True Or False Since The Start Of Obama Care Was Just Delayed For Another Year It

Do you think that Trump has delayed actions about Health Care Reform until after 2020 because he is planning on creating legislation that will make him unpopular with his base, hurting his reelection chances? Or was there some other reason?

Trump was told outright by Mitch McConnell that the Senate wouldn’t consider major health reform before 2020.The reason for this is that the Republicans have no health care plan any more than they did last time around, and their attempt to dismantle ACA and replace it with a plan that Trump himself called “mean” was an electoral disaster that contributed to their loss of the House in the midterms.Republican legislators made it clear to McConnel that they weren’t willing to take away the public’s health care until they were safely past reelection in 2020.Instead, the Republicans have been gradually attacking and eroding ACA, most recently with Trump’s attempt to sustain the politically motivated judicial repeal of the the law’s protections on grounds that legal experts consider absurd, and that would ordinarily be overthrown on appeal.All the while trying to fool people into thinking that the growing problems are intrinsic to ACA, rather than their campaign to undermine it — but, I think, not doing a very good job, as a majority of the public now favors universal health care of the kind that civilized countries have.

Why do Republicans say they need more time on the START Treaty, when they had a year to debate it?

It was the Democrats who delayed progress on 12 Appropriation Bill's, while they CONTROLLED Congress. And WHY is there another RUSH job by the Dems AND RUSSIA to get this treaty signed ? The Dems putter around for a year bellowing their scam victory over the public with Obamacare and SUDDENLY this Treaty MUST be signed ?
Answer: This Treaty MUST be given the time for review it deserves and with the incoming Republicans given a chance to participate in the debate. Besides, this is also VERY much about giving Obama another "victory" ?

Why does the President decide to delay Obamacare implementation instead of Congress voting and making a decision?

It's all about political posturing. Neither party will ever willingly concede that the other is right about anything. To amend the law now is to admit it was poorly thought out and Republicans were right to oppose it. So instead the senate democrats block any attempt to modify the law then President Obama modifies it anyway. The President becomes a scape goat. Democrats save face. Republicans are left debating whether to scream "He can't do that!" or "I told you so!"Republicans use the same tactics when they have the upper hand.

Is Obamacare a success or failure?

It's too soon to tell, really, but it is true that most of the "failure" stories told on right-wing media turn out to be completely false.

When will Obama stop delaying and make the decision on Afghanistan?

The media continues to ignore or defend Obama's indecision and also twist facts to make the health care program in congress look good. In reality both incidents are bad for the country and the Obama inability to handle our problems becomes more noticeable daily. Will He ever uderstand his actions are encouraging the enemies of this country or does he just not care?

Why are so many people against Obamacare?

I would like to understand why so many people are against Obamacare. I am guessing Obamacare could help sick people or other people with no ways to pay for health cares. So why do they wanna delay it for a year? Why not give the opportunity to everyone to have better care.
This is not a pro Obama question, I just want to understand. I'm from Europe

Ramadaan: Barack Obama has delyed the closing down of Guantanamo Bay...?

How are you sister? It doesn't matter whether he closes Guantanamo Bay or not, the point is those "suspected terrorist" most of them have yet to be proved that they were even involved in any activity...9/11 was Bush government biggest stunt for the you really think that it could have been done without Bush government getting involved in it? Anyways, to answer your question those who are in Guantanomo Bay, to them it doesn't matter because they will be still in prison, no matter where it is and I bet several of them are one of those Afghan boy who was arrested in 2002 when he was only 13 and now he is finally free because they couldn't prove a thing about him...May Allah help all of us and unite all Muslims...Ameen
I hope I helped