True Or False Mars Is Sometimes Closer To Earth Than Venus

Mercury closer to Earth than Venus?

Mercury was thought to be closer to the earth because its movement with respect to the "fixed stars" is faster than that of any other planet. The apparent movement of Venus is the next-fastest, followed by the sun, then Mars and the outer planets. Ptolemy simply thought that faster-moving planets had to be closer to the earth than slower-moving ones.

Is Mercury or Venus the closest planet to Earth?

Mercury is currently closer to Earth than is Venus. This is because Mercury is almost directly between the Earth and the Sun whereas Venus (and Mars, for that matter) are approximately 90 degrees off the line between the Earth and the Sun.Many people would assume Mercury is further from Earth than Venus because it is the closest planet to the Sun, Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun, and Earth is the third closest planet to the Sun. However, where the various planets are in their orbit has a lot to do with their distance from the Earth. It is not just their distance from the Sun that matters.A live view of the solar system I’m not exactly sure why the “circular” orbits do not have the Sun (Sol) at the center. I assume it is a bug in the website.

Venus in it's full phase is not visible from earth /true or false?

The practical answer to your question is: True. We never see Venus in its full phase from Earth. We cannot see Venus when it is on the far side of the Sun, which is the only time it would be full from our perspective. Venus is either behind the Sun's disk or appears so close to the Sun as to render it unviewable. We can see Venus when it's close to full but never when it's actually completely full.

For Venus to appear in its full phase, it would be extremely close to the Sun. Still, because of the linear offset or the difference in the orbital inclinations between Earth and Venus, it wouldn't be truly full but would appear very close to full.

Remember that planets and moons are always at full phase (except when eclipsed). It's only our perspective and view of these bodies that creates the illusion of phases other than full. Also, only bodies that orbit the Sun closer than Earth exhibit non-full phases. The outer planets always appear full from our perspective.

Which planet is closest to the earth?

To tell the truth, depending on the time mercury, venus and mars could all be the closest planets.

If venus and mars were on the other side of the sun then obviously mercury would be closer, no matter where mercury is.

but if all four planets were alined then Venus would be the closest

Why is Venus often called Earth's sister planet while Mars is not?

similar size, non-trivial atmosphere.

this was before we studied venus up close. if we were to name it now we might call it something else.

Why is Mercury more close to us than Venus?

Very weirdly, it is because (on average) any planet is closer to Mercury.Some folks thought about why it is claimed that Venus is our nearest neighbor. In simple distance during close approach, it is. But that says nothing about the average distance. So they came up with a different way of measuring the average distance between 2 planets (https://physicstoday.scitation.o...) and it was found that in fact, ON AVERAGE, Mercury is the closest planet to all the other planets.It has to do with that for all the planets, the closest approach (inferior conjunction) can vary quite a bit but it is for a single point in time. Most of the other planets tend to get a LONG ways away when they are at their furthest distance from any of the other planets. Whereas Mercury stays within a certain distance away, always, as it is the inner-most of the planets. So it’s average distance away is smaller than that for any other planet. Strange, but true.

Do the orbits of Earth Venus and Mars ever cross paths?

Must be exaggerated. The orbits NEVER come close to each other. At the closest they are still separated by over 40 million miles.