To Live A Life Of Lies And Delusions Do You First Need To Really Believe Your Own Deceit

Why do narcissists believe their own lies and shift blame to the victim?

The Original Sin.“Sin to some extent is like coffee, when I was young and had my first taste of it, I have found that it's bitter and nasty, but later on I learned to like it by pouring a little milk in it, and then I have learned to like it black, Sin in like that”.the thicket novel by “Joe Lansdale”.The Sin is the tendency to evil, supposedly innate in all human beings, this is who we are.Why do narcissists believe their own lies?Self Deception functions in the human being as a narcotic, numbing us to the danger of our choices, narcissists engaged in such delusion for a long time, until the time they lost their taste of good and their power to hate evil.They habituated what caused deadness to their souls, and Once They deceived themselves, it's easy to deceive others.As Deception becomes a way of life, evil becomes easily practiced, and lies become a way of life too, they sweeten it and then, they got to take it straight.Back to psychology :Why do narcissists believe their own lies and shift blame to the victim?When narcissist gets caught lying:Fact number one: he/she lying…no doubt.Fact number two :Feeling Guilt is not a problem, they know they are lying, they don't feel guilty doing it, they've been doing it since day one, but they feel shame if they get caught.Narcissism is all about denial of internal ugliness, and projecting it, Their low self-esteem cannot bear that pain. And when their sense of shame is triggered, one of their mechanisms to fix their damaged self-esteem is Denial and Verbal Vomit :Projection and Blame-Shifting take place.Fact number three :Expect them to punch you on your face, and complaining about you hurting their fist. Or some word salad like (I know Matt whitaker, No, I don't know Matt whitaker)………Answer edit @Toph Muir thank you mate.NPD isn't about denying internal ugliness. Their primary goal is to be faultless, regardless of the fault be it ugly or pretty. Because if they have a fault, the black and white thinking makes them all faults and then they devalue themselves. THAT is like death.

What decisions by characters in Death of a Salesman have affects on other characters as well? Help!?

Willy Loman
Despite his desperate searching through his past, Willy does not achieve the self-realization or self-knowledge typical of the tragic hero. The quasi-resolution that his suicide offers him represents only a partial discovery of the truth. While he achieves a professional understanding of himself and the fundamental nature of the sales profession, Willy fails to realize his personal failure and betrayal of his soul and family through the meticulously constructed artifice of his life. He cannot grasp the true personal, emotional, spiritual understanding of himself as a literal “loman” or “low man.” Willy is too driven by his own “willy”-ness or perverse “willfulness” to recognize the slanted reality that his desperate mind has forged. Still, many critics, focusing on Willy’s entrenchment in a quagmire of lies, delusions, and self-deceptions, ignore the significant accomplishment of his partial self-realization. Willy’s failure to recognize the anguished love offered to him by his family is crucial to the climax of his torturous day, and the play presents this incapacity as the real tragedy. Despite this failure, Willy makes the most extreme sacrifice in his attempt to leave an inheritance that will allow Biff to fulfill the American Dream.
Ben’s final mantra—“The jungle is dark, but full of diamonds”—turns Willy’s suicide into a metaphorical moral struggle, a final skewed ambition to realize his full commercial and material capacity. His final act, according to Ben, is “not like an appointment at all” but like a “diamond . . . rough and hard to the touch.” In the absence of any real degree of self-knowledge or truth, Willy is able to achieve a tangible result. In some respect, Willy does experience a sort of revelation, as he finally comes to understand that the product he sells is himself. Through the imaginary advice of Ben, Willy ends up fully believing his earlier assertion to Charley that “after all the highways, and the trains, and the appointments, and the years, you end up worth more dead than alive.”

“The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity”?

A true hypocrite is one who complains about what is playing on their VCR / DVD player.

Are Narcissists commonly also pathological liars that lie or exaggerate the truth daily?

Look no further than the Oval Office for an answer to your question. This president has been in office less than two years and has already amassed a record of lying that will probably never be surpassed.The few of us who were following his campaign and reported his narcissistic traits have since been vindicated of charges that we had no right to call his eminence a narcissist.His public displays of petulance and petty vindictiveness only verify more what everyone knows but his hard core cult following are quick to deny. As far as his party is concerned, they have the power and intend to hold onto it despite the cost. All semblance of manners, taste and a spirit of cooperation is totally lost in the blitz storm left in the wake of a man who simply isn’t up for the job.Lying rolls off his tongue quicker than those who are paid to deny what he said can correct and cover up. Every day brings an unwanted surprise of gargantuan proportions, along with a blizzard of lies to explain why it is happening.Just another day in the life of a narcissist and those who are paid to hang on for dear life. The rest of us unwillingly hang on to see how it will all end, just as one would a train wreck it’s too late to jump out of to save oneself.

Does God Always Tell the Truth & the Devil Always Lie?

Or could God work in mysterious ways by lying to you?

And could the Devil purposely lead you astray by telling you the truth about something?

If you don’t believe God and the Devil are literally real work with these as characters from any myth you choose. If you believe God and the Devil are real I’d appreciate your sincere insight.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Why do people make up things about their life when first meeting someone?

Because they are insecure about themselves and need acceptance from the others about their identity. So they create such illusions about the things they have done and achieved in order to seem more appealable and likeable to the other person. And sometimes they themselves get so involved in these lies that for them it seems to be part of their reality and this in the long run further lowers down their self-esteem.These lies in the first meeting might just make them feel better about themselves at that very moment but eventually when they come to realise about it, it will eat them up because in reality it does not exist and they would, at this point, desperately want it to exist as they now identify themselves through these lies.