Trayvon Martin/black In America

Who is trayvon martin?

He was a innocent 17 year old african american shot & killed in sanford flordia by the neighbor hood watch captin . Supposly trayvon looked suspious so george zimmerman the watch captian followed trayvon when being told by 911 dispatch not to follow him , but zimmerman did so & shot trayvon . When police got there all trayvon had in his pockets where skittles for his step brothet & a arizon iced tea. Trayvon was pronunced dead at the sene. Zimmerman has still NOT BEEN ARRESTED !!! Now the world is coming together to seek justice for trayvon & all the innocent black men who lost there lifes and never got justice. You as a human has a voice so please go to Change.Org & sign the petition for Mr. Trayvon Martin <3 the world is changes as all races Black Whites Hispanics Asians & other races coming toghether & u can be apart of it. Trayvon will be missed but lets send prayers to him because hes changing the world w/ his life. Even though he was only 17 his testimony is speaking loud . Dont let trayvons life be in vain . Do what you can & pray that we can all come as one .

Why did george zimmerman shot trayvon martin?

Because Trayvon Martin was on top of him beating him and told him "You're going to die now!" After breaking Zimmerman's nose and slamming his head against the pavement several times, George Zimmerman defended himself the only way he could... by pulling the gun from his waistband and shooting Martin.

Martin was 17 at the time, and juvenile records are sealed so we have no idea what if anything he has ever been convicted of. We know that he was suspended from school several times, involved with drugs and was in numerous fights. As for what's on his actual police record, we won't ever know because those records are sealed.

To what extent do the cases of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown suggest that racism still remains a significant problem in our country?

The case of Trayvon Martin shows that yes, there are still people out there who will stalk and assume you're a criminal just because you're black.The Michael Brown case proves that autopsy reports showing you were charging the officer will dispel any claims of a calm execution because you were black.

Why do people support trayvon martin?

Because they think they know better.
If they really did know better they'd be off their rear ends and looking at the real problems we face, not a local incident that is happening all over the country.
But the international incidents that is affecting their very livelihood. Things like the water shortage? Or perhaps the credit bubble and when is it going to burst? How about that Seventeen Trillion debt the country is never going to be able to pay off? Maybe a few in depth articles on the processed foodstuff we have to eat, and it's resulting obesity explosion? How about the toxicity of "Sugar"? Apparently the latest news that's been pushed out of the way is about the processed sugars we are eating and the scientists are finding in study after lab study that it's more toxic than cigarettes.
And not a damned consumer has a warning about that.
But we all know about Trayvon Martin, and we all know that Mr. Zimmerman is an evil man, and we all know about other pithy little things like celebrity overdoses, the latest scandal in the Olympics, the soap opera's of the rich and famous.
People support Trayvon Martin because they don't know any better, they just think they know better.