Top Secret Mission Help

What is Sai's secret mission?

sais real or secret mission is to assasinate sasuke

sai was orderd to kill certain people and he has a assasination book in his pack you will see it in the next episode thats why he has no emotions he went through emotion training to lose emotions so that he doesnt hesitate to kills

Top secret uv pen help?

Put some nail polish remover on a cotton ball or paper towel or something and scrub furiously.

A good code name for a top secret mission?

O.F.S.H.U. Operation: F*** Someones House Up hahaaa idk i tried =]

How to make a top secret mission letter in christmas gift game?

I am creating a game where you leave a gingerbread house on a friends doorstep with a mission letter saying to pass it along someone elses door step with out eating it or trashing it before christmas. Any ideas on what the letter should say? This is for fun, no mean remarks please :)
P.S. I'm trying to make the letter sound like a top secret mission. I have a couple ideas but would love to hear yours.

Secret ninja mission, ideas welcomed?

stand up and go to the bathroom and on your way out hit the lights "by accident" and then hit your teacher with a poison dart and pretend to be unconscious and say that someone ran in knocked you out and killed your teacher they'll never suspect you