Tor New Ip On Page Refresh

Tor new ip on page refresh?

Is there a way to make tor give me a new identity when the page is reloaded? I know you can click the tor button addon but I am looking to automate the process. Is there any way to do this? Any help is much appreciated.

IP change on refresh Chrome of firefox addon?

Is there a proxy addon/extension for either google chrome or mozilla firefox that will change my IP address when the page is refreshed? if not, is there such an addon for another browser or even a program that does this?

Is it possible to change IP address?

When surfing in net, i have read a discussion on iP address. They were discussing about changing the iP address. Is it possible. If so how to do that. Whats the use.

I heard you can change your IP address if you reset your modem thirty times in a row, but also that you can break your modem that way. What are the chances of each happening?

As Phillip Remaker indicated, this is entirely untrue and different providers approach IP assignments differently.There are three main ways that IP addresses are assigned.  Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, Point to Point Protocol (most commonly Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet), and static assignment by a person typing in the address.If your service provider uses DHCP then by the RFC, though not always in practice, the DHCP server should give you the same address each time.  Some DHCP servers can be configured to give a new address each time, but if that's the case then rebooting your modem once will give you a new address.If your ISP uses PPPoE (or one of the other variants of PPP) then you usually get a new address each time you disconnect and reconnect as the Broadband remote access server that terminates PPP generally hands each session a new address from its pool.  If your connection has a user name and a password configured there is a good chance it is using PPPoE. If your ISP hard codes your addresses you will never get a different address regardless of how many times you reboot you device.In short, you're either never going to get a different address with your modem or you will with just 1 disconnect or reboot cycle.  The only exception to this is that some DHCP servers that assign new addresses for each session have a grace period of several seconds to a minute before handing out a new address and in that case the better approach is to power you device off for a minute or two rather than repeatedly rebooting it.

Yahoo news stories scrolling not working?

OK. I am on the main Yahoo page. The Today window is in the center of the page. It says there are 44 stores and it is showing me 1 to 4 of 44. I want to see the next set of 4 stories. I click on the right arrow which should show me the next 4 but nothing happens. This used to work off and on. Now it never works. I had to upgrade my CA Security Center to the 2010 version because I use Road Runner as my ISP. Maybe the upgrade is what is messing this up. Has anyone else had this problem and knows how to fix it? Thanks in advance for your help.

Is there any way to change my IP address without using a vpn?

Yes. There are many ways to change your IP address without a VPN:You can enumerate and connect to different WiFi networks. Every time you will switch a WiFi network, most likely you’ll get a different IP address.You can tether off your mobile phone, that will get you a different IP address.You can use TOR and result in you having different IP addresses at time.You can disconnect your ISP modem and/or force DHCP to renew your IP address. Unless you paid for, your ISP will not assign you a static IP and so it’s possible to get a new IP address.You can, to some degree, piggyback on online services that access websites for you (i.e. translate, validate, archive etc.) and have ’em fetch content for you, like a proxy.You can use cheap/free offers of public cloud provides, get a virtual machine and set up a lightweight proxy on it and use it.

Can Tor browser also randomly spoof a user agent?

Right now, all Tor browsers use this user agent string:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0Keeping a consistent user agent string is an important part of anonymity. Your user agent string can be used to fingerprint you if it’s unusual or unique, and that can help track you. All Tor browsers use the same generic string because it’s like uniform coloration in a herd of animals—it helps you avoid standing out.Suppose your user agent string changed randomly with each use. Your browsing habits aren’t random! So if you visit the same sites at about the same time of day for about the same amount of time and engage in the same patterns of behavior but your user agent string kept changing, that would stand out like a giraffe in a herd of zebras. Ironically, it would make you easier, not harder, to track.

Why are my YouTube views not increasing while I am using Tor Browser?

It may be that your YouTube views simply don’t increase immediately, especially if you’re just watching your own videos over and over.Sometimes YouTube video view counts don’t update immediately after just viewing the video once or twice, too. This may be what’s happening in your case.For example, I experimented with this on Quora a moment ago, and my answer views didn’t appear to increase while I was using the Tor Browser either.Call me weird, but why are you relying on this method to increase your YouTube views? Personally, I think that it’s easier to promote the videos on other social media sites - although that takes a little more effort. I find that “cheating” in this way, ultimately, is not that helpful, and ends up taking a long time.I know this isn’t what you asked, but check out this article: YouTube SEO: The Ultimate Guide - that may help you. I write a blog (and on several other sites), and I’ve found that the same rules apply. Use certain popular keywords on your video’s tags, or in the video title.That may take a bit more thought and strategy, but I’ve found that it pays off more in the long run.