To Find Equation Of Cylinder

How do i find the equation for this cylinder?

Ignore the y-coordinate for the moment

You have a circle with centre (0,a) and radius a

Equation is
x² + (z-a)² = a²

The axis of the cylinder is parallel to the y-axis so the equation of the cylinder is simply:
x² + (z-a)² = a²

What is the equation to find the height of a cylinder?

Volume = πr²h
So for the first problem solve for h
V = πr²h
h = V/(πr²)

For the second, think of what you would have if you unrolled the cylinder. It basically becomes a rectangle, where the base of the rectangle = perimeter of the circle.

LA = h (2πr)
h = LA/(2πr)

How to find mass of a cylinder?

mass : m
Volume : V
density : ρ

height : h
diameter : d
radius : r = d/2

we know
m = ρV
where the volume of the cylinder = πr² * h
r = d/2
r² = d²/4


m = ρπd²h / 4

How do you calculate the cross section area of cylinder?

The Cross section of an object is the shape you get when you cut straight through an object. It can be a rectangle, a circle even an oval, depending on how it has been cut.A circleThus the cross section of the above cylinder is a circle. Hence the cross sectional area is the area of a circle.Area of a circle = π x R2R= radiusA RectangleThus the cross section of the above cylinder is a rectangle, hence calculate the area of a rectangle.Area of a rectangle= length*widthAn OvalThus the cross section of the above cylinder is an oval, hence calculate the area of the oval.Area of an oval= π*short radius*long radiusUsing the figure below as an example, the short radius is a the long radius is bthus the area is = π*a*bSo what will guide you is how it has been cut. Good Day.

What is the mathimatical formula to find the density of a cylinder?

density = mass / volume

volume of a cylinder = area of circle x height = (pi * radius² * height)

density = mass / (pi * radius² * height)

How many small cylinders can I fit in a larger one?

Your cylinder problem is equivalent to the circle-in-circle packing problem.

The most efficient way of packing circles, hexagonal packing produces approximately 90% efficiency.

The first link gives a table of exact numbers. Unfortunately it goes up to only 3, whereas you're looking for the number 8.

The second link gives a more exact efficiency number, which you can use to modify the earlier answerer's answer.

The third link goes up to only 5.1, still a long way from your 8.

Sorry, that's the best I could do.