. The most common mistake is that people draw what they think something looks like rather than what it does look like. for example, someone looks at a toaster and they draw what they think a toaster looks like in their head rather than the actual toaster.

What are your best general tips for life for people in their early 20s?

Set practical and high goals.Obey the advice of parents and elders.Don't follow advice of your friends and colleagues blindly. Use your own mind.Don't waste time with your friends but do enjoy life.Dont get influenced by movies, TV shows and celebrities.Don't try too much to impress girls and don't make LOVE as your goal.Don't start working on your chosen career directly. First of all get guidance from those who are already successful in your field. Google will help you.Read good books and watch self improvement documentaries.Don't believe in “Life is so small, so enjoy it at most.”Take every action, keeping its future consequences in mind. But be ready to take risks for bright future.Be optimistic, but dont loose touch from reality.Exercise regularly and sleep adequately. Dont compromise with health.

What are few simple tips to improve our life?

That’s a pretty nice question! I feel that if we try and work on our fundamentals our life would pretty much change in one day!We say, to see changes happening around us- we must change ourselves. And this change comes from within. When we say “improve our life” it covers-Our relationships,How we perceive things,How we overcome failures,How to live a healthy lifeHow to maintain our mental peace- overcome stress, anxiety, etc.Try practicing the following techniques to bring a change in your life:Humble- Being humble to everyone around us. Acknowledging people’s presence, understanding their behavior, and being kind to them.Why is this so important?- Because it leaves no room for judgement, and when we don’t judge others, we become more accepting to new experiences. Acceptance brings openness to change. and it makes us more versatile.Listen- Hearing is very different from listening. When we hear we do so to filter out information from it. However, when we listen empathetically, we look at the picture properly. Make sure when you listen to the person- focus on the content they’re saying, instead of the riled up emotion. Because that shifts the focus from understanding to argument. One must listen with patience, and clarify the doubts, so that one is free of speculating. Speculation would bring in a distorted pattern of thinking, leading to misunderstandings.Healthy- Mental well-being, Physical well-being, Emotional well-beinga) Think healthy- thoughts that make you happy.b) Eat healthy- diet that makes your body energetic and healthy.c) Relationships- people that make you happy, strengthen you and support you.Goals- Set a goal for everyday! Needs to be a purpose lined out for the day, wherein you practice activities which you look forward to and stay motivated throughout the day. Having short term and long term goal would create a purpose for your life, and you will realize WHAT YOU REALLY WANT.I hope this helps a little :)If you wish to ask anything else, or need more clarity on other aspects of life, feel free to connect to a counselor at or you may call directly at +919266626435:)

What are some best tips to improve life within 2 months?

FIRST WEEK: Wake up an hour earlier. This will usually entail going to bed earlier. With an extra hour of day light, do nothing except thinking about yourself in how you feel, what you want to do, when you are going to do the things you do, with whom you want to speak with, and why are you doing the things you do. You’ll start to notice reality from your point-of-view rather than an externalized experience that sways your intentions back and forth through impulsive behavior.SECOND WEEK: Write about your daily experiences. This will help you understand more about yourself by reading exactly what you wrote in relation to how you view the world. Your journal is a daily recollection of memories and experiences expressed through outer relationship and inner relationship issues. Some will be difficult to understand at first but you will eventually have a break through in why and how that situation came about. You solving personal problems on your own terms helps you “own up” to the ideals that made you who you are today.THIRD WEEK: Step outside of your comfort zone by doing things that you normally would not do. This will expand your awareness towards improvement. You’ll begin to notice that self-inflicted ignorance enabled you to feel comfortable within your sense of self. Anything foreign remained distant from the reality that you believed was unreachable. The key is to become aware that self-improvement is an evolutionary process on a mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical level.FOURTH WEEK: Pay it forward. This will help you engage the process of an energetic transfer through a sense of service. This process will look and feel differently for each individual. The key is to know the difference between when, why, and how you expect something in return versus just “passing it forward.” At this exact moment, you begin the self-actualization process.Once you become fully aware that expectations for something in return is based on a false sense of entitlement, then in reality you become self-aware into full realization by aligning with the divine flow of multi-dimensional consciousness because you are now being part of the creative force.SECOND MONTH: Repeat first months exercises.