Tonsils Swollen For 2 Weeks Now On 3rd

How come I have tonsilitis again after 3 weeks?

A sore throat is one of the most common complaints  that patients go to see a physician.  For any suspected infection a clinician looks for three things, redness, swelling and the presence of pus.  Any infection can reoccur.  You could have tonsillitis every month for years. An accurately diagnosed case of the most common type of tonsillitis is caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus.   Even if you do not treat you're infection, the vast majority to the time you're own immune system will cure it in five days.   The proper use of antibiotics within the first two days will greatly hasten recovery.  It will also prevent some of the rare possible complications that will occur without treatment; Rheumatic fever (which can harm one's heart valves), a type of inflammation of you're kidney's called glomerulonephritis), and an abscess in you're tonsil which might require an emergency surgery to remove the tonsil.  The first two complications almost only happen in children.  If you have children they can harbor the strep bacteria without having any symptoms.  They can reinfect you.  I am going to assume that you're first case of tonsillitis was resolved.  If it wasn't it could have been caused by other types of bacteria including gonorrhea from oral sex. If you keep having tonsillitis, you might want to consult a specialist in ear, nose, and throat to consider having you're tonsils removed.  You will be surprised how fewer sore throats you have the rest of you're life when you're tonsils are removed.  People with recurrent tonsillitis tend to have very large ones.  They can cause you to snore.  Any obstruction of you're breathing at night not only will disturb you're bed partner, it can hurt you're long term overall health.

How long does a tonsillectomy take to heal?

are you telling me no one explained anything to you?!

you'll feel pretty crappy for the first 10 or so days.
and won't be fully recovered until about 3 weeks after the surgery.
usually between day 10-12 your scabs fall off and that will make it hurt a bit more again but then you will feel better fast.

you should be taking your pain meds as prescribe. if they say you can take them again after 4 hours then do so. you are not supposed to wait until the pain is unbearable to take more. (unless of course it becomes unbearable before its time to take more meds, then you just have to suffer until its time to take them again)
and DON'T use ibuprofen. it naturally thins your blood and in the fragile state you are in you can't risk bleeding cuz once you start bleeding from the tonsil wounds it is very hard to get it to stop and if you start bleeding a lot you have to go to the ER.

you should NOT be eating toast or any solid food right now!
you should even have an instruction sheet that was sent home with you telling what you try to eat.
you should be on a liquid to very mushy food diet right now. have popsicles, ice cream, jello, water, soap broth, apple sauce, gadar aid, and other things like that. as your throat starts to feel better then you can start eating solid foods.

and yes your ears are supposed to hurt. its called "referred pain". now that your tonsils are out the pain has no clue where to go so it just goes to your throat and mainly your ears.

and you just have to live with the bad breath. and DON'T try to use mouth wash cuz it could break open the scabs that are starting to form. and then you need to go to the ER cuz bleeding after a tonsillectomy is an emergency.

i just can't believe that no one informed you of all you needed to know before or after the surgery.

Sore throat with yellow spit and swollen tonsils?

my cousins throat has been hurting for awhile now, but in the middle of the night she woke up, hard to breathe, and her tonsils have pus pokets, and her right eye was crusted shut. she has yellow phlem coming up, all symptoms are coming from the right side of her throat. and right ear is hurting... whats going on?

How can I get rid of puss on my tonsils?

I have gone to the doctors and they told me I have a virus. They put me on anti biotics for three days and today is my third day. I have swollen tonsils, red sore throat and puss pockets on my tonsils. The doctors said the anti biotics will stay in my system for another three days after the medication is done. My throat is still pretty sore. Are there any remedies to rid myself of these puss pockets?

How long do antibiotics take to work for tonsillitis?

A majority of cases diagnosed as tonsillitis turn out to be viral infections. Antibiotics will do nothing to expedite the course of such cases and generally the symptoms resolve within a week. Bacterial tonsillitis, streptococcal in particular, will respond to oral penicillin within 48 hours. IM doses of bicillin usually bring improvement in 24–36 hours.

Are painful tonsils a symptom of HIV?

While you were at risk for HIV , there's only a small chance you would have gotten it, it's roughly 1 in 1500 per sexual encounter and thats if he does have it.

Ars symtpoms (early HIV symptoms) apear 2-4 weeks after encounter... Rarely a week before or after.

Some of the symptoms are flu like, sore throat, night sweats, chills, fever, rash, and others

Symptoms are not good indicators of HIV. Because those symptoms could be millions of other things.

I have seen people with every symtpom in the
Book and test negative and vice versa.

You still need to get tested.

You can get test at 4 weeks conclusively with a 4th generation dou.

If it's third generation testing you can test at 4-6 weeks with roughly 95-100% accuracy then again at three months for 100%

What is the reason for throwing up days after your tonsillectomy?

heya, my names amy and i'm 16 years old and in a month i'm having a tonsillectomy and i'm absolutely petrified of throwing up.. i can deal with the pain of a tonsillectomy but throwing up as well i cannot cope with. so here are some questions please answer them..
what is the reason for throwing up days after the tonsillectomy? (i've heard so many people throw up on day 5 and blood) EEEEEKKK.
how long does the pain last?
when will i start feeling better?
top tips on eating food (when/what) and best drinks?
many thanks Amy xxxx

What will happen if I don't brush my teeth for 3 days?

Oral health is an integral part of general health. Studies have shown that there is a significant link between oral health and overall healthPlaque is a sticky colorless layer which is constantly formed on the teeth, it is a film containing millions of microbes(bacteria) and sugar , if not removed daily can cause cavities and gum diseases.If you do not brush your teeth , first of all on a personal note will you feel fresh i mean ewww people will be scared coming near to you because of the bad oral odor / halitosis. Secondly , second day there will be debris or deposits on the teeth especially around the gumline and third day if you plan to brush , i bet you will see your gums bleeding while you brush.Third point, if you still want to continue this habit , tartar will be formed near the gum line and your gums will swell and eventually weaken the teeth leading to loosening.Most importantly in case after all this if you want to resolve the damage and plan to visit your dentist, make sure you at-least brush or rinse your mouth.