To Americans Should Hitler

Did hitler like americans?

Oh yes - Uncle Adolf really thought quite highly of America although he probably didn't understand it very well. He had read novels about the cowboys and Indians - and he probably thought America was like that.

Hitler and the Nazis were incredibly murderous people - and Hitler looked at the murder of the American Indians as being a really fine thing. And he set out to do this in Eastern Europe - murdering millions of people there. Also the ideas of the "The Master Race" were lifted from American racism. A lot of people into "eugenics" and "human hygene" were Americans.

Hitler assumed that he could "make a deal" with the US - and perhaps he could have if he had been more successful. He wouldn't have had to invade the US - he would have simply made peace with whatever American Nazi Party there was. And there were plenty of American Nazis ready to deal with Hitler - The Bush family traded with Hitler through the War.

What did Hitler think of Americans?

What did Hitler think of Americans?There was a lot for Hitler to admire about America…The way we disposed of our Native Americans and put them into concentration camps (er.. reservations) was done just right.The idea of clearing the land of the native peoples would come in handy in Operation Barbarossa...(As a child Hitler enjoyed playing Cowboys and Indians. Guess which he always wanted to be...) (Actually he enjoyed playing Cowboys and Indians as an adult too, with his dog Blondi and a real gun! No joke!)Nazi's getting rid of Jews on the left, Americans getting rid of Lakota on the right.The idea of enslaving Africans to do the jobs Real Americans didn't want to do was brilliant..Then when Americans needed some liebestraum, they came up with the idea of Manifest Destiny, created a border incident, and stole half of Mexico…Hitler had to put that on his to do list..The false flag “Remember the Maine” incident to steal Spain's Colonial Empire.. under the Big Lie of helping the native peoples.. he would have to admire that…The American Eugenics movement to eliminate inferior people… something else Hitler took note of…Having scapegoats to blame your nation's problems on would definitely come in handy…Hitler considered Henry Ford his role model, had Ford's portrait on the wall of his office, and awarded him a medal.Hitler also greatly admired Henry Ford's anti-semitism.. and his printing of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Then too, it would be fun to get in the car making business…Yes three was a lot for Hitler to admire about America.. He even named his armored train the Amerika!How Americans used to salute the flag.The American’s biggest problem was they had allowed themselves to devolve into a decadent Mongrel race…

Did Hitler fear America?

Hitler wanted peace with Britain and America. Of course, he feared US power, which is why he refused to respond to FDR's outrageous 1940 and 1941 provocations at sea. In his final testament (suicide letter), Hitler wrote: "It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted war in 1939.  Itwas wanted and provoked solely by international statesmen either of Jewish origin or working for Jewish interests.  I have made too many offers for the limitation and control of armaments, which posterity will not be cowardly enough always to disregard, for responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be placed on me.  Nor have I ever wished that,after the appalling First World War, there would ever be a second against either England or America." ----So you see, the war was imposed upon Germany, as was WW 1. Read 'The Bad War' and be amazed--- Here: The REAL story of World War II

Hitler admired America?

He realy said that? It is disgusting and it's just more negative history that the US should be ashamed of. For a disturbed killer that performed one of history's horrific genocides to admire America for their genocide, that is certainly nothing to be proud about.

Yeah, I'm part Hawaiian and I can understand where you're coming from. The Native Americans' & the Hawaiians' history are similar in a lot of ways that people don't know about. Negative history swept under the rug...

How did america give aid to nations resisting hitler?

By the Lend Lease Program, the US would give military goods such as weapons, munitions, and tanks/ planes to Great Britain, Soviet Union, and other allied countries opposing the Axis. Then after the war was over, they would have to pay back the US for the war material given to them. The program was enacted in march 1941, a little more over a year after the war began in 1939.

This is before the U.S. entered the war in December 1941.

Can Donald Trump do to America what Adolf Hitler did to Germany?

I think a Trump Presidency would be disastrous for America, and I'm no expert on the rise of Hitler, but I think there are important differences:Hitler came to power during the era of the Weimar Republic, which was weak and ineffectual. Inflation was ruinous, and Germany groaned under harsh reparation demands from its World War I allies. The President, Paul Hindenburg, was quite old and unable to lead. None of that is true today. Trump likes to talk as though America is losing, but that is simply not true. The economy is strong, employment is up, and our military is still the strongest in the world.Hitler had attempted a coup and had served time in prison for it, which gave him the cachet of being a sort of martyr. Trump has never paid such a price, nor would he.Hitler deeply believed in an ideology. It was a despicable ideology, but it was not merely coextensive with Hitler's own ego. Trump doesn't really believe in anything except that America needs to be great and that he is the man to make it so. A Trump Presidency would merely be an extension of "The Apprentice," moved to Washington. He doesn't have the depth of dedication that Hitler had, even to a bad cause.Hitler gathered ruthless associates around him, such as Ernst Rohm and, later, Reinhard Heydrich and Heinrich Himmler, who were willing to enclose the machinery of government in the iron grip of the Gestapo and the SS and harass the regular army. Meanwhile, the former director of the CIA has publicly stated that government employees would refuse to follow Trump's orders on torture, and serving military officers have openly said they look forward to retirement so as not to have to serve under a President Trump.Others who know more about the period of Hitler's rise can give more particulars, but Trump lacks the ideological dedication, force of will, life experience, national legal-political configuration, or cadre of associates necessary to become another Hitler. At worst, he would be somewhere between Silvio Berlusconi and Benito Mussolini.

Why did Adolph Hitler name his private train America? Was it because the U.S. was so late in entering the war?

He didn't name it was named Amerika.

Lol, Hitler was intrigued by American culture, just like North Korean leader Kim Jong Il.

It's weird they made war with the people they admire the most.