Tips To Help You Learn How To Live With Cancer

How do I learn to cope or live with cancer?

I don't have much experience with something so difficult, but I would suggest as anon that you try to stay out of the mental vortex.  Our minds hate an irreconcilable problem, and will tend to go into a thought-emotion loop searching for answers, denying, etc.  A typical everyday response is distraction, turning on the TV.  However that may be not be enough for such a problem.  You may need to accept the problem - face it honestly, accept the feelings that arise, float above the feelings (they are just feelings) and let time pass (feelings will fade).  By looking at the feelings themselves in the body directly (The Focusing Institute), one can avoid turning them into a story "I never got to go skiiing in New Zealand yet" which just generates more negative feelings (e.g. the vortex).  Zazen or TM style meditation can also be powerful escape from thinking mind to let the system heal.  In zazen you concentrate on the breath but then relax into being aware of all the senses at once (which is about the opposite of being stuck in a tense mind loop.)  Ask yourself "what kind of experience do I want right in this moment and is what my mind is doing delivering it?".  It is also possible to "mind hack" automatic negative thoughts away (See NLP).Another response is to consider looking at the really big picture. Subjectively our lives seem really important to us, but in a larger timescale we are just lightning flashes in the dark.  We arise from emptiness and return to it.  Of course our biology is hard wired to make us feel like the center of the universe.  If we can see from this orientation and understand that our larger timeless identity is this emptiness, this eternal mystery, this cosmos, then it's possible to identify less with the life of the body and more with the miracle of life in total.  To some extent enlightenment is nothing more than a shift from identifying with the light bulb, to identifying with the light.  Adyashanti tells a story in Falling into Grace about a dying woman who uses the urgency of impending death as a spur to wake up now.  If you can embrace your emptiness, the process should be easier.May you be at ease.

Scorpio and cancer relationship never works?

I agree, they're not a good match. A few months ago I would have said different only because I was infatuated with one. You never know where you stand and they're emotionally draining.
Scorp wants control & cancer continually resists, that's why it won't work & I think both signs are too stubborn to back down. Too much jealousy between the two also, not healthy.
Not being mean to scorpios because cancer & all signs has it's faults, but the scorpio men I know act aloof & are more interested in the chase. I've been lied too & for me that's a definate no no.
I got sucked in at the very beginning, took a long time to realise he was making a fool out of me, my fault I guess for being naive but you live and learn. I'm not generalising on scorps, but knowing a few this is how they roll, unless I've met the worse type? Personally I need someone who can give me stability without emotional dramas or games.

How long can a horse with bone cancer- Osteosarcoma- live comfortably?

Where I used to ride/board there was a little pony there who had thyroid and bone cancer. The vet gave her two years to live comfortably before it would be best to put her down. That was 5 years ago and she is still going strong, not showing one ounce of pain! I think it all depends on the horse and what it's pain tolerance is!

If your vet hasnt fully come out and said it is bone cancer, I would be keeping all possible fingers crossed that it is just an abcess and that in a few days the boil will come up and then your horse will be okay!

If the vet does come right out and say that it is bone cancer, ask him how long he thinks your horse will live. And if he says that it is bad and going to move rapidly, then the best bet is listening to the vet if he says it would be best to put him down.

I hope for your sake that it isnt bone cancer and it is just something like an abcess!

Metastatic cancer - curable?

Cancer isn't curable, only treatable.

Metastasis to the lymph nodes is treatable, often with good prognosis.

My cancer had metastasised to 4 of the 16 lymph nodes biopsied.

Following treatment I am now over 5 years NED (no evidence of disease) with only a 30% risk of recurrance.

Every case is different and your own oncologist will be able to give you a likely prognosis for your case.